
IMDb member since July 2019
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Impressive alternate reality Israeli movie
While the story may not be realistic, this film portrays in an effective way a conflict that is gnawing at Israeli society, nay, at its soul, from the inside. There is some very good and some not so good acting, but what sets the movie apart is its masterful cinematography. The sense of place and situation reveal a rare directorial talent. In his youth Lapid moved to France, fleeing the very unbearable intensity that now feeds his art. Good he's back. Israel needs the talent and vision of an artist like him.

Le chant du loup

Believe it or not, it's pretty realistic
Some reviewers have objected that the situations described are totally unrealistic. Well, dear friends, you don't know France, occasionally brilliant, always messy. The commander's "It's France" reply to the admiral's rant about broken equipment says it all. As for the missile being launched from the Bering sea, it makes sense, since it stretches the terrorists' bluff and its chances of success. Absurd is rather the name of the Iranian warship: Zoroaster. The movie is no masterpiece, but still pretty unforgettable. The depth of the sea is there. By the way, the initial quote is misattributed to Aristotle. It is in fact a stylish modern rehash of a saying by Anacharsis: "When some one inquired which were more in number, the living or the dead, he rejoined." In which category, then, do you place those who are on the seas?".

The Dancer Upstairs

Fake movie based on a fake book
The movie is somehow inspired by the events in Peru during the Sendero insurgency: Unfortunately virtually all key elements from that story, starting from Peru's immensely rich and diverse cultural and ethnic heritage all the way to the fact that Peru was actually a vibrant, if flawed, democracy during the insurgency, are gleefully ignored. Instead of that you get truckloads of patronizing and idiotic stereotypes, spouted by obscenely rosy actors, alternating with B-horror movie clips . Puah ... .

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