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I, Robot

I ROBOT, based on the novel by Isaac Asimov, (which I've never read) is certainly one of the better summer action movies to come along. The effects, as well as the storyline are top notch. Will Smith gives a fine performance as a technophobic Chicago cop in the year 2035 investigating a suicide/murder supposedly committed by an all too human mech named Sonny, a cross between C3PO and The Terminator. ******POSSIBLE MINOR SPOILERS***** Throughout much of the movie, it looks as if the same tired formula found in countless cop thrillers is used here, namely:

1. Cop investigates supposed suicide of a prominent official. 2. Cop suspects powerful CEO or well respected political figure. 3. Cop's superior takes him off the case under threat of suspension or termination. 4. Cop ignores order and is forced to turn in his badge and weapon. 5. Cop continues investigation on his own, takes out CEO or political figure in a gun battle. 6. Cop wins back badge as well as the respect of superior and peers.

(This was also used in the NAKED GUN series as well).


This is what sets I,ROBOT apart from other movies of it's kind.

If you're into a high-tech sci-fi action flick, then I, ROBOT is for you.

Rating: ****1/2 out of *****

*No robots were harmed in the making of this film.

The Passion of the Christ

This is a movie unlike most any other. By their very nature, movies are a form of escapism. THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST was not an entertaining kind of film; certainly not a "popcorn movie". It was one of the most gripping films ever made.

As a Christian, it served to remind me of the price Jesus paid for the sins of mankind; more personally, for my sins. Never has a film so graphically depicted the suffering of Christ. Whether you,re a Believer or not, I highly recommend seeing it.

The daughter of a friend of mine was deeply moved, saying "I'll never look at the Cross in the same way again". (I couldn't agree with you more, Mary Rose.)

Well done, Mel Gibson.

Rating: ***** out of *****

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

I went to see FELLOWSHIP and was impressed with the quality. Peter Jackson put a lot into it, and it shows. Last year, I was sure to catch TWO TOWERS on the big screen. It made FELLOWSHIP bland by comparison, which is still saying a lot. Today, I went back to the Pickwick Theater expecting ROTK to far surpass FELLOWSHIP and TWO TOWERS. Needless to say, I was not disappointed. I was never a Tolkien fan, and I have yet to read the books, but for my money, this was some of the best three-and-a-half hours I have ever spent in a movie theater. I have no complaints whatsoever. The performances are superb, the character development phenomenal, the special effects virtually flawless. Tolkien would have been proud. I cannot recommend ROTK highly enough-whether you're a Tolkien fan or not.

All I can say is, it would be a crime if this doesn't take home the Best Picture award tomorrow. The other contenders in comparison are nothing but steaming piles of Ork dung.

Especially SEABISCUIT.

Rating; ***** out of *****


This film contains no exploding golfcarts, no people falling over railings (two at a time), no diabolical laughter, and no stock footage from BATTLESTAR GALLACTICA.

Unlike SPACE MUTINY, which was just plain annoying, OBLIVION was an entertaining piece of cinematic garbage with enough cheesy dialog and one liners that enable it to stand on its own, even without the help of Mike and his MST3K robot friends.

Also, unlike SPACE MUTINY, it's a lot more fun than shoveling raw sewage.

Give this one a chance.

Rating: *** out of *****

Space Mutiny

Exploding golfcarts! People falling over railings(two at a time!) Diabolical laughing! Diabolical acting! Perpetually sneering villains! More BATTLESTAR GALACTICA stock footage than a single episode of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA!

If any or all of the above appeal to you, then SPACE MUTINY is for you! For the rest of us, however, shoveling raw sewage is a lot more fun. Not since RAPTOR has there been a movie with so little creativity or originality, and so much stock footage. Bad movies can be very entertaining. Unfortunately, SPACE MUTINY is not one of them.

Almost as bad as McHALE'S NAVY 1997

Rating: 1/4 * out of *****

War of the Colossal Beast

********************SPOILER ALERT*********************

After falling to his supposed death from Boulder Dam at the end of AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN, Glen Manning manages to survive, minus half of his face and whatever sanity he had left. He turns up in Mexico and is brought back to the States and chained inside a hangar at Los Angeles International Airport. After failed attempts by the authorities to restore his sanity, he breaks loose and winds up in Griffith Park for the final showdown with the military. At one point, a spark of his memory returns, and once he realizes what he has become, he electrocutes himself on the high tension wires surrounding the Griffith Park Observatory.

