
IMDb member since November 2020
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Monica O My Darling

I've seen many reviews when the movie came out and thought maybe I'll watch it. Now as it died down i totally remembered in a whim and without any expectations i went into this. And my God was this a ride. There's dark comedy mixed with mystery and crime being it's main plot. Each characters has been brilliantly shown through the first half. The first 5 minutes of the movie just introduces them and you feel like you have an idea pf their personalities. Then the shock factor comes one after another.

The twists and turns throughout the movie, with the most phenomenal background score and album, from underrated musicians and production team will take you on a ride of your lifetime.

The retro 70s 80s theme is so brilliantly mixed with the modern life it feels like a Bollywood spectacle mashed with real life.

The leads Rajkumar rao and Huma Qureshi was amazing in their roles. It's just her death was very sudden which made the story go a tad downward. Then the first antagonist had weak dialogues and delivery for his monologue. But the actual twist and radhika apte's character made it so much better at the end. The engagement of the plot got stirred again. Her performance was the best even when she had little screentime. She seemed like she had the most fun on this role.

This kind of movie is the result of giving freedom to the creators and actors to help them flourish. They definitely kept good bits going throughout the movie with awesome background scores and songs. The ending felt a little quick. What i took away was falling in love with old movies and music. This truly is a breath of fresh air something missing in Bollywood.


Skip this one.
I've been intrigued to see this movie when i saw a review for this. Then got to watch it and it was just a headache. Like the protagonist has forgotten himself cliche mixed with bad actors and nudity and overused VFX since the first minute. That just shows you how low quality is the script. The director really just wanted 2hours and 14 minutes of just fighting nonstop.

There's a virus and to stop it a doctor and a girl is required. North and South korea issues are unknown to me. There's CIA involved for some reason. The protagonist Carter just fights for atleast 8 to 9 hours and he's not exhausted nor he's hungry. He's capable of millitary combat skills, parkour, shooting precision, speaking English language like AI etc. He does everything but at the end we see his family was captured for real and he willingly went to find the doctor by erasing memory. And yes he also cares more for the doctors daughter then his own daughter dying from virus.

Really not worth wasting your lifetime. I'd say skip it.


Quite an unpredictable storyline. Im usually good at picking up what'll happen next but always love to see something unpredictable. The storyline isn't new or unbelievable for South Asians. But the performances from the female leads nushrat and mita ji is phenomenal and gripping. The first half was very mysterious and i was all for it. I loved the casting the both men were crime patrol actors and mita ji the villain of star plus popular series kahani ghar ghar ki. She's not aging at all and in the zone for the villain role.

Cons here would be unnecessary jump scares and overdone background music like evil dead movies. And few places were unnecessarily rushed and the climax felt limp considering the depth of the core of the movie.

But a great attempt to make horror movie in 2+ hr runtime with few cast and locations. Great performances and story so it's highly recommended.

Honor Society

Watched it for angourie rice
It's a highschool drama with a mix of Deadpool like 4th wall break and touch of mean girls. The premise and storyline is very well done. Not for super macho men to watch, the movie is lead by angourie who's a very underrated performer. I've been a fan since Spiderman franchise and wanted to see more of her. So a movie with her in lead role is a must watch for me. The start showed she's an independent manipulative and evil character because she wants a better life for herself. But later she becomes selfless and sacrificing person. The performances by supporting roles were awesome. They did well. The song at the end was also phenomenal i just wish they didn't cut it out.

Ms. Marvel

Better than green lantern.
I'm loving the show with each episodes. First episode was great and the second one is also quite good. Im surprised they actually represented the whole racial and cultural narratives very precisely. The performances and the cgi with each shot was awesome. Someone wrote Scott pilgrim ish and I'd agree if they were doing quick cuts. But the visuals and each frame being worked on is unique to see. The modern teenage drama with a main character with different cultural background is quite an unique story. And Iman as the lead is perfect for the role. Im shocked it's her first acting role because she's so good in her performance. The supporting cast is also quite great the family and friends.but quite unrealistic behavior from parents sometimes. South Asian parents don't dress with face paint to spend time with their children. They honestly couldn't care less about their interests believe me I've experienced it. But overall an amazing series with lot of misogynistic haters and loving fans.


