The Flawed Genius

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Death Wish 3

kersey comes up against more 'creeps'
If anyone hasn't seen this cinematic gem, I urge you to go out and purchase it as soon as you can! If your looking for ironic laughter and unintentional comedy, this is your film! Again the unluckiest guy in the world (bronson) finds himself in a situation where he is surrounded by sub human scum that are dressed up like cameo!!!! The 'creeps' he has to deal with are fond of high fiving each other, wearing leather waistcoats and bandanas and have names such a 'the giggler' (when he steals an item, he giggles as he runs)....genius!!! Bronson takes out the trash one by one with various degrees of brutality! If you want to watch a man shoot a villain stone dead in the street and then see the neighbours sheer and dance while some sort of joyous circus music plays in the background then look no further! the soundtrack is here....a sort of twanging droning noise, the dialogue is second to none 'they killed the giggler man....he had no business doing that....none at all'.....and bronson avoids military level artillery simply by crouching down on one knee!!! watch this movie. its pure entertainment!!!

Dead Man's Shoes

The British Taxi Driver
When you watch a movie and you find yourself thinking about it days later...i believe thats a sign that the movie you have seen was a good one....and thats what happened when i saw this movie.

I have not seen a darker movie than this for some time....maybe not ever...but as well as the darkness, Dead Mans Shoes also offers some extremely poignant and moving moments I think the acting performances from all involved are first class...but paddy considine is a cut above that. The dialogue in the movie and the way he handles it has me watching in awe......the way he talks to his brother and the fact he seems to have so much love and patience with even more amazing when you see how crazy and precise, the character of richard is.

As my title suggests...i don't know why, but some of this movie brought memories of taxi driver to me....a character that has passed a point here he cannot go back from.....and that comparison shows what a good movie this is

The Cooler

I love films like this
I knew I was going to like this film the moment i saw it advertised and i wasn't disappointed!!

William H macy is absolutely awesome in this movie as he always is...but it was alec baldwin that surprised me the most. He plays the burnt out, nostalgia loving casino owner so well...he is a bully and an ego maniac but there is some sort of sadness about him.

The film captures the seediness of vegas to a tee...and this film could also be one of the best love stories you will see in a long time.

I feel like drawing the curtains....pouring myself out a bourbon on the rocks and watching this film again

superb stuff!!!

The Office

so true to life, its difficult to watch!!!
When shows are made these days, it feels hard to compare them to classics like Fawlty Towers and only fools and horses, but this one falls into that category effortlessly.

Never have i cringed so much watching a comedy show. Some of the stuff that comes out of Brents mouth is horrible. Its hard to believe there are people in the world who think that other people see them as some sort of comic genius....when they are in fact utterly unfunny. Brent is one of those people!!!

He is obnoxious, big headed, arrogant and terribly self centered.....he says things without thinking and the results are side splittingly funny. Its sometimes hard to look at the screen due to laughing so much and hiding your eyes behind your hand with embarrassment!!!!

The other characters are amazing too....Tim has such a dry sense of humour and is a true nice guy....they have emphasised the fact he has no girlfriend and lives with his folks at the age of 30!

Gareth Keenan is a cross between Travis Bickle and Charlie Brown with general perversions and weirdness thrown in!!!!

The series is superb. It is very true to life and does point to the fact that everyday life in a boring office has its comedy moments.....there must be people in the world like Brent....and how they would wind you up if you spent any time with them!!!

Absolute Genius!!!!

example : Gareth : Why doesent the farmer give the bag of grain to his wife?

Tim: He doesent have a wife!

gareth: All farmers have wives!

Tim: not this one, he is gay

gareth: well he shouldnt be allowed near animals should he!!!!!!


Truly Outstanding!
I have been really looking forward to this picture since i heard it was being made and I can honestly say it did not dissapoint me one bit!

I tend to think that making big budget movies involving comic book heroes is something that has to be done in a certain way to please the majority.

The people are avid lovers of comic books are very very hard to please, as they are constantly looking for things relate to the comic....where I myself, was a big fan of the TV series.

The acting was inspiring. Bana is not your stereotypical, chiselled leading man and played the troubled Bruce Banner perfectly. Jennifer Connelly had a nice role and gets thumbs up from me as she has never really done much more me. Nick Nolte was awesome......playing the part in a brilliant 'over the top' manner and looking just like he did in that infamous police mugshot when he was arrested.

Ang Lee has given us a superb film here....lots of emotion and insight into the troubled mind of Bruce Banner.

This film was a lot darker than Spiderman, but the Hulk is a much darker character. I wish Ang Lee could have directed Batman!!

Also, the effects are breathtaking....after a while, you forget the Hulk is animated and there is such sadness in its eyes......but when it loses its temper, you can almost feel the rage inside yourself!!!!

I really hope if there is a sequel, Lee is behind the camera.

