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The 4:30 Movie

Bad John Hughes Homage.
The disappointment continues. Kevin Smith's low budget movies prove he's become so insecure that he's rather put out low value trash that his fan base guarantees to make profitable, instead of taking the kind of big swing that made him famous.

If Kevin were the person he professes to be, he would have directed a DC or Marvel motion picture. He tells fans that special effects are a skill he doesn't possess, but there are plenty of directors with limited to no experience doing quality projects with CGI. After cop out tanked, it was clear Kevin didn't want his name attached to any financial loss.

For this film, Kevin tried to recreate an episode of Smodcast where Emo Kev rides his bike recording thoughts about life. Unfortunately, it's all wrapped up in a foul mouthed, pop cultured mess that sexualizes teens.

Let's be honest, life is X rated, but when you tell a story about high school sophomore's, you are not going to get a PG rating with illicit sex talk and acts. I was also having a real hard time with one of the main characters, he was playing 16 and looked 30, upon looking him up, it appears I was not far off. At first look, I thought he was an uncle or much older brother, he certainly didn't look the same age as his co-stars.

Someone close to Kevin needs to help him get back on track. His movies miss Scott Mosier and the vulgarity, need to be replaced with better story and writing.

Dead End

This was about the worst thing I've ever seen. Bad acting, bad directions, bad production, bad editing, bad effects and bad script.

This low budget title was free to watch on YouTube and I still wanted my money back. I think I saw another title from this director and it was equally as bad and you wonder how projects like this get funded and how they attract any talent. A group of 7th graders could do better than this with an iPhone 7.

I don't know how that got Vivica to lend her name and face to this project, but I think it speaks more to how her value has sunk. There is a reason after 5 years no one has seen or appreciated this film and I apologize in advance to anyone that sits through this abortion of a film.

Tyler Perry's Divorce in the Black

I never saw a Tyler Perry film until a few years ago and find them all, silly. He's always trying to send a message, but that message gets lost of poor writing, poor acting and poor direction.

This time around Megan Good is the lead and she's just not strong enough t lead anything, hence her movie roles being small. She had a chance a decade or more ago. She was the star of the TV version of Minority Report and it was canceled after 3 episodes.

This time, she plays a naive, country church girl that marries into a hillbilly, ghetto gang family. Somehow her rural town that is 90 minutes from the city fosters prosperity and they go from literal shacks to upscale high dollar homes.

I'm going to stop right here, without addressing the store, it's completely unbelievable and unrealistic and people unnecessarily get hurt do to their continued foolishness. I gave this 5 stars and that is generous, but anything below 6 in my book is something you should avoid.

Time Bandits

Time Out!
As someone who grew up watching this movie and was overjoyed when Criterion put out a release. I can tell you there is no spirit in this show. It's poorly cast, poorly written and poorly executed.

In the movie the Bandits and Kevin were the core. These bandits are idiots and Kevin isn't what I would call lovable.

I think it would have been possible to recapture some of the magic from the movie, but again, not with this team. I'm sick of Kevin and the Bandits and I'm trying to understand how a 60 year old Lisa Kudro brings anything other than a cookie cutter version of Phoebe to this show.

I couldn't be any more disappointed and after 2 episodes it's clear this show will not be back for another season. Worst show I have seen all you, without a doubt.

Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F

Beverley Hill Slop!
When Netflix blocked early reviews, it was clear to me that they knew this film was weak.

Beverley Hill's Cop 3 is one of the worst films of all time and I'm not convinced this title is any better. The unfiltered language is welcome, but much like some of Eddie's standup, foul language does not make up for old fashioned belly laughs.

This story is somewhat cohesive, but you never fear the bad guys, never feel the hero is in any serious danger and you anticipate every twist, turn and payoff.

Eddie hasn't had a laugh in decades, the woman that pays his daughter is less than attractive and likeable in her role and Taggart, Rosewood and Jeffery are worn like old jewelry in this VOD sequel.

100% disappointed in this sloptastic trash.