GREAT movie
Quite interesting and confusing throughout the film. The whole setup is 70s and 80s while there's flip phones. Now i love Bellas acting capabilities She's definitely very talented and beautiful girl. The whole movie was gonna question you and jumble up your brain. Like maddie is a devoted Jesus lover but not much of a christian. The first part of the film was comedic while middle part had a rock bottom moment and then it went action packed with a so so ending but amazing Performance from bella and Paris's first movie i think. She's also quite beautiful. Quite cult classic feel to it. Loved it wasn't really like tenet or something which was snooze fest.

Killer Cheer Mom

It's decent
I Don't understand why people are comparing this to theatre level movies. These TV films have low budget and strict runtime. There's a lot going on here because people expect more from these movies of this genre since they're used to box office film productions. Denise is a legend who was always sexualized by Hollywood and had some controversy. But you can't deny her acting chops She's definitely at her best. Other than that the others did great Riley Chloe and the black girl who has the first dialogue in the movie she was really natural actress. Others were just too much like the father was a bit overacting and sometimes good the cooper guy was okay little old looking shawn mendes guy. Overall I'd say i expected more from the climax bud they had less cast so they did whatever they could with what they had. It was decent watch.

Basmati Blues

Terrible plot progression but beautiful visuals and amazing performance.
Quite a journey I'd say the movie is. It's rare that Hollywood creators make movies in bollywood or india especially. These movies always highlight the beauty of the country because the director defines fell for the nature and decided to film. The story is extremely rushed. Linda comeds to India and guy falls in love with her so easily. Then the tour guide rich boy also falls for her but he isn't very expressive like Ranjit. And the whole fiasco about rice just really takes out the romantic parts of the film. The songs are obviously amazing Brie is just perfection all around but the lead actor is bad at singing some songs uses autotune later and It's not appealing. The patel guy is great tho he's a good singer. The first half is great middle half is blring final half is also great and quite interesting ending. The actors did well the English needs work for supporting cast overall not so bad if you ignore rushed plot.

Marlon Wayans: You Know What It Is

Im just appalled the amount of negative reviews from people who watched this for 15 mins
If you're really going to give a review then you should watch it fully. Because It's stupid to say oh It's not good and i watched it for 15 minute and turned it off. Like seriously? Well to heck with those people who thinks they're critics with high calibre with zero patience. I found it quite funny like some materials were really good. I understand this doesn't work with overly conservative snowflake generation today. The material and formula he still uses is something people loved about scary movie and all the crazy films they did. It's not gonna be seen from any other comedian believe me.

Now the jokes are very relatable to some people but it's not for everyone so it doesn't mean it's bad. It means it's subjective humor. I mean i was doubting to see this because of this offended suburb family reviews here like is it worth it. So i said who cares im going for it. And it was hilarious i was really wheezing at the 4 yo son spanking and him not being able to understand words and meaning. He spoke about many deep subjects afterwards which is so rare for stand up. It's just basically train of jokes i used to think but now im quite amazed by the whole funny then deep then funny and the continuation of the jokes too about you know what it is. Definitely a dead crowd in a good comedy special. If people Don't appreciate you when you're alive they sure gonna cry at your funeral.


Quite awesome.
A really great movie created in my country and im happy to see that. Only thing i missed was that Chris Hemsworth came here to shoot the film without knowledge of many MCU fans in Bangladesh. Like people really love the avengers series here the ticket line for Infinity war screening was so long that the people from the 7th floor of the shopping mall came to the streets with no interruptions. So imagine if they knew thor was here back in 2018 they'd be crazy.