The best comic book film thats been far!!!!!

Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever

This was so bad!
I went to bratislava with my girlfriend who actually comes from the daytime,I saw a sign saying The Hulk was on at a 'garden cinema',so being from the UK, this appealed to me greatly and i went along.

It was brilliant, a 50 year old outdoor cinema with an old man in the corner of the garden serving refreshments......unfortunately, i read the sign wrong and the Hulk was not showing until the next day....but Ballistic was on instead, so we agreed to watch that!

WHAT A MISTAKE........never has a film been so bad that it has spoilt a whole night out for plot, bad acting, bad action scenes...just bad everything. What was Banderas thinking of starring in this utter rubbish?

I urge anyone not to waste their money on this!

Boogie Nights

As good a film as you are likely to see
I first saw this film in the cinema when it first came out and it struck me straight away what a talent Paul Thomas Anderson is.

Rarely have a seen a film that is so 'feelgood', but also contains a lot of poignancy, everyday issues, bittersweet moments......and its about porn!!!!

This film has everything for me and it entertained me from start to finish......Moore, Cheadle, Wahlberg, Reilly and Hoffman deliver superb performances but its Burt Reynolds that really steals it for me.....very professional performance from an actor who people say cannot actually act.

There are some really memorable scenes. I found the times when Little Bill kept finding his wife in bed with someone else very uncomfortable to watch.....the scenes with Dirk and Reed trying to record a song were hilarious and Buck's effort to get his business up and running were also well written and acted but the best scene by far....and one of the funniest scenes I have seen is where our 3 coked up, paranoid hero's try and rip off Alfred Molina's lunatic character.....absolutely inspired!!! I never thought a song by night ranger would fit in so perfect and Molina is superb!!!!

Thoroughly entertaining and a must see!!!!

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

So great, it cannot be rated!!
What can be said about this movie that has not been said already???

I am just so dissapointed to read reviews on here describing this film as mushy and childish. I urge these people to look at the film from a different angle.

Quite simply, this film is just a child like wonder...a fantasy. The dialogue, the actors, the score, the setting, the storyline....everything is perfect.

I am a huge film fan.....from Midnight Cowboy to Taxi The Godfather through to Star Wars......none of these classics come close to affecting me in a way this film does.

I think that Steven Spielberg is just a genius....sure he has amazed us with Jaws, entertained us with the Indiana Jones films and overawed us with Schindlers List.....but this film, I cannot put into words how great I think it is.

The part where E.T. is mimicking Elliots actions just melts me completely. When I see that scene and hear the music in the background, I get a sensation I have never felt before.

My only sadness is I will never see a film as good as this again.

The Incredible Hulk

You wouldnt like me when i'm angry!!!
I have such nostalgic memories of this growing up. I look back on it now and I think the series itself holds up really well. A few things I would like to comment on:

When David went back to himself after a change.....his clothes were always evenly ripped and if someone had cut them with scissors!!!

David Banner could have been one of the most talented guys on the planet. The amount of different jobs and trades he had were endless!!!

Where did he get those endless supplies of brown chords, checked shirts and beige coloured jackets???

He was the most gentle, helpful and polite guy ever and wherever he went, people could not wait to pick on him. They sort of saw him as a know all!!!

He pulled more women than 007!!!

Where did he get those fake surnames......Becker, Beamon, Beddiger, Beckham, Bannon, Bander.....etc????

All of this said...what a brilliant show it was and I am proud to have grown up with it. I loved the suspense when he changed and I also felt really sorry for Dave when he was alone, walking to a new town at the end with the famous tearjerking piano music in the background!!!

Respects to the late Bill Bixby. RIP.

Point Blank

Marvin Defines the word 'Tough'!
How hard is Lee marvin in this film? The guy just displays single minded, relentless hardness that is rarely seen on screen. Please, please do not watch the sloppy re-make starring Mr Gibson that is Payback!!

This film is so stylish and cool. The image of a wounded Marvin, stalking his way around the empty concrete and barbed wire surroundings of Alcatraz is great.

Marvin plays Walker, an uncompromising but simple man that helps out his mob connected friend on a heist job only to be stitched up, shot and left for dead and if that wasnt enough, he has his woman taken from him as well.

Marvin comes back with two things in mind.....revenge and his share of the money.

What follows is Marvin strutting from here to there with his pistol seeming like an extension of his hand.

I would love to be that hard!!!!

A top film, brilliantly directed (as always), by Boorman.

The Pledge

I will give you a series of films........Taxi driver, The Searchers, Deliverance, Midnight Cowboy, One Flew Over The Cukoos Nest.......and THE PLEDGE. Spot the odd one out..........there isnt one, each film is a masterpiece.