In the Blood

Bloody Good
Yes, I gave this 6 stars, but for me, that is a C+. I was expecting trash and this actually was really entertaining. I think the casting could and should have been better. Danny T was believable, but he's really not a strong actor. L Guzman was pretty good, but he didn't have a lot to play off. Gina also isn't a strong actress, but the fact that she did her own stunts made her performance more believable and every time she puts on a dress, you know it's about to be a beatdown.

Cam was the worst. I just don't dig that guy, He's too soft to play hard and not soft enough for you to have empathy for.

I'd keep Gina and Louis and scrap the rest. Batter casting would have made this a sleeper, much like Gina's other action flick, Haywire.


The Whack Pack
My review title is misleading. I don't have a problem with these actors, my problem is with the weak documentary. This is a clear attention grab from an 80's actor that in my opinion is popular by association. Drew Mack is probably best remembered for his role in Pretty in Pink which in my opinion is bolstered by the James Spader and Jon Cryer performances. I didn't even remember he was in St. Elmo's but at the same time, I don't find that movie memorable.

These projects are rarely good. I find it impossible to tell your own tale. Since he is part of the culture being examined, he is the last person that should be helming this project. There are two people referenced that don't appear in this film and ironically, one often gives Brat Pack interviews, so I was shocked that she declined to participate. At the same time there was no mention of Tony Hall, C. T. Howell, Charlie Sheen, or several other Brat Pack adjacent actors.

You can also tell that true success is the best therapy and when Jon Cryer proudly proclaims he was not in the brat pack (Not a spoiler, in the trailer) you get a true sense that despite living through it and being associated, he does not give a flunk. He's no Rob Lowe, but still had massive success on his own scale. R. I. P. Maxwell Houser.

In the right hands this could have been emotional, suspenseful and liberating, but D Mack is not a film maker and it showed with glaring proof in this attention grab of a weak reunion piece.

Kudos to Emile Estavez. Good to see you buddy, you are a true talent on both side of the camera and I always enjoy your words.

Paradox Effect

Wake Me When It's Over!!!
Ok, I didn't fall asleep, but this was painful to watch. Another reviewer said it felt long despite being 88 minutes and I have to say, I was convinced this was 2 hours or more.

I'm American and tend to only like American films, but I saw The Courier a year or two ago and Olga was great and the film was far better than it should have been. Gary Oldman brought his game and I thought Harvey would do the same here.

The plot was weak and I found it hard to care about any of it or the people involved and of course, everybody was stupid and made the wrong choice leading to the overall mess that this movie was.

No idea what the budget was, but this movie was so bad, Matt Damon couldn't have saved it.

The Fall Guy

Falls Short
I thought A-Team was a Home Run and The Fall Guy was a show from the same time period with a much better cast on the small and large screen.

I thought the story here was original and solid, but the script was weak. There weren't enough strong laughs and despite claims of a stunt extravaganza, there was a couple decent stunt offerings, but it reminded me of watching live action stunts at Universal Studios and not actually movie content. The action and stunts in both John Wick and Nobody far exceed what you get here.

I had really high hopes for this and have been following progress for decades. I think Mark Wahlberg was attached in the early 2000's and like every action movie, The Rock was attached in the 2010's.

It's just not a good movie despite having a good story and solid cast.

This is better than the Roadhouse remake, but not by much.

Best part of the film could be the Mid Credits scene, but even that didn't really fit, but it will make original fans grateful they sat through most of the credits.

Polite Society

Disrespectful Entertainment
This is another example of what happens when you give a budget to those who have no idea what a great movie can be. The concept here is semi original. Delusional teen escapes reality by thinking she is a cross between Neo and The Fall Guy (Girl).

This movie takes way too long setting up a scenario that never really pays off. Of course there is a climatic ending, but it's short of artistic action or even physicality.

The acting is all around terrible and everybody, I mean everybody in this movie proves they are absolute idiots.

