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Fast X

5.6/10 from a franchise fan
Worth the watch if you are a fan of the franchise? Of Course.

Is it considerably the worst installment in the franchise? Possibly.

The Good: John Cena's acting is very well done in my opinion (better than his usual movies), and they went a positive route with the role they decided to give him in this installment.

Jason Momoa does a good job and is a good villian added to the franchise, but the writing for his character is a bit wacky in my opinion.

The Bad: For a two hour movie, it didn't feel like much happened, although there was a lot of action.

The movie is Vin heavy, so if you are expecting a lot of the team, be prepared for little screen time.

They upped the anti yet again in terms of far fetched stunts, so it is up to your own perception if you enjoy that.

Thank you for reading the review. I would recommend seeing this if you are a fan of the franchise, possibly on a discounted Movie Tuesday. If you are not a fan of the franchise, I recommend passing because this story may get confusing for the average viewer.

Last Sentinel

Worth the $5 rental
I thought this was a good movie! I was really hesitant to rent it, as it was newly released on demand with very few reviews. I loved the idea of it, and decided to roll the dice after contemplating for a few days. The acting in the movie was great amongst all characters. The show did a good job of providing consistent minor suspsense throughout the duration of two hours. It keeps you thinking while also enjoying small bits of sci-fi. Some reviews may consider it boring, but it definitely did enough to maintain my attention. Obviously for budgetary and script reasons, the film could be better. Overall, give it a shot! Definitely not a bad way to spend a few hours.

Welcome to Chippendales: Velveeta
Episode 3, Season 1

So far so good! 7.3/10
The acting has been great across the board so far, and the story has stayed engaging. The thing that is enjoyable about this show for me is the "what's next" aspect. The show allows the viewer to be business minded and take part in the entrepreneurial experience. Lots of new characters are being introduced and each one has their own angle in mind. This episode hasn't had as much promise as the prior, but it seems to be paving the way for what will be fireworks moving forward. Lastly, the show has some qualities that remind me slightly of prior films such as scarface. Once the top is reached, what will it take to get there and can a person make it last? I am looking forward to the next episode!

For All Mankind: Stranger in a Strange Land
Episode 10, Season 3

A strong finish to cap the season.
The last episode was well put together and did a good job of integrating a majority of the characters. The episode did a good job of bringing in suspenseful moments and kept the suspense going for a significant duration. Well done! 8.4/10.

DOA: Dead or Alive

Very Watchable - Fun Movie!
Better than I thought it would be. I recommend watching it, wasn't boring by any means! It is surprising how a lot of these older action movies still hold up. 5.6/10!

For All Mankind: Coming Home
Episode 9, Season 3

I love this show, BUT..
Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love this show. This late in the season, For All Mankind decided to converge every crappy storyline into the main focus of this episode. Everyone seems to be more worried about ethical dillemas than anything else this season. A sad yawn of an episode to nearly cap the season.

The Orville: Domino
Episode 9, Season 3

Targeting a Broad Sci-Fi Audience 4.3/10
The Orville has fully morphed into a mainstream sci-fi at this point. Unfortunately, it seems like Macfarlane's acting has become a bit more wooden the past few episodes. It is clear this episode was supposed to be epic eye candy for the viewer, but it fell flat for me. It was difficult to sit back and enjoy the whole time. The several moral dillemas and story backpedaling hinder each episode for me. Many would call this "character development," but it mainly just seems like unecessary fluff taking away what could be great. If all of the constant soapy dillemas are removed next season, I can see the serious route this show is taking improve for the original Orville audience.

The Orville: Midnight Blue
Episode 8, Season 3

Turning the show off after three seasons.
It doesn't matter if the episode is quality to me. It isn't what the original two seasons were in the closest, so I am choosing to quit watching. It just isn't the show I started watching and enjoying, plain and simple. I have done the same with the third season of Discovery of Witches and several other shows. I want Coke, this is Pepsi. I recommend watching the season for yourself and making your own decision, as everyone is different.