WAR OF THE COLOSSAL BEAST, like it's predecessor is a grade-B cheapie that still stands the test of time. It's a tragedy involving a war hero who, through no fault of his own, joins the ranks of misshapen monsters, at one time human but without hope of ever returning to the human race-much like George Romero's killer zombies from the Living Dead series. This one takes itself more seriously than ACM but is still time well spent-with or without MST3K vision.

Rating: **** out of *****

The Amazing Colossal Man

"What sin can a man commit in a single lifetime to bring this upon himself?"

Just as Lon Chaney's Wolfman was cursed simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, Col. Glenn Manning is burned over 95% of his body while trying to save the pilot of a small plane that crashes into the test area where a plutonium bomb is to be detonated. He survives the blast, only to grow at the rate of ten feet a day. Eventually, he suffers a mental breakdown and wreaks as much havoc as the budget of this movie will allow. Still, it's one of the best cheapie flicks to come out of an era of giant spiders, black scorpions, and a certain mutated dinosaur from Tokyo.

THE AMAZING COLOSSAL MAN certainly has a bargain-basement feel to it-even the score by Albert Glasser fits well here. As far as the performances, Glen Langen is the only one who really stands out-and not just because of his size, either. Like Chaney's Wolfman, he evokes sympathy because of the affliction that causes him to lose his humanity and become a freak of nature, an outcast, and a menace to society.

A cheapie flick, but a classic one just the same.

Rating: **** out of *****

Time Changer


As a time-travel movie fanatic, TIME CHANGER certainly grabbed my attention.

Russell Carlisle, a college professor from the 1890's is transported to modern day America and realizes that if truth is divorced from the author of truth, that is, Jesus Christ, it carries little or no weight. In other words, if God Himself didn't condemn lying, stealing, or cheating, who is to say that these things are wrong? Such is the message of this movie. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

From a technical standpoint, TIME CHANGER contains minimal special effects, which is fine-they aren't needed here. Some may find it a little too preachy, but it's still entertaining enough for fans of the time-travel genre. D. David Morin (Carlisle) accurately portrays the shock of someone from the late 1800's unexpectedly dropped into modern day America, with all of it's gadgets, tv's, computers, cell phones, etc. What shocks him most is how far America has degenerated morally over the past century. Since mention of God, Jesus Christ, and prayer have been taken out of the public school system, all manner of crime has skyrocketed. To no one's surprise, his attempt to get the word out before he returns to his own time is met with stiff resistance.

Overall, TIME CHANGER is a good investment of 95 minutes.

Rating: **** out of *****

Gojira vs. Kingu Gidorâ


As a time travel story, GODZILLA vs. KING GHIDORAH isn't very good.

As a knock-down drag out kaiju flick, it's a must-see.

Three years after his battle with Biollante, Godzilla still poses a threat to Japan(so what else is new?). At this point, visitors from the distant future appear out of nowhere and offer to get rid of Mr. G by erasing his existence. Unfortunately, they replace him with King Ghidorah and threaten to wipe out Japan unless the government caves into their demands to rebuild the country on their terms. To no one's surprise, one of the visitors happens to be a descendant of Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley.(just kidding folks!)

On the minus side, GxKG contains plot holes big enough to drive a truck through. One example being, if Godzilla was erased from history, why do people from the present time still acknowledge his existence?

On the plus side, there is enough monster mayhem to make up for any shortcomings. The battle scenes and city stomping are among the best seen in any movie of its kind. Along with that, there is the most inane Plan-nine-from-outer-space type dialog (this among the American "actors" on the battleship) ever seen in a Godzilla movie. It's bad enough to be entertaining!

Overall, GODZILLA vs. KING GHIDORAH is worth the time...and you can tell that to your son when he's born, Major Spielberg!

Rating: **** out of ***** (original Japanese version)

Gamera daikaijû kuchu kessen

GAMERA, GUARDIAN OF THE UNIVERSE is top notch-high quality kaiju filmmaking at its best. To compare it to the 1960's GAMERA series is like trying to compare JAWS to JAWS 3-D, or LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS to GIGLI (well, maybe that's a bit of a stretch!)

