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Three Pines

Not as dark as Cardinal!
I like Canadian productions and have watched as many as I can get hold of from Davincis inquest the Republic of Doyle and even the one with the dog which name escapes me.

At first I wasn't sure with the first death being a bit "Jessica Fletcher" (all hail to the wonderful Angela Lansbury!) but as it went on it's gained traction with the over arching story line of the missing indigenous women and individual stories in the two partners. It is a slow burn and sometimes that's what we viewers want.

The supporting cast are really good and are individuals not background noise. Elle-Màjà Tailfeathers stands out as does Sarah Booth (though I do occasionally shout pay attention at the tv!)and it's nice to see Rossif Sutherland in something more substantial. Alfred Molina is a favourite of mine and his performances is lovely and nuanced.

This programme is Not as dark as Cardinal and no where near as light as Murdoch Mysteries (Canadian murder she wrote -all hail Yannick!).

Some people are not happy about the ending ..... but didn't take the turn I thought it would. Roll on season 2!!! And more lovely Alfred!!


Performances of the guest cast
I recently binge watched several series of Vera. I feel the review I give has to cover not just the lead actors but the support cast. I love Brenda Blethyn and Kenny Doughty and the chemistry between them the interactions between the rest of the squad but I would also like to mention the weekly guest cast. These are actors who don't always have a huge portfolio of starring work and yet some (heck most) of the performances are amazing. The episode I have just watched the confession of the father to killing his son was heart wrenching and having watched several series in a row the quality never fails. Credit where it's due I say pet!

Home Movie: The Princess Bride

Accidental Gem!
I came across this by accident long after the demise of the platform it was put out on. I know that this was done to raise money for a worthy cause, and I really hope that someone (I am looking at you Mr Reiner!) can get everyone to set aside their egos and need for the pennies (or cents) (which they obviously did initially) and release this as a dvd to raise more money for the charity.

The inventiveness of the performers and their use of what was to hand (loving the light sabre Mr Black!) was a joy to watch. I have only found various snippets on you tube and they are all my favourites - ROUS - best use of a corgi ever (can I say that?) is the one that stands out (that and the hands pushing the wee furry performer out to "attack").

If you can find the episodes on you tube then watch them, in these depressing and scary times it is "a bright star shining in the firmament" (yes that is Lena Lamont!).

If nothing else it is worth looking for the clip of Rob Reiner in bed asking Grandpa to come back and read the book again the next day - and Grand Pa is Carl Reiner.


Not what I expected and why hasn't there been Zootropolis 2?
I really do enjoy this movie on repeat viewings. I did not expect it. There is enough here for kids and adults, if anything more for adults than I expected. The animation is really good and the ideas behind the various areas of zootropolis city are really thoughtful. The little rodent neighbourhood was brilliant. The voice tala t was excellent. I did not realise it won an Oscar and a BAFTA for best animation amongst others. Come on Disney give us another one!!!!

The Orville

Not what I was expecting
AS a Star Trek, Star Wars -Star anything really fan I know we need to be grown up when our beloved franchises are spoofed. So when I watched this I was surprised when it wasn't a spoof. Some of the reviews have said it's ST:TNG 2.0 and in a lot of ways it is but with much less preaching and much more humanity and humour. I love the characters and the pathos which is usually followed up by some Funny one liner by Gordon or LaMarr. The effects are good and the whole thing is just such fun. Special mention has to go to Deep Space 9 alumni Penny Johnson Jerald. She has been given a real acting challenge falling for a green blob and as Will Smith would say getting " jiggy wit him" and then she gets romantically involved with an Android. If she hadn't just gone for it and been a consummate professional then the whole story line would not have been believable. Nice to see the Star Trek travelling performers appearing in lots of episodes either as characters or directing (you know who you are Mr Frakes) and on that note any chance of sneaking in Patrick Stewart - in full alien makeup and full Yorkshire accent - so that many of us can spend the entire episode going "damn I know that voice! Who is it!" Well done Mr MacFarlane don't know if it's a tribute or just living out your Star Trek fantasy (really don't care in a nice way). Either way it works and I cannot wait for season 3!

Robot Overlords

Reminiscent of Children's Film Foundation
Those of us if a certain age will remember the kids films if the 70s Sometimes shown at Saturday morning cinema sometimes in the Beeb on kids weekend morning tv which we would watch before being dragged out shopping by our mums, spending the day out exploring. Their content was to the point bang and you were slap bang in the middle of the story. No vast exposition of how you got there and they moved along with the child stars bang in the middle of the action making those of us that watched them wish we could have adventures like them. This film reminds me of the CFF movies and that is the best compliment I can give it. It was good to see Hollywood heavy weights and British stalwarts giving good performances, but the child actors held their own and gave good performances all round.

It was a cracking little movie. Good fun full of imagination. Bring back the CFF I say.


Such a lovely film
This is such a sweet movie and this is not just because it is visually stunning but their performances of the voice actors , especially the wee boy Anthony Gonzales, he is perfect as Miguel and so natural, such a brilliant performance from him. Love it.

The Brokenwood Mysteries

Love this programme to bits....
I have read some of the negatives. I have seen the comparisons to Midummer. There is humour, tongue In cheek and gentle and recurring elements (cheese roll anyone?). The main characters meld so well with no fall back to what seems to be a default these days which is "oh lets have the rogue cop as the bad guy !" Old fashioned? Yes and I really enjoy it. Plus there is the beautiful NZ countryside to look at and not a hobbit on site (except for the episode with Lord of the Ringz!)

Doctor Who: Rosa
Episode 3, Season 11

Negative reviews and the program hasn't even aired
I find it really sad that because this episode tackles an issue that is still relevant today it immediately gets tagged as political correctness gone mad even before the episode has finished airing. The thing in the 40 plus years I loved about doctor Who was the history episodes. This fits the bill. Not political correctness but something that informs and educates not only about history but cause and effect amongst other things.


So very funny
Saw this on the BBC. It had me in stitches. The look on the dogs face! If you can find it watch it...... Such fun!

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