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Fighting Back

charming B film
Jean Rogers, never became a big star, but was always delightful Ditto Paul Langton as her husband. The kid and the dog are adorable. An unusual plot about a dog who was a thief but with no bad intentions; Short and charming. Could have been a bit longer. One hour is not enough time to tell this story about a soldier coming home after the war to his family and their simple life made complicated by their dog. I do not know if the dog did other movies but should have. The boy never became a child star but had a long career. Jean Rogers was lovely and I love her speaking voice. She never got the breaks she deserved and is totally forgotten today.

Paris - When It Sizzles

the worst movie they ever made
Horrible movie Miss Hepburn looked ridiculous in her Givenchy clothes playing a secretary. Holden who was a drunk in real life never stops drinking and its supposed to be charming. Tony Curtis in a cameo is ridiculous. There is no plot really and even Paris looks ridiculous. What a piece of garbage. The best part is 5 seconds of Marlene Dietrich showing off her gorgeous legs in a tiny cameo. Miss Hepburn's then husband Mel Ferrer also has a speechless cameo. He would have been better off staying out of it. Their is no direction of any kind, nothing funny or even amusing. Miss Hepburn's wide eyed look of surprise can be charming but here she never stops.


entertaining and good scenery
I had the tiny role of the American looking for the NEgresco hotel. I had a very nice day shooting this scene on the seafront of Nice where I live. Miss Olga K and the other cast members were very nice and so was the crew who treated me well considering my role was so small. We see these sentinels every day all over Nice and especially in the old town where I live and so this is a story about one of them and the revenge she had to take. It was a very violent movie for sure and I am not a fan of violent movies to tell the truth; but I was happy to participate in my small way to this movie.

Scènes de ménages: Cap sur la Riviera!

A great experience for me
I had the great pleasure of being in this episode in a small part as an American tourist with wife in a beach front restaurant trying in English to order a meal with the young couple who do no speak English and I no French. It was mostly ad lib and great fun to do. The cast and the director and the crew were very nice to me and the lady who played my partner. We shot it on the beach here in the South of France. I do not usually watch this show which has been running for years but I was happy to see this longer prime time episode.

Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

I had the honor of having a small role in this movie as an American tourist. The story is very dark and in the end very sad. The acting is wonderful by every one of the principal players and Marseilles is also part of the story. The lead actress won for best actress this summer at the Venice Film Festival and it is well merited. The direction is excellent as well. There is not any humour or "comic relief" throughout the whole movie but I think that a bit of laughter or comedy would not have been appropriate. I had a wonderful day shooing my short scene and was happy to work briefly with one of the principal players who played the chauffeur.

The Other Side of the Wind

uncanny and historic
Not a great film but a remarkable achievement to recreate a film from 40 years ago that was never totally finished. AND the cast of mostly dead famous actors and intellects of the era is fantastic. First of it we have to mention John Huston, playing a combination of himself and Mr Welles himself. AND I cannot say how much i loved seeing the Beautiful and charming and vastly underrated late Miss LILLI PALMER looking radiant and gorgeous as she always was. And throw in the likes of Edmond O'Brien, Mercedes McCambridge, Cameron Mitchell and more, all gone now and already for many years but BACK again in a new movie????? Peter Bogdonovich whose own famous director film career has seen better days is still very good playing himself more or less and he is just about the only major player still with us So worth seeing for all of them, especially Miss Palmer.

Le rendez-vous de minuit

Hello. DOes anybody have a copy. I have been looking for this film for years and it is nowhere to be found. I am a huge fan of Miss Lilli Palmer and I have never seen this one. I would greatly appreciate your help in finding it. THANK YOU

No Time for Flowers

viva Vivica
I love Miss Viveca Lindfors but this movie is a poor substitute for Ninotchka with Garbo or Comrade X with Hedy Lamarr..or the musical version of the Garbo movie called Silk Stockings with Cyd Charisse. About a beautiful woman behind the iron curtain being corrupted by western influences like silk stockings, good coffee and champagne. The only advantage of this movie is that is was shot in Occupied Vienna a few years after the war and not in Hollywood like the others so the location adds something. The leading man is Swiss Actor Paul Hubschmidt who in American movies went by the name of Paul Christian. Viveca is perfectly cast and Mr Christian is a very good actor and very good-looking who had a much better career in Europe than he did in American movies which wasted him. There is a good cast of Austrian actors and a few laughs but it is not very original. Only for fans of Miss LIndfors of which I am one


