
IMDb member since September 2019
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Lady and the Tramp

Ultimately pointless
Not a bad film, had a few nice moments and wasn't as awful as i expected. However, it is when you consider the amount of money wasted on making a beautiful but inferior remake of an already amazing film.

It is clear they had initially filmed this for theatrical release, as there's a real mishmash of cinematic scenes withTV show. Some of the scenes also looked incomplete. The cats looked incredibly fake and their new song was somehow both cringy and forgettable. I understand why they ditched the siamese song, but this new addition should've just been scrapped from the get go.

Imagine if Disney actually used their resources to make some original movies these days.

Doctor Sleep

A strange blend of King and Kubric, that ultimately works
Having been a fan of Kubrics interpretation of The Shining, I was immediately cautiously optimistic when I heard they would be making a sort of sequel. After an average trailer, I expected very little of the film to deliver. I was in for a shock.

The films main protagonist is Danny Torrence, a now morally grey, depressed alcoholic. It could have so easily come across as a cliche, but the writing really nails how the literal demons in Jack's life are what drove him to this state. A scene towards the end of the film set in the hotels bar, is extremely powerful, as we see Danny confront his inner demons, which in this case are his father's influence over him as well as his alcoholism. Danny's story in this film is poignant, and was most certainly the highlight of the film for me. You can tell the creators really wanted to give him a satisfying redemption arc.

The new elements of the film are where things were a bit less strong. The villainess, Rose the hat, was fantastic, and was portrayed with an enticing, evil energy. The same could be said for all the newcomers, performances were generally strong across the board. However, the film falters when it loses focus on Danny. The antagonists themselves arent very interesting, and the fact that the new girl is shown to be so powerful really eases the tension, as you can ultimately tell she will end up completely unscathed (she almost beats Rose in their first fight?!). However, I feel as though no villain introduced would be able to beat the Overlook Hotel, so at the very least we got some good performances.

A couple of side notes. The soundtrack was fantastic, if not sounding a little too similar to the original film. Some of the visuals were incredible and creative, especially during shining sequences. I have no issue with them recreating scenes from the original. It wouldnt work reusing old footage and mishmashing it with new ones.

Overall, I'm happy with how the film turned out. You could tell passion for the source material and Kubrics vision were poured into this film, and the result is a worthy successor to the shining and a faithful adaptation to the novel.

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