
IMDb member since June 2006
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The Eagle

if you care about history don't watch it
This movie is about Romans going into England, and encountering Indians. Screaming, tattooed, naked Indians. In Great Britain.

this movie takes place in an imaginary world. they say it's Britain, under Roman Empire. But they all speak English, with an American accent. Never understood that.... Then you have Gaelic people, from Scotland, wales, etc, living like savages, undressed, tattooed like New Zealand warriors.... I mean, have you ever tried to walk naked in the woods of Scotland or Wales or Ireland? it's usually quite cold...

They're tattooed and dressed like the indigenous people we see in old American movies. Which is totally ridiculous.

The scenario is bad. The actors are OK...

Not realistic at all. And boring as hell.

Fight scenes are not good at all.Even I could do better, and I'm really bad.


Am I the only to think this movie is really really bad???
I guess all good votes here were posted by WWE fans or members of the production. This movie is just awful. And it is rated as 6.9!!!!! I can't believe it. Everything is falling apart... The scenario is awful. horrible. Actors are bad, but script is worse. Not worth watching. if you don't care about "the rock", then you won't care about the movie. How many people were paid to post those fake reviews? I really wonder. the story makes no sense. Nothing makes any sense! the thing is, you have to write a review that contains 10 lines, minimum. But how can you write 10 lines about a film like that? I really wonder. I'm trying... Please help me save souls :) this movie deserves a 4, maybe a 5. not a 7 on IMDb.... This is a shame!

El cártel de los sapos

Very good stuff! from the book "el cartel de los sapos"
I was in Colombia while this series was on TV there. I had watched 1 or 2 episodes and they had stroke me with their very good acting, and production. I was amazed, because I had this image of telenovelas... Like some boring novelas that I had seen before...This is totally different. "El cartel de los sapos" was the first book I read in Spanish, when I got to colombia. This series is based on the book, although all the names have been changed. . First of all, the story is based on real events. "Fresa" or "Fresita", the narator, is called "la Flor" or "Florecita" in the book and in real life. He served a jail sentence in the U.S and is now out. Oscar Varela's real name was Orlando Henao... And so on. The story is the story of narcotrafic in Colombia, over the last 20 years. The only real name they kept is Escobar, but you have plenty of internet sites explaining who are the characters in real life. Orlando Henao, Diego Montoya (who was n°2 most wanted man in the FBI list, right after Ben Laden), and many others.

Very good actors. Very good... Technically it's well done. I'm watching the series now, a friend of mine brought me the DVD's from Colombia. I have all the episodes, and believe me it's worth it. If you have questions don't hesitate...

PS: a new season is coming in 2009!


Can anyone talk about the beauty of the movie?
I see a lot of talking about Gengis Khan, history, and a lot of nonsense. This is a movie about a guy who lived 1000 years ago... FIrst of all, I have never seen a good movie talking about this subject, this character (John Wayne playing Gengis Khan... ahahahah!!!), so this is always nice to see. Then if you want to learn about history, read books, don't watch movies. If you think a 2 hours film is going to teach anyone the story of the largest empire that ever existed on earth, well... There's nothing I can say.

I won't get into those arguments. But what about the movie? It's beautiful! Technically it's impressive. I was shocked by the beauty of the landscapes, all of which are actually located in Mongolia. I was also very impressed by the lack of advertisement here in France. And all the actors???? WoW. There is no bad acting in this movie, and this, friends, is quite rare! What about Borte, his wife?? No info on this actress, although she's the only one speaking really mongolian, stunning actress, stunning beauty on screen. Tadanobu Asano and Hongley Sun are HUGE actors. Sun especially. Fighting scenes are well shot, no backflips and headkicks :) I was expecting something as epic as Jet Li's Hero, and I was relieved and amazed to see it was not the case. I loved this movie, and I'm really waiting for the next one...