Nice the city is the star
Yes the city of Nice where the director actress was born is the star of this movie. It was fun for me because I saw a handful of people I know who do extra work like I do in French films and TV shot in the region here of Nice and beyond. I Was supposed to be an extra but the day before I was to work I was cut out due to budget cuts I believe so I was very disappointed. IN the end the scene I was supposed to be in was very short anyhow. IN the end the movie is frankly not very funny. Good cast, especially French 60s star Francoise Fabien but the laughs are few and the story is banal. I was hoping to enjoy it but the only thing I did enjoy was all the wonderful Nice locations and seeing people I know. Helas it was not a success and lasted maybe a week in the cinema here in Nice.

Storia di una donna

I saw this movie on TV years ago and I have been looking for it for years. It made me a huge fan of Bibi Andersson and I was impressed with a supporting performance of the famous French Actress Annie Giradot who does not do normally English speaking movies. I was less impressed with the two leading men, Mr Robert Stack and Mr James Farentino. Does ANYBODY know where I can find this lost movie?

People Like Us

a great mini series based on a popular book
I love this miniseries starting with the theme music and the cast. A glamorous cast and several very good subplots that involve murder, infidelity, high society, religious fanaticism, homosexual love, AIDS, snobbery and friendship all rolled into one four hour two parter. Ben Gazzara, Connie Selllica in her best ever role and Award winner for her role Eva Marie Saint as a horrible socialite that the audience will love to hate as I did are all excellent. I have not read the book and I assume that not everything in the book is covered here but that is what happens when books are made into movies, dealing with the time element that a movie has. The setting, New York's upper crust society is very well represented as is the snobbism that is a result of such a social scene. I believe that many of the characters including Ben Gazzara's writer are based on real life characters including the novelist Dominque Dunne who is himself part of the Jet set. I also believe that the film actress played by TV actress Ruta Lee is based on Elizabeth Taylor who became a major figure in the AIDS battle as does the actress in this story. I have to mention the lovely and wonderful Jean Simmons in a small but important role who adds her glamorous name and class to the proceedings and is a throwback to the Golden Age of Cinema from whence she come. Eva Marie Saint is a standout.

Rock'n Roll

A look at the French film industry from an insider
I had the good fortune of having a tiny speaking part in this movie, a first for me. The Director and Star of the movie, Mr Guillaume Canet, is a charming and very gracious person and made us all feel comfortable and welcome. The movie is about an actor who fears he is no longer at his peak at only the age of about 43 and all the drastic measures he takes to recreate himself in a younger image. I think all people at a certain age can relate to this, but especially film actors. His cast is made up of several famous French actors and actresses playing themselves, including the director's real life partner Marion Cottilard. This is a comedy and there are some really funny moments but it is also full of pathos as you see the man go through near hell to try to become physically younger and ruin his looks and nearly ruin his marriage. Great performance from Mr Canet who co-wrote the script. And he surrounded himself with actor friends and even a few family members to make the film even more personal. it was a marvelous experience for me and i think the film is a great way to spend 2 hours and enjoy seeing the inside of the French cinema world.

The Diary of Anne Frank

EXCELLENT LOST masterpiece
I too would Love to find this. I saw it on TV when it aired and was dazzled. THe cast is fantastic and probably better than the original. It features THREE of my favorites, Lilli Palmer, Viveca LIndfors and Max Von Sydow and several others that I like VERY much... THe Musical score is excellent and very sad. I cannot criticize the original late 1950s version but this one is just as good and perhaps as has been noted in other reviews even better. Helas it has been done again and again including another version with Joan Plowright and Maximilien Schell which I am sure was also good though I have not seen it. I wonder if somehow this 1967 version has been purposely lost or yanked out of sight to preserve the importance of the original Oscar winning version from George Stevens. In any case I would so love to be able to find it. UPDATE NOVEMBER 2022 I HAVE FOUND IT ANYBODY INTERESTED IN GETTING IT LET ME KNOW............ its WONDERFUL as I REMEMBERED IT.

