
IMDb member since June 2006
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    IMDb Member
    18 years



very ENGROSSING sci-fi anime.
Let me note that I have watched Blood+ ep.1 - 26, whilst the series will go up to 52 episodes (i think).

It has been a while since I have seen a decent anime. A breather from the mainstream Naruto or Bleach, Blood+ does not seem to have too many fan base on the internet, and can easily slip by as "just another anime." Luckily this is not case for me as it turned out to be quite an impressive anime.

The plot at first seems very conventional for its genre, however it gets more engrossing as each episode passes by. As the story unfolds, the characters becomes more lively, and colorful with emotions. The graphics are very solid, and beautifully animated. Just as the title for-shadows, it does get quite bloody, and gory here and there (but nothing too obscene).

Overall, it is a very enjoyable anime so far. It is far more entertaining than Naruto and Bleach, as the plot unfolds fairly quickly. I will have no regrets spending 22hours (52 ep.) watching this anime ha ha.

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