
IMDb member since July 2006
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The Thicket

Raw western with an authentic feel.
The story and plot was easy to become invested in. It has gritty, interesting, and engaging characters. The story is compelling, violent, raw, and unpredictable. The outlaws were very bad, and the good guys felt like real people. There were many very tense and exciting scenes. The scenery and settings were authentic to a turn of the century rustic western era. The character acting was flawless throughout. I also quite enjoyed the music track. Overall, this movie was well written, well made, well acted, engaging, interesting and worthwhile. I can easily recommend it, but, it's not suitable for children.


A love story with a not so happy ending.
I really liked the many tender moments in the love story. But the movie was heavily disjointed by frequent switches to the past and back to the present. Most of the movie is quite enjoyable, and frankly I'd have a much better opinion of it if it had ended about 10 minutes sooner. However, the final 10 minutes or so is when the lifelong deception is revealed I was left feeling infuriated by the choices that had been made. The cultural differences and social norms be damned, what transpired was nothing short of shameful, disgusting and callous. I couldn't understand why the character was not incensed to anger upon hearing of the revelations.

Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1

Incredible cast, authentic story, some poor execution.
This is an epic story that doesn't pulls punches, It has a incredibly strong cast. The acting performances were quite good throughout. The story felt authentic, but it jumps around quite a lot, and character building is surprisingly weak. Overall, it just does not have the polish that I expected of a movie of this caliber. I was particularly irritated by the inappropriate loud glorious/triumphant music played during the Indian village massacre and several more minute at the end. It really upset me they would play such music over the top of the horrific depictions of violence against innocent women and children. It was like they were celebrating it. The music director is really awful. Perhaps the director is also to blame for many of its faults. I really wanted to love this, but instead, went away disappointed that it wasn't better.

Murder Company

Low budget but not terrible war film.
The plot was pretty flimsy. The acting performances were reasonable considering everyone is an unknown other than Grammar with an almost cameo appearances. The fighting action would have been better if it was more realistic. Also some of the killings were just plain lazy film making. I am not a fan of 20 foot apart open ground machine gun battles. Much of it was not realistic, and some of it was quite cheesy. Nevertheless, it was not a complete waste of time, and it was slightly entertaining. Music was uninspired to say the least. Dialog was not great, but not terrible either. Direction was quite weak. It is entirely forgettable.

Deer Camp '86

Amateur production and supernatural nonsense.
I have this movie a chance, but the pathetic story line, idiotic dialog, and poor film quality makes this a very hard movie to enjoy. This seems to have been made by first time film makers. Performances are not believable, the situations do not make sense, and the overall story is basically hogwash. There was a couple of excellent special effects that helps it slightly, I really struggled to enjoy it and found almost nothing very interesting or worth while. I really can't recommend it unless you are really very bored and can't find anything else to watch. This was tedious and entirely forgettable.

House on the Hill

A horrible true story turned into a pathetic bad movie
The picture quality is atrocious. They attempt to present the horror but provide almost zero context as to what happened. This is one of the most amateurish attempts at film making I've seen in years. I'm confused why they even bothered to make this as it's pathetic and pointless. This was put together without skill, without subtlety, and worst of all, without properly expressing the actual horror that occurred. This is basically an abomination of a film that further harms the victims. Every single thing about this movie is bad. Bad acting, bad directing, bad music, bad sound effect, bad visual effects, bad storytelling. This is simply an awful, ridiculous movie what should have been more considering the atrocious real life events it's based on.

Paradox Effect

Action movie with Olga Kurylenko
The scummy story is porous, obscured and weak. The best scenes are those with Olga Kurylenko, who saves this movie with a few exceptional performances and her beauty. She is however, the only stand out. The ham fisted direction alienates the viewer. Harvey Keitel performance was also not satisfying. I particularly disliked his extreme close ups. Without Olga, this would barely rate worth watching. She elevates an otherwise very poor overall experience to something worth your time. Another major irritation is the too frequent Italian voice overs with no subtitles, which irritated me greatly. I really can't recommend this movie, except to those who adore Olga.

Blackwater Lane

A mystery not well written,
This movie plot might have been good if it had been crafted better. It had a lot of good elements, but the pieces just did not fit together in a plausible way and convincing manner.

Many inconsistencies and some stupid liberties were taken during the making of this movie.

