
IMDb member since September 2019
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    4 years, 10 months


The Tashkent Files

Eye opener
Movie tells you about the dark times India was in when Congress rules the land. So many notes leaders, scientists murdered blatantly and govt covered up everything. Thank god for social media and twitter which exposed the biased media who acted as mouth pieces of govt and covered up things for powerful people. Then accusing social media like facebook of influencing people is actually a farce when they were the ones deciding news of the yesteryears. Must watch

Sacred Games

Awful story
Non sense logic specially in season 2. May be you just realise it more when things are building up to a climax that how directionless the story is. Happens when you try to conjure up stories far from reality like conveniently forgetting about the million slamic outfits Of terror causing carnage everyday and coming up with a novel idea of projecting a closed group rather cult as hindus planning bomb attacks all over the city. Highly unrelatable tome thus. I've lost distant relatives in terror attack in 26/11 that was by "single source" but none was by hindu, so just couldn't relate to the story. Apart from the aimless plot, serial also has confused characters like sartaj who do t know what they want to do. Even gaytonde for that matter seems to have a change of heart overnight, highly impossible for a hardcore criminal. Overall just an attempt to malign a certain community of the society especially season 2 where they throw in random scenes like no one is willing to rent out to majid. Looked so thrown into your face. Watch it if you want to get a feel of wjat a propaganda feels lik and if you like swearing left right and center

Hotel Mumbai

Real life emotional thriller.. excellent direction
It's a true story. Glad the makers paid so much attention to the details. Intense and thrilling. Even though I knew the story but it was a surreal experience watching it on screen. At the time when this Pakistani terror attack happened there was not much knowledge about what was going on due to lack of social media and biased media. So if was eye opening to know how the media outed counter terror measures live on tv. Everybody should watch the movie to experience how much the world is suffering by these pathetic terror attacks. Well done to the makers.

Dream Girl

Free of nepotism- pure talent
Laugh riot throughout V good actors. Was refreshing to see original music scores in the movie and so many interesting characters played by talented actors. Specially Vijay Raaz and Annu Kapoor acting. Well worth the price!!!

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