In the rights hands. This film would have had stronger casting. More comedy, more drama and conflict and a much more believable set up than the main character getting the sand beat out of her for the entire film.

There will not be a sequel to this, at least not theatrical, despite the occasional positive review. It's clear that this movie was an absolute turd. No one with any sense would invest in a second go of this.

My suggestion, don't hire the writer, director or producers of this film on your project unless you want something ready made for the recycle bin!

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

Another Sony Garbage Grab
Nothing matches the original magic of Ghostbusters. Afterlife was terrible and I'm shocked they decided to come back with another title. There was no comedy, no connection and it was 90 minutes before a ghost was busted!

These kids are silly, Paul Rudd can only look like an idiot so long before he gets boring and Carrie just isn't convincing. Danny, Bill and Ernie have no chemistry with the new cast or themselves matter of fact, I don't Murray says more than a dozen words in the entire film.

The only good news in my opinion is the fact this is a Sony film. Have positive memories of Columbia Pictires and they would all be tainted if their loga appeared before movies like this. Madame Web, Morbious, etc.

Sony is ruining their name, brand and reputation with garbage films like this and I've had enough.

Thanks to TMobile, I was able to see this movie for $5 and I can tell you, I wan $10 back, my original 5 plus another 5 for sitting through this cinematic abortion.


Stay on Track!
Justin H is a handsome man and as a handsome man, it's easy to discount his acting, but he proved in This Is Us that he can command the screen, as the entire cast did.

I figured I would give this a try and ended up being impressed, my actual score would be 7.5, but you can't give half stars in your rating.

I have a major complaint and that would be CBS. This is a strong property and it's wasted on network television. The subject matter is edgy and serious and the first two episodes could have gone dark and gritty multiple times, but it couldn't due to network restrictions.

This is problematic, because these shows get stale quickly when they can't embrace their darker side, so writers and producers introduce cheesy stories that turn gritty action dramas into ultra low budget soap operas.

As another reviewer stated, "Promising", but ultimately this is an edgy show that will never be able to show that edge. I'll keep watching, but my expectations on longevity are low.

Incredible cast, don't screw this up CBS.

Dear Secret Santa

Worst Christman Themed Movie!!!
Let's be honest T Ali is not top billed material, but I like her and dug her TV show, so figured I would come out and support. When I saw Bill Cobbs, E Hudson and Larmorne, I figured it would be entertaining to say the least.

This movie was dry, humorless and ended up being a weak attempt to siphon from The Lake House.

This movie was a major waste of talent and example of why more Afrocentric material isn't produced. Anyone attached to this movie should be embarrassed and I'll never understand how a script like this gets green-lit and a director continued to work.

1 star is generous, this is doo doo to the 12th degree.

Superpowered: The DC Story

We could be heroes, just for one day!
Listen, origin stories have been told 1000 times and all the documentaries on DC. Marvel and their contributors have been done dozens of times.

For me, the problem is the fact that despite tipping a hat to some creators, creators and contributors have not been fairly compensated, so when I see pieces like this, no matter how moving I think, you are a billion-dollar entity and you have yet to get full credit, rights and payments to contributors.

Comics are the last real medium for storytelling, and it's obvious by the collective content by not keeping the right people employed and engaged, the quality of product has collapsed.

This series touches on that, but also gives far too much credit to Jim Lee, no doubt he's a contributor, but he, along with Geoff John are two of the biggest strike outs in DC history.

When you watch this, just keep in mind, there is a parade of people not getting their due.

Spinning Gold

Fools Gold
I had high expectations here and this movie didn't come close to meeting them. At it's core is an amazing story, but they failed to tell it with any suspense, compassion or coniction. The trailer sells you on inside details of every act on the label, but for the most part, we only get to know Kiss and Donna Summer.

The biggest problem with this film is none of the talent looks like who they are portraying. Kiss has 5 decades of Cosplayers and every one of those fans looks better than the clown squad they assembled for this film. Not a single member looks like the actual band member and Gene Simmons looks like he's about 5"6' and that is with the platform boots. Tall talent in real life is portrayed by short people. Thin people like Gladys Knight are portrayed by a fat woman, and short people like George Clinton are portrayed by talent a full foot taller.