Sean Penn has surpassed himself with this slow paced, thoughtful study of a man and his mind. Curious, obssessed, angry, dogged, tender, gentle, cool and haggard. Nicholson does the lot!

I wont give much away on this. Nicholson is a retired cop who, on his final day in the force deals with the murder of a young girl. He has a hunch the killer is not the guy they took in and through coincidence, luck, determination and instinct, Jack keeps going until he believes he has the guy in his sights.

I loved the camera work, the haunting music, the fact that Nicholson, who is deemed as the hero in waiting has a variety of weakness and vunerability.

The ending made me fell so angry and pityful of his character, I had to watch it again although strangely, it seemed different!!!

Superb film!!!!

Ali G Indahouse

This really was an awful film, absolutely terrible in fact but do you know what......I laughed al the way through it. There was a middle aged man sat in front of me and the more he moaned about how bad it was, the more I laughed. Its a film that has terrible acting, a terrible script and the jokes are homophobic, sexist, racist and stupid. If the sole purpose of this film is to make you laugh, then it achieved its aim with me successfully.......but its still rubbish!!!!!

Born on the Fourth of July

Harrowing but breathtaking!
I remember when i first watched this film I became totally absorbed in it. I had to search out songs that I heard in the move.....I had to see other Vietnam movies again.....I had to watch other Stone movies. Its a superb film. Cruise gives the best peformance he ever will in a film as Kovic.....the golden boy who comes home paralysed and confused at the way his country is reacting to Vietnam. Some of the scenes in the film are very disturbing but the ones that affected me the deepest were not any battle scenes. When Ron comes home and looks at himself as a young boy in his wrestling kit was almost unbearable to watch. Also, the scene when he is drunk in the bar and comes out of his wheelchair had me turning away from the screen. This is a true epic film and the support cast and soundtrack are also superb. 5/5 easily.


I was just about to go to bed late at night and began to watch the first five minutes of this movie and did not move from my chair from the entire duration. I was totally gripped! Basically the film revolves around 4 city gents going out to mountain territory to canoe along a river before its turned into a still lake.

What occurs then is them being drawn into confrontation with the local redknecks in a battle for their lives. John Boorman directs this raw and lifelike. The inbred lad playing the banjo, the look of pity on Voights face when he looks through a window and see's a haggard old woman and an inbred young girl, the Beatty rape scene (the bravest, degrading role in cinema) and Reynolds gung ho, macho role are what makes the film a classic for me. You get a sense of hatred and disgust for the way these people live and it still makes my stomach tense with nerves when I watch again!!! 5/5

Cast Away

I cannot understand the negative comments regarding this movie. I thought Hanks was superb and it puts you in the position of a man stranded, in a very realistic way. All the way through the film, I found myself in thinking of being in that situation and what steps I would take.

I am quite an unemotional person, especially with films, but the scene when Hanks little, self made friend went bobbing away into the distance of the ocean reduced me to tears. I watched the film on my own and was blubbing like a baby. All in all, a great movie.

Any Given Sunday

Paints a true picture!
I think Oliver Stone has come up with the goods with this movie. It shows the way that pro sport is going (especially in the USA). Sportsmen, obsessed with commercials, sponsorship and their profile rather than the actual sport itself. Pacino is raw and brilliant as usual....Diaz is nothing like the characters she usually plays in movies and Dennis Quaid is also superb as the ageing pro. We could have done without a few scenes but all in all.......Stone paints a picture of a soulless, money and image obsessed sport!

Vanishing Point

A Loner of a movie
Reading some of the reviews of this movie made me realise why it was made this way. Why the flashbacks of police corruption, why the racist attack???? This is exactly the films point......Kowalski has had enough of law, authority and whatever else in the world stinks of corruption. He is a free soul that has nothing tying him down and nobody can be as free as a man and his car tearing accross country with nothing that can stop him.

Kowalski is the last hero.....he is the last free spirit in a ever increasing routine filled world. I love this film.....its dusty, raw and makes you think. Ok. some of the scenes tended to be a bit trippy but I thought it added to the flavour. 4/5 for this!

Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo

The best western ever made
I would say that this along with 'Once upon a time in the west' are all you could ask for in a Western film. I could honestly watch this film every day for the rest of my days and not get tired of it. The last sequence when Tuco is running through the graveyard is near enough perfection. The desperation, the greed and the impatience all backed up with a spine tingling score by Morricone. Superb. Leone and Morricone were the film industries equivalent of Lennon and McCartney.......genius's in their own right, but together..........awesome!!!