At any rate, this film is too good for the MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 treatment. The storyline, acting (YES, ACTING!) and special effects are done in a way that would put Hollywood to shame (see, or rather don't see ARMAGEDDON). It certainly sets the standard for any future kaiju slugfests, such as the post-millennium Godzilla series.

This being the first installment of a trilogy, GAMERA is a worthy addition to any kaiju fan's video/DVD collection. That, along with GAMERA vs. LEGION and the far superior GAMERA 3.

Too bad it's only a trilogy.

GAMERA 4, anyone? One can only hope.

Rating: **** out of *****

Dark Star


John Carpenter could have taught Ed Wood a thing or two about how to make high quality bad movies. Filmed in Carpenter's kitchen, DARK STAR is one of those films that refuses to take itself seriously and dares anyone else to do so. Filmed on a lower than shoestring budget, it doesn't make any attempt to hide this fact, but rather to brag about it.

It's very unlikely to make IMDb's Bottom 100 (or Top 250 for that matter).

Dan O' Bannon, who went on to write the screenplay for ALIEN (#66 on IMDb's Top 250 by the way), steals the show as Sgt. Pinback, one who, because of his whiney and childish temperment is largely ignored by the rest of the crew. Like the movie itself, Pinback is not to be taken seriously, which is what makes DARK STAR so hiliariously entertaining, that is, if this is your idea of entertainment. The beachball alien scene is one of the main reasons for either loving, or hating this movie.

Unlike LEONARD, PART 6, or GIGLI, which go out of their way to be annoying, DARK STAR is a golden turkey that really is golden. It's a Space Idioticy that can only be truly appreciated if you happen to watch it in the right frame of mind.

Rating: **** out of *****

Gamera 3: Jashin kakusei


GAMERA 3 no doubt ranks among my top 5 list of the best giant monster movies ever made, along with GODZILLA '54, KING KONG (the original, mind you), and GODZILLA vs. MEGAGUIRIUS.

Not to be confused with the Gamera of the 1960's(now that's an understatement!) a young girl whose parents were killed in the battle between Gamera and Gyaos 4 years earlier, comes upon an infant monster in a cave and raises it to destroy Gamera. She names it Irys (after her cat, which also was killed along with her parents). Eventually, the monster develops an appetite for blood and increases in size until it becomes big enough to stomp Tokyo (or any other Japanese city).

Unlike the early Gamera films, this one will never make it to MST3k. The acting, storyline, and special effects are light years ahead of Devlin's/Emmerich's Fraudzilla '98 (which featured the most abysmal performances in most any other movie in modern times). The scenes of destruction and mayhem are the most intense in any kaiju film ever made. The final confrontation between Gamera and the fully grown/fully mutated Irys surely ranks among the greatest kaiju-vs.-kaiju battle scenes ever. Also gone is the cartoonish design that characterized the original 60's Gamera. No longer a kid-friendly ally of humankind, Gamera is out to destroy the Gyaos-and if a few thousand humans happen to die in the process, well tough titties. This is one bad-ass Gamera!

****************SPOILERS AHEAD-PROCEED WITH CAUTION******************

After being impaled by Irys and losing his hand, Gamera manages to destroy the monster. Badly damaged, Gamera heads off to confront hundreds of Gyaos converging from all over the world upon Japan(why Japan happens to be a magnet for giant monsters is never explained). That's where the movie ends-without the certainty that Gamera is able to repel this invasion; perhaps because the year 1999 is the legendary year of the apocalypse.

No happy ending here, but considering the overall dark tone of the film, it is very appropriate.

Rating: ***** out of *****

Gojira × Mekagojira

Better than last year's GMK, in fact, (still, I give that one ****). After the original Godzilla is destroyed in 1954, Japan has become the stomping ground (pun intended!) for a host of other kaiju over the years(featured in brief flashbacks). A special branch of the Japanese Defense Force is created to counter this threat, resulting in the creation of MechaGodzilla, a biomechanical monster created from the dna recovered from the remains of the original Godzilla. After it's initial encounter with Godzilla, the thing goes berserk when it "hears" Godzilla's roar which triggers a genetic memory in the robot's control system, causing it to go on a rampage.