Les gorilles

I was an extra for three days
IN January 2014 I was an extra for three days in Cannes, France for this film. We were about 200 persons, all dressed up in tuxedos and gowns for a fictional concert in the Palais des Festivals in Cannes, where the legendary Cannes Film Festival takes place. We even got to walk up the red carpet to the top of the stars for this fictional event in the movie. The plot revolves around a female Pop singer who is threatened and two security guards who are assigned to protect her. THe film was originally called 36 HEURES A VIVRE, "36 HOURS TO LIVE" but was released as LES GORILLES, " THE GORILLAS" referring I suppose to the security guards. THe star is a French Rap singer named Joey Starr. It was released just about a month ago but it came and went so fast from the cinemas here in France that I did not even get a chance to see it... Bad reviews for the film. It was a good experience for me though to work as an extra for three days in such a glamorous setting, in and outside the Festival Palace. I did not see it so I cannot really judge


Noel Coward's HAY FEVER in German for TV
This production was done for German TV in 1980 as a showcase for the international star Lilli Palmer who was stunning. The rest of the cast may be known to German audiences but as I am not German not to me personally. But I know the play and this production keeps the period setting and costumes to perfection. Miss Palmer plays a stage Actress surrounded by her son and daughter and Husband in their country home. It is the weekend and they have four house guests who are bewildered and comically abused by the eccentric family who has invited them. It is a classic Noel Coward company from the 1920s often revived in London and New York and this is a worthy adoption though you have to understand German to fully appreciate it. But Miss Palmer in beautiful costumes makes it worth the visit even if you do not understand the German language and all the more so since she was a close friend of the then already late Mr Noel Coward.


It's now available on DVD
No I have not seen it yet but I have been looking for it for years. This 1962 French feature stars my favorite actress Miss Lilli Palmer and Louis Jourdan in their second film, the first being NO MINOR VICES in the late 1940s in Hollywood also starring Dana Andrews. Dark Journey, as Leviathan is called in English, also features several top French film actors of the period including George Wilson, Madeleine Robinson and a young Marie La Foret who also became a popular singer and still alive. For some reason this movie has been out of circulation for years and never released on a cassette or on DVD before now.. I believe it has not shown on French T.V. either for years. Miss Palmer was an international star, working in French, English and German and on the stage and television as well for some 50 years. An underrated actress and beauty, one of the screen's most cultivated, intelligent and charming ladies; She had a son with one time husband Rex Harrison, Carey. He lives in New York and is a friend of mine. I will review the movie again here once the DVD comes out.. This is just to let you know it is now available.

Lady in a Jam

Any Irene Dunne is better than none
This is not one of her better or better known films and Patrick Knowles, handsome Brit, is not quite up to her stature as a big movie star but she IS charming as usual and there are a few laughs and Ralph Bellamy in support is also a welcome player, as is Eugene Palette. Irene is doing here a screwball comedy in which she excelled but the script is not up to her usual comedies, including THE AWFUL TRUTH and MY FAVORITE WIFE. Still if you are an Irene fan, its worth a visit for an hour and a half. Miss Dunne was at RKO and then went to Universal...This was at Universal and she would soon go over to MGM and make some of the best films of her career. She is beautiful as always.

L'homme qu'on aimait trop

A good show
I was an extra in this film, a one day shoot on the beach near CAnnes and I show up for one or two seconds in a scene about 1 hour and 20 minutes into the film on the beach with the two young lead walking by and me in my swim trunks standing by the edge of the sea. OK Not much but fun to see. I enjoyed the film mostly because it was shot here in the South of France where I live and they went to great pains to make it look authentic from the 1970s when most of it takes place and its beautifully photographed. Good performances from the three leads and a true story that is still unsolved. Did this man kill this girl or not? We still do not know for sure. Miss Deneuve ages to the end of the film and I do not recall ever seeing her let herself go like that in films. I spoke briefly to Guillaume Canet on the set that day and he was very nice and approachable. A memorable experience and in the end a good film too

How Do I Love Thee?

unusual romantic comedy
rather strange but not without its merits. A comedy about religion and with Maureen O'Hara and Shelley Winters in the same film... but sadly no scenes together.. Jackie Gleason is the leading man and a odd choice of a husband for the beauteous Miss O'Hara. Rosemary Forsyth is the third lady in the cast, and a gorgeous lady in her own rite... Hard to really describe this movie cause it is rather unusual about a woman who fears for the mortal soul of her husband...It is worth a look if you can find it. NOt out on DVD and flopped at the box office upon release but as I am a big fan of Miss O'Hara I would see her read a phone book. It is one of her last feature films. I read somewhere that Gleason wanted Ava Gardner and Lana Turner for the two female lead roles; That would have been interesting too.. Check it out if you can find it.

