
IMDb member since July 2006
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    IMDb Member
    18 years



Great show, hopefully more of the same!
Excellent show, with movie quality cinematography that shows the behind the scenes of the snipers. It takes from some of those SWAT reality TV shows and throws in the personal issues and struggles that no one gets to see. Only one episode has been aired so far, so I don't have a lot to base this on, but I give it a 9 as this is something fresh although how long it can keep it up remains to be seen. My other complaint is the late airing time, but a very high quality show none the less (as their huge budget indicates).



The Ruins

Book? What book?
I happened to stumble across the book lying in my house after seeing the ads on TV so I read it expecting to see the movie after all the good reviews the book had. Although I thought the book was overrated it was entertaining and kept me interested. The same could not be said for the movie as it doesn't follow the book in the slightest. There are character changes for everything important that happens at the beginning of the movie. Pablo is the one who is supposed to break his back, Erik is the one who jumps down and cuts open his leg etc. So although I didn't finish watching it, what crap I did see was a complete mockery of the book.

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