Love the action scenes also the talented cast like randeep hooda and pankaj tripathi. Amazing performance from others as well except the villain was too lazy and young to portray a powerful drug lord of this country. Plot wasn't much but awesome action sequence.

The Babysitter

Mind blown like Bella thorne at the end.
Wow i didn't expected this at all. Like the beginning is happy and so fun then they're going to give you a shock which will grab a hold of you and Won't let go. I mean where to start samara weaving does these peculiar thrillers and slasher horrors im now getting into lately. She's so beautiful and drew me in with her acting in ready or not now i thought about seeing this one and boy It's definitely worth it. It's got all the elements of ready or not movie and more. The chemistry between the leads are just flawless and she's such a natural actress. The overall storyline is just all over the place at the end it's just funny and so scxary too you'll be at the edge of your seat and laugh to ease things off. The acting level is also just top notch this movie is very very underrated. I dont understand people not appreciating good movies. I mean terrible depressing movies gets oscars while gems are not even noticed. I've seen many movies so i know what a good execution and direction is. Big movies can't even do what these actors did i can only tell you that. Just please for once give it a try it's amazing.

Vietnam: Fast Forward

Unnecessary agenda spreading documentary.
It was completely out of the blue unnecessary tale of some country which doesn't deserve to be in the map. The real truth is that the country is full of teenage hackers who are spreading misinformation and stealing data from other countries. I've been a victim of those children. Its unbelievable that a government like that is hiring child hackers to take over virtually is not mentioned in this documentary. The truth isn't even present just pushing their agendas in the world. Wouldn't recommend this at all complete brainwash and waste of time.

Who Am I Now?

Pretty amazing
Quite a lovely movie and a treat to watch. Different and engaging storyline. The complicated and tension between lead characters will keep you on the edge if your seat. Very very vivid picture of today's society.


A thrilling experience
Just watched because of the poster and all girls cast movie with an interesting story. Wow i was surprised how thrilling and suspenseful it was. They didn't overdo it with the extra horror or unnecessary elements like other movies. Even the main characters interaction was good and quite fabulous acting from them. They did very well with limited number of people and location. It's definitely not easy to go for it like that. The romantic relationship between Camille and helina was also working well. Like there's always out of the blue gay romance to most movies but they built up their relationship quite well.

Great movie not disappointing and well done.

Ready or Not

One of the best underrated gems
First of all the whole idea and plot is so original It's just phenomenal to see the premise and the cinematography bonded well. The thrilling plot and engaging story doesn't lets your eyes off the screen. The quirky yet extremely bold lead played by Samara weaving is just more than perfect. She embodied the character and the emotions in each frame she has been outstanding. The dialogue delivery from start to end she has exceeded her expectations. Even the other characters like Daniel and Becky the mother has done amazing. Each cast has played their role very well.

The story is unpredictable and very thrilling. Quite a treat for cinema lovers due to beautiful color grading and sound mixing Per frame. The genuine beauty of this film lies on the characters and their mixture in the story. Exciting and gorgeous movie i definitely recommend to watch.

Black Widow

Good action scenes and acting performance
Things marvel lacks is good solo movies and this movie fulfilled that. Quite a side stoey premise shows much information and backstory of a very important character in the avengers franchise. People just couldn't take a female lead and movie with female roles. Reviews shows patriarchy at its finest.

Great CGI and great plot definitely worth a Watch. The best part of the movie is the acting performance of the main cast. They did great overall. Quite interesting new characters and powerful one's too. Shows the vast potential of the comics. Overall recommended to everyone.


Great actors bad plot
They tries to make this film a biopic but fails miserably since it doesn't hold many parts of truth and real life events. Great casting i bet the production took most of the budget. Talented actors in main roles just failed to hold the weak storyline.

I'd say i wasn't totally disappointed by some scenes but overall not recommended.

Wish Dragon

Underrated and not promoted
This was the most underrated and unpromoted movie this year so far. The animation quality and visuals are very very good compared to disney movies from 2018 and 19. But wasn't promoted in the US and Netflix at all. Like is it a form of racism or what?

