
IMDb member since March 2020
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    4 years, 6 months


El Hashashin

Iranian reviewers
Why are Iranian reviewers here pretending as if 11th century Persians weren't Muslim, as if the show doesn't directly talk about Khayyam's skepticism, and as if Hassan Sabbah was somehow protecting Persia from Islam even though he was an Ismaeil Shia Muslim, and as if the show is somehow distorting history and masquerading Persians as Arabs? Iranians put their patriotism and their hate for Islam before anything, and judge the show immediately rather than actually watching it, and these reviews are probably spammed by people who have not watched the show. It has great writing, great acting, great production, great costumes, great music, better than anything I've seen in Arab media for a long time. Even though there some inaccuracies for dramatic purposes, it's a great achievement for Arab production.

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