Minka Kelly is an absolutely gorgeous woman, but her role was severely flawed. However, I quite enjoyed watching her, even though the realism was badly impaired.

Even worse than the spooky nonsense was the lame love plot. Also, there was a murder for no particularly good reason.

In general, the character motivations were very poorly played.

The script was bad, the direction was substandard, and the dialog was unconvincing.

Other than that, the production quality was reasonably good.

The Girl in the Trunk

Super low budget thriller.
Amateur actors and very poorly directed. Extremely low budget movie choices but it has reasonably good production quality, and reasonably good sound and boring repetitive background music. Special effects were also acceptable. It has some clever dialog and plot points, but it breaks down and goes off the rails quickly with several very poor choices. The story line offers a few good moments, but it devolves with several big plot holes and many inconsistencies that destroy the realism. Unfortunately some of the acting performances were truly awful, such as the father character. The ending worked, but the bad performances ruined that as well.

Love, Death & Robots: Beyond the Aquila Rift
Episode 7, Season 1

Entertaining and haunting.
Greta the avatar of Madeleine Knight was absolutely stunning and haunting. I didn't notice many flaws in the CGI with her character. Thom the avatar of Henry Douthwaite and others had numerous moments of the uncanny valley feeling that subtracted from the realism. The story was excellent, a bit shocking, but also exciting and fun. In particular Greta's nudity was very engaging. I kept screaming inside for Thom to just accept his new heaven and enjoy it.

FBI: Under Pressure
Episode 12, Season 4

Usually like this show, but this on has big mistakes.
I was OK with some of the liberties taken, but was extremely disappointed with the finale. The explosion of the truck was about 1/100th of what they portrayed it to be. It was an exceedingly CHEESY way to end the show for the sake of a little tension.


A straightforward, unassisted look at the horrors of dairy farming.
This movie seems to be from the cows perspective. Institutionalized animal exploitation. These cows suffer a life of indignity by constantly being kept pregnant to keep up milk excessive production. Then after a lifetime of service are dispassionately slaughtered to support the meat and leather industry. It is terrible how these poor creatures are exploited. Especially poignant when you consider that not one of the product produced by this effort is actually healthy for human consumption. The cost to the environment is also horrific. When will humans evolve beyond this barbaric practice?

Fistful of Vengeance

Hollywood style execution of horrible story and script.
The movie goes off the rails early and only gets worse as it progresses. It is a big budget attempt to enhance a ridiculously stupid story and script. The music is amped up to the point of annoyance. There wasn't any action worthy of the big screen, and most of it is tedious at best. The super powers were the most inane part of this movie, rendering it a complete piece of garbage. Props for some good scenery though.


I like Tilda Swinton but this reeks.
The movie is boring, pointless and stupid. The director is horrible and just leaves the camera sitting for a stupidly long time for each scene. Nothing makes sense at all. It was entirely disappointing. The script and plot are dull and disingenuous. Avoid it if you can.


Boring and hard to enjoy
The movie was a real chore to watch. Most of it is extremely boring. The pace is too slow. It has almost no excitement at all. Laura Stetman was the only standout, otherwise it was not really worthwhile at all.

Howard Original

What is even worse than awful?
Three words. Lamest Movie Ever. I was fooled by the ridiculous reviews posted here and tried to watch this pathetic mess.

It's not for me, or anyone I know.

Infinitum: Subject Unknown

A hard movie to enjoy.
Pretentious load of nonsense without a plot or scheme. It is a random collection of scenes which all together makes nothing useful and certainly nothing entertaining. Avoid this, as it purports to be something it is not, when actually it is nothing much at all, except a huge waste of time.


Other ratings must be from the movie insiders.
The writing is atrocious. The acting performances were amateur. I could find almost nothing to enjoy about this hapless comedy dud. I don't remember laughing oncel. I hope this review saves at least one person from the drudgery of watching this waste of time to it's unsatisfying conclusion. To it's credit, the film quality and sound track were fairly good, but that's not nearly enough to recommend it.

Lancaster Skies

The life of WW2 bomber pilots on a low budget
A mixed bag with a good subject, music and sound, but also some painfully slow pacing, stiff acting performances and far too little action. The few good performances seemed the exception. This suffers from poor writing, direction and abysmal editing. Barely worth watching.

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