South Park: Post COVID - The Return of COVID

Such a wholesome episode for South Park fans.
If you are an old school South Park fan who hasn't been keeping up, this is a great way to dive back in for some enjoyment. What a well written few episodes that really kept a South Park comedy vibe without being vanilla. I am highly satisfied after watching this and will recommend it to any person who has seen South Park in their lives. Is it perfect? No. I think they hit the target on most aspects and hope you enjoy! 8.2/10.


Watchable, Nothing to Write Home About
The actors in this movie give great performances, and make the movie worth trying out. The overall pacing of the movie was a bit slow for me. I also thought the movie followed a fairly predictable storyline. I would recommend it for a time passer but won't be watching it again. The vibes you get from the style of the movie just seem to throw it a bit off for me. It is the type of movie that gets you invested enough to watch it and by the end you are questioning if it was worth it.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

I strangely recommend watching this.
I enjoyed the first 45-60 minutes. I don't remember any of the characters' names, and the story building throughout was pretty poor. It was an enjoyable enough flick for what it was, as I enjoy seeing a remake every once in a while. If you are a fan of the franchise, watch it for what it is and try not to critique too much. A 4 star rating might be low, but I see a lot of room for improvement. The acting in the film wasn't bad, just other areas lacking. Kind Regards!

Jackass Forever

Head to the theater and enjoy it for what it is worth.
As a collector of much memorabilia over the years, the Jackass and Wildboyz shows hold a special spot in my life. It hurts to say that this movie wasn't up to snuff when compared to the others. I still got plenty of laughs, and the new guy Poopies is absolutely hilarious. Go out and support these guys for making a fourth movie, and some good laughs will come with it. 5.8/10.

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

If you are a RE video game fan, do not watch!
This movie had a similar budget to the original movie, but it lacked in every aspect (horror,suspense,story,location) in comparison. The actors didn't seem to be given much to work with, which left the story to be pretty stale. The first 40 minutes of the movie is good, but it begins to fizzle when the stories begin blending weirdly together. If you haven't played resident evil and you enjoy horror movies, maybe give this a try. The budgets nowdays don't spread as far when making a movie and it shows. 32 million in 2002 goes a lot further than 40 million in 2021.


What a Lifetime movie wants to be.
Very enjoyable movie that will hold your interest throughout. The acting and story are well done and very relatable to the real world. Put on your detective hat, sit back, and enjoy!

Free Guy

An Honest No Spoiler Review 7.3/10
This movie turned out to be slightly below my expectations. I would pit Ready Player One a full star ahead, but this movie is still well worth the watch. It has great acting and CGI, but it felt like more could have been accomplished. The reviews giving this 9-10 stars seem to be muddied by the fans admiration for the two stars of the film. Basically, it is a 6.3/10 but the casting choice puts it up and over into the 7.3 range and makes it an awesome enjoyable flick! The concept of AI in this movie also makes for thoughtful conversation. I recommend seeing it in the theatre.


I'll keep coming back for more but..(6.4)
A lot of front loaded action in this movie. I really enjoyed how the beginning 30-60 minutes of the movie played out. The middle had some fluff and got a bit cheesy with the "family" aspect. Writing was pretty decent filling in gaps for questions I was having. I think they should keep cypher as the main villain and quit twisting in more family scenarios. By adding to prior storylines, it also dilutes some of the prior films value to me. Plus, although I love the cast, I am here for the cars. More cars please!


Recommend watching, could be a hair bette (66%)
A very watchable action film with only two downfalls for me:
  • A bit more of initial story
  • an outer view of the car a few times
I enjoyed it, Grillo was great at keeping it suspensful.

Long Shot

This Duo Kills It!
Charlize Theron's ability to act really brings out the best in Seth Rogen's comedic performance. The supporting cast in this also did a great job! Several laugh out loud moments were had throughout the movie. Will be recommending this to others!

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