As much as I tried to get into this movie, the poor portrayals kept pulling me out. The music also was poorly done again removing me from the fantasy.

There are two reasons this movie is going to tank. 1) its target audience is most likely retired or pushing it. 2) it's not true enough to the people to satisfy the crowd. This was a watered-down remake of Rock of Ages. A poor parody or of poor movie. That's what happens when you allow the family of the subject to run the show. These kids are not film makers and it shows in every scene.


Short on Air
I had extremely high hoped for this movie and I'm sad to say it fell short. Overall, it's a decent film, but much of it doesn't appear to be factual and the talent of Marlon Wayans and Chris Tucker went to waste.

The movie was funnier than I expected, but I didn't expect a comedy. I think most of us think we know Michael's story or possibly Nike's story, but for me, this story lacked suspense, tension and conflict.

A story like this, you know how it ends, so the story itself is the journey and the story here just isn't compelling. I'm happy for Matt and Ben coming together for this project, but if you ask me, the weakest component here was the script, it just doesn't live up to the greatness of Air Jordan or Nike.


Serious Hit!
Fastball is without a doubt the best best Baseball documentary if not the best documentary ever made. Facing Nolan becomes a great companion to that title for reason I won't get into here.

Reggie was a personal hero of mine growing up and his jersey was the first I ever wore as a child. I thought I was familiar with his story, but learned a lot here.

I found this piece to be moving, informative and enlightening, however, I also found it somewhat depressing. It certainly paint a picture and drive home a message that it was a difficult time for black athletes. At the same time, the absence of laughter just left me with a burden I didn't plan to carry. Maybe we needed stories from Reggie's kids, or lighthearted interviews from his glory days. Seeing people like Dr. J, added a human element, but I needed more of that. Would have been nice to see a Ken Griffey as well, assuming there is a relationship there.

I saw what the film maker tried to do, but their was no joy in this movie and no matter what the struggle way, it appeared to me, Mr. Jackson had plenty to celebrate.

The Grizzlie Truth

The Truth Hurts!
The truth is The Vancouver Grizzlies were terrible and the reason they left town was financial, but not because of the exchange rate, but because there was no support.

I'm a 50 year old man and former Sonics STH (Season Ticket Holder). I am going to tell you the story I lived through and assure you this movie did not tap into the details as the filmmaker was a near toddler and her father most likely had no United States NBA experience.

I was in my early 20's when the Griz entered the NBA, and Vancouver has always been my favorite city in North America, so Grizzly games were am amazing treat. For most of their tenure, the exchange rate was bananas! A US dollar was worth $1.40 Canadian, Grizzly tickets were also less, The cheapest courtside seat at Key Arena was $450, and chances are, you'd never get access to it, because single seats weren't available based on the Sonics being only second to Chicago in popularity. We sat courtside at, at least 2 Grizzly games a year and the tickets were about $135 US. We saw 4-5 games in Vancouver per year and it was rare GM place was ever more than half full. They used to scroll the rules of the game on the big screen for about 20 minutes prior to tipoff. No doubt there was Canadian pride, but almost no one had any idea what the game was and how it was played. There were people that would just stand and wave Canadian flags just to be seen on TV.

I honestly don't even remember if I was at a game the Griz won, but it was more about other teams like Chicago, LA, Detroit and San Antonio. Ironically, the one Bulls game we saw, Jordan didn't make the trip, but we did sit courtside behind the Lakers bench and I had a conversation with both Van Excel and O'Neal.

I don't know what the Griz issues were. Big Country, never produced and Shareef played his heart out, but it's not 1 on 5. In my opinion, the most effective player in Griz history was Mike Bibby. He was the only Griz to put up post Griz All-Star numbers.