GODZILLA vs MECHAGODZILLA returns the Big G to his sci-fi roots. The beginning is very similar to that of GODZILLA vs MEGAGUIRIUS, which is no surprise since it's directed by Masaaki Tezuka, who also directed GxM. The acting is superb, and the special effects are top notch-light years ahead of any premillennial G-films, or even GODZILLA '98 for that matter. I won't give away the ending, but it does leave room for a sequel currently in production in Japan, so stay tuned.

Rating: ***** out of *****


*******SPOILER ALERT********************

If you haven't yet seen MR. BEAN the tv series, you'll appreciate this movie a good deal more. If you're already familiar with the series, a few of the gags are re-enacted here (the "barf bag" scene as well as the "turkey-head" gag). Still, there is plenty of original material here to keep it from being a feature-film repetition of the series.

Having seen most, if not all of the tv episodes, to me BEAN falls short in comparison. In spite of it's shortcomings it still is worth checking out-especially if you haven't seen the tv series. In fact, see this one first and save the best for last.

*** out of *****

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

Before I got to see T3 last week, I was skeptical. At best, I expected a good summer popcorn cgi-laden sequel blockbuster-"been there-seen that" type of flick. Fun to watch, but that's about it.

I was pleasantly surprised. Much better than that overrated horse opera SEABISCUIT, that's for sure.

Arnold still has it. Even at age 55, he is still Terminator material. (Whether he's Governor material still remains to be seen, but he can't possibly be any worse than Gray Davis). Anyway, Arnold, as a Model-T 101 is sent back to the present era to do battle with the latest model, the TX, or Terminex,(Kristanna Loken). Far more advanced and deadlier than the previous cyborg assassains, Terminex has been programed not only to take out John Conner, but his future wife Kate Brewster (Claire Daines)as well. What follows is the kind of mayhem not previously seen in TERMINATOR 1 or JUDGEMENT DAY. The two cyborgs manage to wipe out two city blocks with a giant tow truck, and later do battle in a men's washroom smashing each other with toilets and urinals (somehow, it's not as ludicrous as it sounds). The ending itself was very well done-or not so well done, depending upon your perspective-either way, it leaves room for the possibility of a TERMINATOR 4, that is, if Arnold loses the election. Stay tuned.

Rating: *****out of *****


SEABISCUIT is one of those typically sappy sentimental based-on-a-true-story modern "classics" bearing little or no resemblence to anything from the golden age of movies. It lacks anything resembling originality-the ending was a real no-brainer; also, it features the most annoying movie character since Jar-Jar Binks (no, it's not the horse). It was "Tic-Toc" McGlaughlin (William H. Macy). That, along with the lame storyline made for a mediocre viewing experience.

Take it from me. SEABISCUIT is a real dog of a movie.

*1/2 out of *****

Gamera tai uchu kaijû Bairasu

Having been a Godzilla fan for many years, Gamera was to me a cheap knockoff to capitalize on the success of Toho's #1 kaiju star. ATTACK OF THE MONSTERS was for me at the time (1975) an almost painful viewing experience.

Last weekend, I attended the annual Godzilla fest, known as G-FEST, where Carl Craig, one of the stars of GAMERA vs. VIRAS, made an appearance. Of course, they featured this movie. It was one of the most hilarious bad movies ever made. Of course, you have to be in the right frame of mind to watch it. In one scene, for example, the boy scouts held prisoner on board the alien space craft manage to escape by distracting the not-too-bright aliens. When they realize they"ve been duped, one of them says, "That's funny...I think those kids lied to us." Not even PLAN NINE FROM OUTER SPACE can boast that kind of dialog.

This may not be GODZILLA or even GAMERA 3, but this one is a decent enough time waster, if you watch it in the right frame of mind.

However, if you want top quality kaiju entertainment, check out the recently released GAMERA 3.

Rating: **1/2 out of *****

They Went That-A-Way & That-A-Way

Still another DVD from Wal-Mart's bargain bin, it's a two-for-the-price-of-one deal, featuring THE LONGSHOT on side one. THEY WENT THAT-A-WAY was the better of the two. Several scenes stand out-among them: Tim Conway is forced to perform dentistry on Warden "Gunner" Warden; Conway and Chuck McCann trying to convince the Warden that they don't really belong in prison and would he lend them his vehicle so they can get to the Governer's mansion; and the scene where they hijack a hearse to take them there.

Catch this one if you can.

Rating: ****1/2 out of *****

Mars Attacks!