I love the movie with such an awesome message and focus on the beauty of friendship and family. The beautiful depiction of childhood friendship and hardship of a poor family. It sums up the Asian lifestyle pretty well. The movie also focuses on the beauty of community and love in-between them even the jokes about neighbors being nosy was hilarious.

The animation and visuals were the best I've seen in a while. The quick frames and movement of objects are astonishing and quite amazing. I love the visually pleasing bits like smoke and sparkles glittery glows at different times. The quality is top notch.

Overall a beautiful film with wonderful story and character development. As i mentioned extremely underrated. Never expected this movie to turn out so well. Must watch for sure.

I Am All Girls

Such a powerful storyline
From the trailers i thought it was the white women who saves the girls from capture but trailer didn't do it justice. The weight of the story and situations there are beyond the trailers. So powerful the victim turned vengeance killer who kills for the betterment. I hope there's a sequel i want to see the rich sheikh get what they deserved. It's scary and such a dark world makes me wanna cry.

Tokyo Ghoul

There's great moments here and there as well as weak bits. I wouldn't hold on to the weak parts and sudden plot changes in-between and the unclear ending of what happened to the others in the war between CCG and ghoul. That part should've been showed. I even don't know why rez and Jason were enemies. They did their best with just 12 episodes. They're hardworking underpaid industry so i respect them. But only thing I am going to mention is people who never grasped the real truth of this anime with real life. We're living in a world is either you eat or be eaten and the ones with power can survive. People are selfish some uses others for needs some for fun just like ghouls kill people. The extraordinary power moments with gorgeous fight scenes were pretty good. Overall not really boring quite engaging story. I highly recommend it.

My Name Is Ada Hegerberg

Beautiful documentary
Quite informative and insightful. Never heard of her before just shows my ignorance about female footballers. The documentary shows the struggles she had to go through to become one of the best at 23 years old. Even though she didn't say all of them the part when she shows her scars in the treatment scene even when she says that a bone was outside the skin. Shows that she's not focusing on the awards, the pains, the struggles, the sexism. Those obstacles isn't going to stop her from reaching her full potential. It's very motivating i recommend this for everyone.

White Chicks

Definitely worth the watch
Great chemistry between the cast and funny comedy bits here and there. Quite entertaining and fun. Definitely recommend to others. People should actually know now the movie is iconic as heck.

The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It

Best movie this year?
The first movie changed the genre of horror. Then came spin-off anabelle series then they have the nun they can make sequels of. But the conjuring series always hits different.

This year the pandemic had closed many theatres and everything got digital. The movie of this caliber in the phones just felt underwhelming because it deserves to be be on the biggest screen. The movie had one of. Best cinematography and VFX in the entire franchise. It's much more of a Cinema than some jump scare and make up prosthetics. The story progression with flashbacks of past within the present of two families were beautifully shown throughout the film. The sound mixing and each cuts felt like "i want more" and " oh what's gonna happen next". It's definitely not a horror film it's a horror masterpiece.

Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir

Didn't thought a 22 year old guy would be crazy about a kids show.
First of all it's definitely not a kids show. The storyline and characters are very much suitable for teenage audiences. When i first watched 2 and 3 of episodes i was thinking okay the animation is great and eye catching. The characters are lovable and the women empowerment in the show is evident and amazing. But after watching the whole season i can't have enough of this. It's so good every bits and pieces together. The episodes are repetitive but you stay for the character development moments here and there. The dubbing versions in multiple languages doesn't take away the magic that's present in the show. It's overwhelming sometimes and i think it's one of the best shows that exists in this present time.

Palm Springs

Quite unexpectedly awesome.
One of the most unconventional storylines ever to be shown here. Quite tricky and funny at the same time. Didn't knew about Andy samburg before this movie but now iam a fan. Really good to watch. I just didn't understand the role of JK Simmons though he's villain and not villain at the same time?

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