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Halloween Kills

Evil Dies Tonight? Evil Never Dies!
Halloween Kills lives up to the hype. The soundtrack pays homage to the original. The story was interesting but some of the dialogue felt forced. This may be the angriest version of Michael Myers we have seen. The kills were brutal and different. It was definitely better than Halloween 2018. If you want to see a savage Michael Myers go watch Halloween Kills!

Rush Week

Edge of the Rush Week
It's better than Edge of the Axe. Both killers wear robes and a white mask. The main characters message each other through a computer. They're essentially the same movie but Rush Week has better kills.


For fans of low budget cheesy sleezy action films
This movie is not a masterpiece but it is an unintentionally hilariously bad action film. It can drag on at times but the acting is pretty bad so it will keep you entertained until the end credits. If you like sleezy cheese and funny bad movies then watch Shotgun!

Manos: The Hands of Fate

This is not the worst movie ever made.
I don't know what all the hype is about. If people think this is the absolute worst film in exist then they have not seen Things (1989).

Fatal Pulse

Cheesy but creepy slasher comedy!
This movie does NOT take itself seriously. It's a slasher comedy about sorority girls that get killed by a psycho. One by one the coeds end up murdered. They intentionally add sound effects and act silly. If you have seen Evil Laugh or Student Bodies then you will most likely enjoy this film. It's creepy at times and is a decent slasher that makes you laugh! I rated it higher than other reviewers because they take movies like this too seriously. Watch Fatal Pulse if you like cheesy horror comedies with cool death scenes, a creepy killer, and suspenseful music!


Cheesy, bad, but funny slasher film!
The acting and editing is horrible but it makes this low budget slasher hilarious! If you don't take this movie seriously you'll have a few good laughs. It feels like a rip off of Scream if Randy was the killer. Not to mention the killers voice sounds like Jigsaw. If you like cheesy slashers then I recommend watching this one because it's so bad it's good.

Shock 'Em Dead

Trick or Treat meets Marty from Slaughter High!
I didn't know what to expect when I watched this for the first time on VHS last night. It has a good story, great soundtrack, funny and crazy scenes. Overall it's a solid horror film. Martin reminded me of Marty from Slaughter High. He always gets picked on until he gets fed up and seeks revenge. This movie deserves a proper Blu-ray release. If you haven't seen it check it out!


Bizarre low budget horror obscenity
I thought this movie would be about a psychotic killer that stalks a women through phone calls. I didn't expect the killer to pursue the woman and stalk her at the same time! This is a very strange but oddly entertaining horror film. It doesn't always make sense but it does enough to keep you interested. I give it a 6/10 for being a weird low budget flick!


Nothing happens for most of the film
You have to wait 40 minutes until something interesting happens. There's a kill in the beginning of the movie then they walk, talk, dig, and camp. There's eerie music that plays constantly to make up for the lack of plot/story. Only 2 people get scalped then the movie ends after waiting an hour and a half. Don't listen to what the other reviewers are saying. There's nothing exciting or special about this snooze fest.

Cutting Moments

The Nightmare That Never Ends
Cutting Moments is slow paced but eerie. There's a long constant dreadful feeling that never ends. Each story is depressing and makes you feel awful. There is no happiness in this film whatsoever. With all of that being said it is one of the best short films that accomplishes what it's meant to do. It makes you feel hopeless and terrible. Therefore making it a dark disturbing masterpiece of shock cinema.

The Night Divides the Day

Nothing happens
I thought this would be a cool unknown slasher boy was I wrong. The entire movie they're talking around a camp fire. They each wander off and get killed. By the time anything happens you're too bored to care. This movie was disappointing to say the least. You're constantly waiting for something to happen that's interesting or entertaining and it never does.


Dark and Disturbing
I bought the VHS tape of Sinyster on eBay and it has to be one of the best SOV slashers hands down. The entire movie is very eerie and has a long dreadful feeling. The atmosphere and soundtrack is creepy and intense. This is a very good SOV flick that I would recommend to anyone that likes low budget horror films!

Death Dancers

Weird trippy erotic thriller
This movie is just plain bad and weird it's also boring! The main character has issues with men abusing her so instead of getting help she kills other men. The movie feels like a BDSM exploit and it's bizarre!

The American Scream

Weird movie
It's a decent film but it's definitely a weird one. The story is strange and doesn't make much sense. If you like movies that are random and obscure then this is one of them.


Probably the most unwatchable film in existence.
Watch it for yourself and you'll see. It was hard to watch by myself and even harder with friends and family.

Black Devil Doll from Hell

Painful to watch
I thought this would be a good bad movie but it's just straight up awful. I was able to watch the entire movie but felt weird for the rest of the day.

I Was a Teenage TV Terrorist

Funny and true
I watched is on VHS and I'm surprised it was never released on DVD. It has a good story that shows you what the media business is like. The antogonists are put under pressure to be somebody. When things go south they terrorize and rebel against their place of employment holding them hostage. Overall it's a funny movie worth watching!

The Invisible Maniac

Good cheesy fun
This movie reminds me of The Toxic Avenger and Doom Asylum! It's a hilarious horror comedy that's not meant to be taken hilariously. If you appreciate good bad movies then this is the movie for you!

The Invisible Man

Timeless classic from the past
I remember watching this for the first time and being amused at how well the effects were for a movie from the 1930s. The story is an absolute classic about a madman scientist that experiments with chemicals and makes himself invisible. His own greed and corruption causes him to killing innocent people. Inevitably leading to his death by police. I recommend this film to anyone that enjoys old cinema and well written stories.

Fatal Games

80s Slasher Cheese
Fatal Games is a fun and watchable slasher! The kills are decent, the atmosphere is creepy, and the dark synth will grab your attention! I recommend this film to anyone that appreciates the simplicity of slasher cinema.


Enjoyable slasher from the post slasher era
The start of the movie sets the tone for the rest of the film. The lines are cheesy but funny. The acting is what you would expect from an early 2000s film. Overall it's a fun/cheesy slasher with some pretty gruesome kills!


Decent zombie flick with a depressing ending
The entire movie was unpredictable to me. I expected most of the cast to survive but I was wrong. The kills were well done considering the budget! It can be cheesy at times but overall it's an entertaining zombie film.

Mil gritos tiene la noche

Memorable slasher film
You won't forget Pieces after watching it. The kills are over the top and gory. The acting is decent the soundtrack is good. It also takes place in Boston which isn't too far from me so it's a particularly favorite slasher of mine. All I can say is watch it and hope you aren't left in pieces by the end!

Zombie Rampage

Funny zombie flick
It's low budget but worth a watch I thought it was a decent zombie film with a good soundtrack.

Mutant Hunt

Good sci-fi thriller
If you're interested in low budget sci-fi's then this is the perfect film for you. It may not be the best film but it still has its moments! If you're a sucker for cheesy flicks and cheap thrills than Mutant Hunt will deliver!

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