MARS ATTACKS is a lot of fun, that is, if you don't take it too seriously. Whether you loved or hated INDEPENDENCE DAY or WAR OF THE WORLDS for that matter, you may still appreciate MARS ATTACKS. Much better than PEE-WEE's BIG ADVENTURE or the PLANET OF THE APES remake.

"MEM-MEM: mememmemem mim im memmemmemmemmem"

Rating: **** out of *****

The City of the Dead

The last time I caught this one was on WGN's Creature Features many years ago. Last week, I found a DVD copy at Walgreens for $3.99 and snatched it up (amazing what you can find in the bargain bin). HORROR HOTEL was even better the second time around, some 32 years later. It's a low budget movie without the flashy special effects, blood & gore, or big name stars (other than Christopher Lee). Rather, it's the creepy atmosphere, complete with fog, dilapitated buildings, wierd people, and an overall clausterphobic feeling that make HORROR HOTEL a minor classic. Also, the final showdown in the village churchyard ranks among one of the finest climaxes in a movie of this kind.

Rating: **** out of *****

Sappy Bull Fighters

With titles like FLYING SAUCER DAFFY, SPACE SHIP SAPPY, and this one, SAPPY BULLFIGHTERS, it was clear that the creative force behind the Three Stooges was running out of steam. This one, in fact was their last short. Of course, having Joe Besser on board didn't help either.

Not to say that Joe Besser was a no-talent loser. I found him hilarious in THE ABBOTT & COSTELLO SHOW as Stinky Jones. Besser just wasn't cut out to be a Stooge, any more than Bill Clinton was cut out to be President, but we won't go there.

Fortunately, their career took off again in the 1960's, so this wasn't their swan song.

Rating: * out of *****

(or as Shemp so fondly put it, "beebeebeebeebeebeebeebeebee.......)

The Gathering

Those who are familiar with the LEFT BEHIND series should find this one well worth the time. Michael Carrey, a successful marketing executive catches a glimpse of the near future, namely the Rapture of Christians into Heaven. His wife and mother-in-law also get a preview of the Tribulation period following the Rapture. Carrey tries to warn his unbelieving loved ones of the soon return of Jesus Christ before it's too late.

Filmed on a limited budget, it's a well paced story, one of those movies that doesn't need big-name stars or spectacular special effects to get it's point across. Highly recommended.

Rating: ***** out of *****

Dracula vs. Frankenstein

For those of us who are into the classic "creature features", namely the Universal monster movies of the 30's and 40's, DRACULA vs. FRANKENSTEIN may be a depressing, (though somewhat watchable) experience.

J. Carroll Naish and Lon Chaney Jr. last seen together in HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN nearly 30 years earlier, appear here in what was to be their final performance. Chaney himself has no speaking role, having lost his voice to cancer-supposedly the strain put upon him from his performance nearly killed him. Naish, who was wheelchair bound, was very ill himself.

As for Dracula and Frankenstein, well, don't expect any resemblence to the classic monsters of yesteryear. Zandor Varkov was no John Carradine, but he was passable as the infamous vampire. The Frankenstein Monster was more like a third-place participant in a Halloween costume contest.

This may not be anywhere near the worst horror movie ever made, but it was a sad ending for Lon Chaney Jr. and J. Carrol Naish.

Rating: ** out of *****

Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man

FRANKENSTEIN MEETS THE WOLFMAN picks up where both GHOST OF FRANKENSTEIN and THE WOLF MAN leave off. Larry Talbot, inadverdantly revived by grave robbers during a full moon seeks the help of Dr. Frankenstein to cure him of his werewolf curse. Meanwhile, the Monster is revived and Talbot and the Monster battle to the death. At 74 minutes, it's a fast paced and well done follow-up to the aforementioned previous monster classics, as well as a predecessor to HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN and HOUSE OF DRACULA.

A worthy addition to your video/DVD collection.

Rating: ****1/2 out of *****

The Fly II

Just like KING KONG LIVES, FLY II is a pointless, stupid, and asinine sequel to a substandard remake of a classic original (even though Cronenberg's version had it's moments). Not so here. Eric Stoltz carries on the experiment which turned his father (Jeff Goldblum) into the title fiend. Of course, we wouldn't have much of a movie if he didn't.

Come to think of it, it's still not much of a movie to begin with.

Rating: 1/4 * out of *****

If not for the make-up job, I would have given this one a 0.

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