The Karate Kid

A Movie To Watch If Ever You Are Feeling Down!
I do not think that this type of movie will ever be made as good as this one. Following the story of the underdog coming good, the Karate Kid is one of those films that has you glued to the screen even though you know how it will turn out. Daniel moves from his home town to Calafornia with his mum and immediately starts to get bullied by a load of kids at his school who are also a bit handy when it comes to Karate. The local handyman at the housing area he lives at, teaches him karate in a very unorthadox manner but also teaches him more about life. There a a number of points in this film that make it seem a lot more realistic than other movies of this type. The fact that Daniel has not got a father and the fact he and his mum live in a very modest flat rather than the usual mansion you see in movies, make it easier to identify with the story. The ending still has the hairs on my neck standing up. Macchio turns in a brilliant performance and the soundtrack is superb in an 80's cheesy way!!!!! 5/5 for a memorable, feel good film!


The Funniest Film I Have seen!
Although not as well known as the farrelly brothers other films, Kingpin, in my opinion, surpasses them all. It has everything a good comedy needs and at the top of the list is Bill Murray. He is superb as 'Big Ern' McKracken. He is a totally despisable, womanising cheat with no morals but he is as funny as hell. Woody Harrelson is also great as a once great bowling champion who's loss of his hand turns him into an also despisable, seedy guy with no morals....wh oalso has a drink problem. Watch this film and I guarantee you will laugh out loud for 90 minutes!


About as true to life as you can get
The first time I watched this movie I was stunned in how realistic the characters were and how delicately the movie was filmed. It is the story of Victor, a lonesome overweight man that works for his domineering mother at her roadside cafe. Although the story centres around Victor, there are other characters we get involved with such as victors work colleague, played by Debbie Harry and Liv Tylers character who also works at the cafe and who Victor develops strong feelings for.

All of the characters have personality problems and the film studies them as they inch there way through lives they all want to change. Victor is tied to his mother and also has problems with his obesity. Some of the scenes stick with you such as when his mother is taken ill and he immediately starts to comfort eat while breaking down, and Liv Tylers character having intercourse with her boyfriend but looking like she would rather be anywhere else but there.

A beautiful, touching film with a brilliant score by Thurston Moore and superb acting performances throughout.


A working class hero is something to be!
Fist of all I would like to point out that although this is a British movie, it deals with issues that almost every young man in the world can go through. Jimmy Cooper is a lad in a job he doesent like, in fact he dispises it. He lives for music, girls, pills and his clothes. He gets tremendous highs that are always followed by terrible lows, triggered by anything(take the house party scene where all of his mates are with girls so he starts smashing up the garden with his scooter). Jimmy does not like authority and cannot seem to face the fact that his life cannot be like he wants it to be. Jimmy is a mod and goes down to Brighton with his mates in the annual mods v rockers beach fight. You can see he is so high and never wants to come down. His lows are brought back on when he returns.....parents, boss, the girl he loves and his mates. This film highlights the anguish of youth and it is humourous, touching and sometimes downright violent but I am sure we can identify with Jimmy's scenario.........I am 25 and still going through the same feelings. A brilliantly acted film, amazing soundtrack and an all round masterpiece. A MUST SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Midnight Cowboy

What more can be said?
This movie is in my all time top 10 for sure. I think everyone who watches this movie can see something they identify with.

Joe Buck is a good looking young man that lives in a backstreet town in Texas. He has got this notion that he will go to New York and sell himself to the rich ladies of the city. What follows is humorous, touching and very true to life.

How many of us have built something up in out minds and when it finally arrives, we find we have been very naive and it is nothing like we imagine. The cast here is quality. Voight is superb and Dustin Hoffman as Ratso fits the part of his streetwise associate to perfection. Also, the main theme tune by John Barry is so dreamy its unreal. I cannot seem to go a day without hearing it. A true masterpiece.

Billy Liar

A Hilarious but touching film
This film is a whimsical fantasy but there is a Billy Liar that exists in all of us. I love this film to pieces. It tells the tale of a young boy that cannot get any excitement out of his day to day lifestyle so he lives in a alternative world where he is see's himself as the priminister, an army general or a talented scriptwriter. He lies his way through his life, not meaning to cause harm but trying to escape reality. He has a few different women on the go, he does not do his job properly and his mother and father have totally lost patience with him. I have read some reviews that suggest that the ending should have been different and Billy should have got on the train but that defeats the whole point of the film. How many of us live in dreams where we do spectacular things but given the chance we would not have the courage to accomplish them. This is Billy Liar..........god, he reminds me so much of myself! A brilliant film from Schlesinger that I rate 5/5.

Taxi Driver

A film in someway, we can all identify with.
I have watched this movie time and time again and it never fails to captivate me. Travis Bickle is the epitome of loneliness and despair. He starts off in the film to be a decent sort of guy but little incidents add to a time bomb that probably started ticking years before. He does not seem to understand the world and looks for his own solutions which although we can understand, are not the right ones. The scene where he takes betsy to the porn cinema is quite unbearable to watch. he see's nothing wrong in it. De Niro gives the most powerful performance by an actor ever and the haunting score by Bernard Herrmann is inspired.

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