United 93

what is the effect of this film on young Muslims?
Well, this is my opinion, one amongst thousands. First, nobody knows what exactly happened on this plane. Some people here say it's a realistic movie... How the hell does anybody know???? And as it was proved with the black box, the story in this this movie is not true, we're not even even sure that passengers entered the cockpit. Secondly, there is a major risk in this movie: I saw this movie in the US. And during the scene where passengers kill the young terrorist, some people shouted and applauded. It scared me. And I'm sure if I had been among a Muslim audience, this wouldn't have happened. What would have? I don't know. But my problem is this one: in this movie, everyone is right and brave. The Muslims follow their path, praying, smiling, scared, like normal people. Moreover, one of the terrorists, the pilot, hesitates. The director tries to make us believe that this guy actually had regrets... Bullshit. Nobody knows. And the problem is that this movie shows a Muslim/Christian war, especially in the scene where everyone is praying. As if the terrorist where only following their religion's path. OK, this movie is not about religion, it's about a story that happened. But nobody knows HOW it happened, and everybody knows what were the consequences. How is this movie helping? This is supposed to be" dedicated to those who died"... Please... Stop this bullshit, this is dedicated to no one except the producer's bank account. And try to imagine what effect this movie could have on young Muslim's minds.

Dave Chappelle's Block Party

Woodstock? no. When We Were Kings.
Some have said that Michel Gondry directed this documentary (this is not a movie) like their grandfather would have done with a mini-DV camera. Well, man, I'd like to meet your grandfather.

For those of you who don't know "When We Were Kings", it's time to watch it. Because both this documentaries are about the same thing. Of course I wouldn't say Block Party is as good, nor as powerful as when we were kings. But the purpose is the same: try to unite black people on one event, try to make them realise that even when you're black and coming from a poor neighbourhood, you can do something of your life without only blaming the white man for your condition.

Of course, at the time When We Were Kings was shot, Mobutu was Zaire's Dictator, and the movie was financed by Liberian producers, who mostly owned their money from selling diamonds coming from Sierra Leone, exchanged against AK-47's and other weapons. Therefore the omnipotent contradiction hidden behind the Black condition, and even mankind in general, but it has hurt black people much more: people trying to do good, and others getting money out of it with no rules or respect for anything or anyone.

So, for once, here in Block Party, it's something done for fun, not for money, but also for ideas, with representatives of this movement we don't see enough: Not only people AGAINST something or someone, but FOR a change, using the power that is present in this population. And Michel Gondry, who is a GREAT director, filmed this in the same way When We Were Kings was shot. Camera in hand, close-ups, rough cuts, interviews over the music, same kind of music, same kind of people. Showing the poverty, and showing there's hope. It's not a masterpiece to me, but a good documentary. And of course, if you don't like hip-hop it's hard to like it. I'm a huge fan of ALL the artist on this movie, I would have made exactly the same programmation if I had been in control!

The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

I must say I was very impressed by some things in this movie, and disappointed by others. Of course, the performances of the actors are great. It helps me remember how great Tommy Lee Jones can be. When I say I'm disappointed, it's just that personally, I found the story a bit easy... I don't know how to say it, my English is bad, but well, OK, it's kind of a father/son relationship, that's quite obvious. But if this is the only thing hidden behind the story, it's a bit light I think. Along the movie, and almost from the start, you can see Pete react in a strange way when kids or wives are mentioned. Until the end of the movie I was waiting for the director to tell me how Pete had lost HIS REAL family, or something like that... Well, I'm writing this but I enjoyed watching it. For 2 reasons, and therefore my question: Characters are great, actors too. Landscapes... I mean I'm from France, I don't know a lot about American landscapes, except the ones I see in the movies. And there are not a lot of countries in the world (none I think) that offer such a variety of beautiful and amazing places. And I want to know where this film was shot... Especially the scenes where they cross the border of course, and he one with the rattle-snake, with these amazing holes in the rocks... Is this Arizona? And those sand dunes, where are they? same place? And the part of story in Mexico, is that really Mexico? what region? Thanks to anyone who could help me...

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