Now, I can tell you, like the Documentary claimed, it was always a show. We sat near Lynda Carter one game, she was filming something in town and another game I thought TV's Webster was in front of me, until Shawn Kemp came off the floor to hug him and it was MC Hammer. The games were a true celebrity trap. It was also easy to hang with players post-game at Richards on Richards and Level 5.

You knew the Griz would lose and you knew the visiting team was going to empty their bench. It wasn't uncommon to see star players sit in the second quarter, and never play again.

This is when I knew the team was finished. I was in town for a game and in a 7-11. There was a sign in the window that said, "Buy a Slurpee, get a free Grizzly ticket. I'm guessing at that time, the cheapest ticket was $10, but still a Slurpee was maybe $1.50. They were desperate to fill seats, but at the end of the day, most people don't supports losers and in general, I just always got the impression the city wasn't interested in basketball. I met a lot of cool people at games, people asking questions about players, rules and fouls, but it was seriously a social activity for locals, most didn't care about the game. And most didn't stay for the whole event.

The movie addresses Steve Francis. I'm glad she got time with him, but again living through it. My opinion was simple, he was a brat and who wants a brat on their team. The city is better off not having him, but I feel bad they wasted a draft pick.

This movie asked a question the film maker couldn't answer because she didn't love through it as an adult. The team left because of all of the above. Poor management, poor ownership, poor players, poor coaching and poor attendance.

I'd love to see the city get another franchise, but I don't think they have the support. Seattle put up a stellar effort as well as millions of dollars and we don't have as much as a gift shop. This was a fans film, but since it was done through the eyes of a child, it comes of childish, just like her previous work. I'm fairly confident she is the only one to search for Big Country.

House Party

Foreclose This Property
House Party is a cultural significant classic film full of amazing music, great casting, a touching story and the promise of maturity. This 30 year old reboot has none of that.

No one in this movie is likeable. Nothing about this movie is funny and there is zero redemption for the story or characters. The premise is dumb, the acting is weak and the direction is a perfect example of why black cinema can never get off the ground.

This is not only possible the worst reboot of all time, it is without a doubt one of the worst films of all time. They try to spice this up with the occasional call back or cameo but there is no saving this film. In the end, it feels like a On Demand movie, but anyone who paid for this would be expecting a refund.

I don't know who signed off on this, but it is 100% trash!

National Treasure: Edge of History

National Disaster!
Shame on Disney for putting out this trash. The problem with this show is the kids. The star is really good in the role, but all of her friends are idiots and irritating.

I get that you need some conflict and confusion for a show like this, but she should have been flanked with intelligent friends with flaws.

Starting the series with Harvey Keitel is nice, but his role just wasn't strong enough to hold the foundation together. Plus, his character doesn't appear to be in the same head space as the theatrical character.

He's the same guy, but with a different mentality Unless there is an upcoming twist to explain why he isn't the same crime busting FBI agent, his character just won't make sense

The only thing missing from this show is a van, a dog and a lot of weed. A+ potential, C- effort and D level show.

Pelosi in the House

Weak film on powerful leader
Nancy's daughter may love her, may admire her and may have more access and insight to who she truly is, but that does not qualify her to be a documentary film maker. Not only does her lack of film making show, it comes off as a family centric historical passion piece and Nancy's legacy is deserving of more. There is so much drama and struggle that was not captured or shown.

If you are wondering why ratings for this piece is low, that is why, in the hands of a capable or qualified film maker this could have been a defining piece for female leadership.

This is the same mistake Nolan Ryan's son made in his doc last year, but at least there, you could tell he worked with an experienced crew and the gratuitous parts of that doc where clearly at the insistence of the children.

You only get one bite at the apply and unfortunately this was not a good one. This was too long, too boring and too bland. I'd say Nancy's life is in the 10 range and this movie does not reflect that. Some times family needs to get out of their own way.

She Said

That's What She Said!
Listen, this story is important, so I don't want to discount it, but this movie was not compelling. There could and should have been more tension and suspense. When you know where the bus is going the journey is in how you get there. I didn't care about anyone in this movie and it ultimately came off as a bunch of women crying.

