
IMDb member since August 2020
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The Antisocial Network

"The Antisocial Network" not only captivates with its compelling narrative and artistic brilliance but also shines a spotlight on the unsung heroes of our society-the janitors. These individuals, often overlooked and underappreciated, carry out their duties with unwavering dedication, despite receiving no pay or bonuses for their efforts. Their silent contributions form the backbone of the story, underscoring the resilience and selflessness that define their character. Through their portrayal, the film pays homage to the countless janitors who toil tirelessly behind the scenes, embodying the spirit of service without expectation of reward. Their portrayal adds a layer of authenticity and depth to the narrative, serving as a poignant reminder of the quiet heroes who enrich our lives in ways we may never fully comprehend.

The Matrix Resurrections

This should have been the sequel to the first Matrix
Bloated, it's like ever since the Wachos became a hit with the first one everyone around them stopped questioning them, feels like they filmed the first draft of the script, and also refused to cut any scenes.

This is what happens when you surround yourself with 'yes man' people.

It's an interesting sequel to the first one, ignore the 2&3 and it's a weird little movie.

The fan service/flashback scenes are bad, should have been left out.

Neil Patrick Harris explaining the movie to you in the middle of a fight for ten minutes straight should have been avoided.

The New Zion scenes were so silly, Niobee looked funny in her make up.

Cut 45 minutes off, all the humor, give it a more serious tone like the first one had focusing on technology and human mental wellness and would be a great film.

Or at least could have filmed an animatrix script.

Best of the Worst

one word: HILARIOUS!
Plinketto board is my favorite, they're reviewing and watching all these movies that I thought only I've watched and probably the editor of the movie. What can one say about the series, breaking era in comedy for sure. Wish it lasts long, since there's an overabundance of bad movies out there, especially from the 80s. Godspeed

The Terminator

Best movie ever made
What can you about this movie that hasn't already been said. No need to spoil anything. It's THE movie, using every trick in the book of guerilla filmaking. Once it grabs you, it don't let go. James Cameron, Brad Fiedel , Stan Winston, Arnold, Michael, Linda, Lance all in top of their game. There's one thing and one thing only that no movie has ever managed to match when it comes to The Terminator. THE PACING, the pacing in this is just flawless. like a great roller coaster. One of a kinda, in the top five movies ever made, probably ranking #1. wish I could rate it higher.

Le notti del terrore

What a movie what a time
Found the English dubbed version that makes it even better. I don't want to get too much into it and ruin the plot for you, but there's definitely subversion of expectations. Let's talk about the star of the movie Pete Bark. He steals every scene he's in, you never know what the next zoom shot is gonna bring. The movie starts slowly making up a great atmosphere, and then all hell breaks loose.

This is a diamond in the rough, Italian sleaze cinema at its best!

The only con is that Peter Bark don't have more scenes, and needed more exposition. 10/10 from me, wish I could rate it higher.

Frankenstein Unbound

If you like schlock you're gonna love it.
Corman's masterpiece, uneven mood through out the movie, script all over the place, high production value compared to Corman's average. Special FX from the 70s early 80s. Computers that are huge boxes with flashing lights, sci-fi cars out of the 60s. John Hurt and Raul Julia giving good performances while trying not to laugh. The script is the real winner here. Can't even believe they managed to shoot this. 10/10 from me, wish I could rate it higher.


Ahead of its time
100 years from now when the human race is probably smarter, they'll be able to appreciate how ahead of its time it is.

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