Peter the Great

THe last of Miss Lilli Palmer
Nobody mentioned in their reviews that the wonderful Lilli Palmer played Natalia, the mother of Peter the Great, which gave her a golden globe nomination for best support, though she died before the TV miniseries aired on TV... Yes this was her last performance after a Forty year career in films TV and theater around the world.. She is terrific and her last scene, her death scene, is particularly poignant.. There has been criticism that the miniseries is not historically correct. OK but its a miniseries, not a serious documentary and so poetic justice is expected and acceptable. They did get the idea of who Peter was and what he did for Russia and that is what is most important. A wonderful cast in this lavish production and a marvelous chance to see the still beautiful Miss Palmer in her last role, even though she was already apparently dying of cancer and quite ill during the shoot. IT is a shame she did not live to see her nomination, which she lost.

The Gold Diggers

Julie Christie in Black and White Art film
This is a black and white curiosity piece, an early work from Sally Potter and featuring the wonderful Julie Christie, working no doubt for next to nothing as there doesn't appear to be a budget to speak of. Visually stunning and interesting score but hard to understand what is exactly going on. There is relatively little dialog and some narration, neither of which makes any sense at least to me. Still anything with the luminous Miss Julie Christie is worth a look and the striking cinematography is very compelling. Filmed in England I suppose but some of the snowy outdoor shots look more like they might have been shot in Iceland but I do not know. I cannot highly recommend this film unless you are a Christie fan which I am or you like artsy films that may or may not have a hidden signification.

Wie ein Sturmwind

A German modern version of ANNA KARININA
Lilli Palmer, my favorite actress, does a modern version in German and in Germany of this Tolstoi classic, with all the trimmings. I do not speak German and have not found a version with sub titles but it is visually stunning and appears to follow the original story fairly closely but with modern touches since it takes place in the middle 1950s when the film was made.. her co-star is Ivan Desny who made several international films but more well known in Europe, especially France and Germany. As I did not follow the dialog at all she is married to a very rich older man and they have a young son that she adores, but she falls in love with a younger man closer to her own age and so the story goes like in the original. Lilli Palmer would have been perfect in the real ANNA KARININA but it was already done many times most famously with Garbo and Vivien Leigh and more, including a Masterpiece theater version and one for TV with Jacqueline Bisset. Miss Palmer is stunning as usual and it's well done.


I was an extra in the airport scene
You can see me walking behind her for a few seconds in around 22 minutes or so from the beginning and a few other shots of me from behind... she was actually very nice but well she was drinking and her language was a bit "rough" but lovely to see... I did hear her talk about her ending relationship with Mr Burton because they placed me in the airplane sequence in the row of seats in front of her so I heard her conversations with Ian Bannen between takes. She even mentioned that she usually wore her wedding ring in all her films and disguised it with stones during shoots but her ring was bare at this time.... it was a great experience and I even got paid a free lunches for two weeks.. Film barely released in cinemas. A gigantic flopperou

Time Out of Mind

attempt at copying the Gainsborough films from England
This American attempt to copy the style and contents of those British Gainsborough period pieces starring the likes of James Mason, Stewart Granger, Margaret Lockwood and Phyllis Calvert among others.. Only this time the coast of Maine is standing in for Cornwall, beautiful and wasted Ella Raines stands in for Margaret Lockwood, the not so memorable Robert Hutton is replacing either Mr Mason or Mr Granger and Phyllis Calvert is standing in for Phyllis Calvert in her first of only a few unsuccessful American movies. It's another period piece about a rich American family and a beloved servant who endears herself to them and the beautiful but nasty rich woman who marries into the family. The oxygen is supplied in support by the now forgotten stunning Miss Helena Carter of INVASION FROM MARS fame. She with her striking good looks and overly sophisticated voice adds a bit of nastiness and snobbery to the whole proceedings as that rich nasty woman. But the film just doesn't work.

Five Finger Exercise

NO that is NO Lana Wood as the daughter
A girl named Annette Gorman plays the daughter. Miss Wood has a tiny role of one of the two girls on the beach in a few insignificant scenes. Sadly most of the punch of the original play about an English family is left at as some of the other reviews imply. It is a strange mishmash to have a British father and an American mother as they keep trying to explain to us the audience. Shoulda stuck with the original British family but it was produced by the husband of Miss Russell and so she being very American they changed it to a great disadvantage to suit her. Still Miss Russell is a formidable talent and does everything she can to make it an Oscar winning performance in my opinion, that elusive statute that she never did win though two or three nominations. This was not one of them though.

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