Clearly Harvey was a predator and got what he had coming, but the writers, director and producer of this film failed to make this entertaining or engaging. I hate to see such a life changing story be under-served, but Hollywood needs to put important content like this in more capable hands. 5 Stars is generous. At least two of those are for empathy and sympathy of the victims.

Clerks III

Please close this store (Story) for good!
No question, Kevin Smith has a loyal fan base, and I used to be apart of it, until it was clear his only goal in life was to milk Clerks until someone slaps him across the face and tells him to wake up. I have no idea why Ben Affleck keeps showing up, but at least Matt Damon had the good sense to say, my debt is paid.

This was a story with no meat on the bones, my favorite part of the movie is smith admitting all the reason people don't like him anymore. Talking about his heart attack for the 500th time. Putting his no talent friends and family in his films, and making film so cheap and so stupid that only his most loyal fans would recommend it.

I am going out on a limb and assume he has done the math and knows that if fans come out, he'll break even and with digital sales, a profit will be turned.

I hope this is the last I hear, see or know about this franchise or these characters, there is nothing left to say or tell and the fact that 60 year old men tried to fool me into believing they weren't bald, middle aged or overweight was a clear sign of how delusional Mr. Smith is.

His backwards baseball caps, jort wearing droopy eye paint a picture of a boy that needs to realize it's time to be a man and the fact that he won't take on a serious project just goes to show, he's a fictional director, literally. Bad movies and WB series is the true sign of an underachiever.

Thank God for fans, charging $40+ to see this film on tour is the worst decision most of you made. I was able to see the film for free and still plan to look into a refund.

Nothing Compares

Noting Impressive Here.
The Lion and The Cobra was one of the first CD's I bought as a kid. It was clear Ms. O'Conner had talent. That said, although accepted today, her look at the time was a bit disturbing. It was clear Sinead was a beautiful girl, but the look came off as White Supremacist. Annie Lenox had a somewhat similar style, but Annie always made sure to keep her face made, which made her hair and style come off more like a boss than a lesbian or racist.

For me, Sinead appeared to be troubled. By the time of that SNL episode, it was clear she had pain and history that was going to make it hard for her to be commercially accepted. She appeared to be an uncontrollable force that might eventually lead to the unravelling of her career.

There was some decent details in this doc, but I don't really feel like I learned anything new. I know she had no control over Prince's estate, but the fact that her biggest hit and namesake of this piece wasn't used was odd. If she recorded the song, I just assumed she had the right to use it in her own production. No talk or interviews with her kids, even thought her eldest is well into 30 years of age.

It was just a boring journey with no pay off. The most interesting part of the doc to me where the 4 minutes of feedback from Chuck D. I don't know how Sinead see's herself, because this doc didn't answer that, but I think she is aware that her career could and would have been better served by a better attitude.

Who You Gonna Call?

Bustin' Makes Me Feel Good!
I love music, I love documentaries and seriously love Ray Parker Jr, but this piece was trash! I grew up listening to Raydio and enjoyed Ray's music immensely. I was unaware of his child prodigy status and all the legends he worked with and wrote for. I think the doc did a decent, but not great by any stretch of painting that picture. Where this doc failed is there was no serious drama, it was too happy if not peaceful. How are you going to call this Documentary "Who You Gonna Call" and not even mention the lawsuit around the title of the song and feature?

I'll be blunt, it took me a while to even hear the similarity between Ray's theme and the Huey song and knowing what we know about Ray it's highly unlikely that he would or need to steal anyone else's music! I never had a doubt it was his original composition, and this movie could have made that clearer for any that did doubt.

They danced around the Leo Sayer issue which was teased in the trailer and just failed to make a cohesive engaging story. I was able to purchase this on sale and still feel like I paid too much!

Ray is a man worthy of a substantial documentary and this is 100% not it. Don't waste you time, money, energy or effort on this stinker. This director is not fit to do community theater.

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