
IMDb member since October 2000
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Dawn of the Dead

another boredom Hollywood action movie
all is in my title... don't think that i don't know what is a remake... and don't think to that my great appreciation of the original Romero's movie blind me. As i saw this movie by total chance during a long December night i thought ahhh give it a try, it can't be worse than i think... but it was.. the first thing to see is a total broke of the rules of the game... (understand the code of classical horror movies... the movie count a lot of characters.. the are no suspense... no mind game... and the living deads runs as fast as hell lol... but again i thought that if that well made why not trying a new way of horror ? but it simply wasn't ! This movie is just another boredom American action movie.. no plot, just some guns and blood that's all folks even the atmosphere is boring... you can predict all that happen at every time....

If you haven't see the original, try it, even for young who prefers special effects than plot, this movies can make a serious impact (and don't walk in the street alone at night after lol)

The Warriors

Neo Gang from New-York city
To my shame i discovered this movie really recently and only with a strange reason. I was marveled with the front picture of a recent video game called "The Warriors". Seeing the picture i thought than this soft smell the American horror/action movies from the 70's. I was looking for fan critics of a game and find that it was actually inspired by a movie... no hesitation i must see it ! Frankly it's no so good that it could be, the different gangs are not so original and look more wannabe gangster than real gang from new york even in a near futur. the story is not deep and i think that a lot of another things could have been developed. Anyway it's a very pleasant movie with a non-stop action feeling and very fun situation. A must-see ? i don't know really but no need to wait a boring Saturday night to take it from you video dealer !

Gung buk II

Buddy-Movie at his best
Gong Pu II (aka City Cop) is one of the best Buddy-movie i seen Danny Lee, a legend in Hong-Kong movies get back to what he love, a dirty cop who think that when you are in face of a brutal gangster you can do everything to stop him... this is just pure entertainment...

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