
IMDb member since July 2000
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Witchcraft X: Mistress of the Craft

I did not know they made 'em this bad...
Once again, the worst actress alive, messes up an even messier flick. How is that possible? Without Eileen Daly, this would just have been bad, but her "acting" plus "story" plus a production team and director with the talent of a vacuum cleaner, makes this about the worst movie ever made, next to Oasis of the Zombies. I normally like low budget, or even no budget, but this is just a waste of time.

Oh, one plus: Some of the chicks have quite nice bodies. That's about it... AVOID!!!


What have I done to deserve this..?
Ok... I know it's with Gary Daniels, but I didn't know it would be THAT bad. It's basically a traditional east-meet-west yakuza crime action stinker set in the US. Sounds interesting? It's not. Gary Daniels "performance" is actually the best about this crap (and I hate him). Lame plotting, dull action and bad acting. Stay away!!!!

Anthropophagous 2000

On the menu today... unborn babys...
Not Schnaas' best work ( which is Violent Shit 2) but all in all ok. As always the "actors" are crap, but that's not the essential thing in his movies. The effects are the most important thing in Schnass' production, and they are really great in this one. There's actually not that much gore in it, but the scenes that made it are super and the baby-eating scene is no less than brilliantly sick and twisted... just as we like it!!! I wonder what Schnaas could do with a Pearl Harbor budget!?

The Majorettes

What the hell!?
No wonder, nobody bothered to comment on this piece of s...! What starts out to be a slasher (and a extremely bad one, that is) then suddenly change direction and becomes an action movie, with a lot of gunfight and explosions!? I can only hope that the book is better (which it doubt).

So don't bother watching this. There's not enough blood to make it a good stalker/slasher flick, and there's not enough action to make it a good action movie. The plot(?) is non-existing, the acting is worse than bad, the "effects" are really dull (all victims get their throat cut, how inventive) and even the editing is bad.

You're better off renting the old classics like Friday the 13th, the prowler, helloween and if you liked the action part of this movie you're better off with all Craig R. Baxley's movies.


I am proud to be Danish!!!
This is the movie that we Danes can be proud of!! It is the worst movie ever made but it is so funny that I am about to die. I just got the American Version as a gift for Christmas and it is a bit different than the danish version. In the Danish version Reptilicus doesn't puke green slime at people and it does't eat the little farmer. By the way that was the scene I laughed my lungs up. It looks so god damn funny!!! But it is a pretty good movie to see with your friends and have a good laugh! Note that Reptilicus is destroying the Golden Gate bridge on the cover of the DVD.

Exquisite Tenderness

Hospital horror...
Not the worst of it's kind. The performances are acceptable and the story is a kind of dumb, but... It's not so much of a horror movie, it's more like a thriller.

If you want real Doctor horror, I would recommend Dr. Giggles...


Worst movie ever..?
No, not really! But it's up there. Everything about this movie is bad. The "plot" makes no sense at all, it leads nowhere and the effects are there, but are nothing special. Ted Raimi and Lakes performances are almost acceptable, but Lords "performance" is the worst ever. I have seen vaccum cleaners with more talent! I can not warn you enough about this crap. And DO NOT buy the DVD from Simitar! There is only one thing worse than the picture quality and the sound, and that's the cover illustration. Holy s... it's ugly. Only 81 min. and NOT 90 min. as it should have been.

I have only seen one movie worse than this: Jesus Franco's Oasis of the Zombies... So stay away from both...

Premutos - Der gefallene Engel

This is german amateur gore at it's best! It reminds me of Jacksons Braindead and Bad Taste. This movie is a perfect blend of over-the-top gore and far out humor, just like Jacksons flicks! It's the only Ittenbach movie have seen, but it's not the last. If you liked this flick, check out Andreas Schnaas' Violent shit flicks. Premutos is better made, but the shock value is higher in the tree Violent Shit flicks. Premutos is out on Spanish DVD with a very good Behind the Camera...

Bloody Murder

Oh my God...
This flick should get prize. I think you have to be realy talented to make this kind s...! It's so boring that I don't know what to write. I'm still sleeping. You can not even laugh at it, because you are too busy yawning...

La tumba de los muertos vivientes

I usually like bad movies, but this is just too lame. Nothing of interest here at all! Everything about this movie is bad: the "story", actors, direction, effects e.t.c. It's not even one of those It's-so-bad-it's-good flicks, just plain bad. Avoid at all costs!!!

Sang faa sau see

Dawn of the Bio Zombie...
This is a hip and fresh version of the Dawn movie. It's not Oscar material, but very entertaining. The characters are likable and the direction and photography is very inventive. If you like the gory zombie flicks- AVOID, if you want some very entertaining 90 min. this is it!

Sei yan bong: Chin ng gau sai

Nice crime story...
This one is based on an actual case. Although no body or evidence of a crime was found, 4 young men was pleaded guilty for murder. This is their story! I know the Untold series is famous for it's gore, so if that's what you want keep away from this one. Ok, a body is dismembered, but thats it! If you want a nicely written and directed (disturbing)crime story based on actual events, you should check this one out! The only problem is the strange humor, which seems out of place in a movie about a serious as this one.

Yan yuk cha siu bau II: Tin jue dei mit

Hot women...
First of all, this movie is not as extreme as it would like us to think! The actual gore is very limited, but that does not make this movie bad at all. I kept thinking about Audition during the last half of the movie, because of the psycho women in both movies and the torture of their lovers. The acting is fair and the direction ok.

The Necro Files

This is not as funny and gory as the DVD box claims. I really love twisted and wierd movies, but this one is really just dull! It's one hour of ripped off penises, flying Baby Born dolls and a lot of rape! I think the intention with this amateur sleaze, was to make a It's-so-bad-it's-good movies, but it fails. It's just bad! A few scenes are ok, but in whole it's a mess. If you like amateur splatter like this one (Only way better) I would recommend Andreas Schnass' Violent Shit 2 and 3.

Liu jai yim taam

Not for all tastes...
Hmmm... If you get turned on by endless simulated sex scenes, bad acting and REALLY bad effects, you should try this one. I have never seen anything like it. The only problem is that the sex scenes (About 80% of the movie) are extremely dull, and you find yourself wishing for it to stop. Besides the sex, there's an highly original story. It's worth a look, if you just want to watch something out of the ordinary...because this one really is!

Yuen Chun Hap yu Wai See Lee

Stupid...But entertaining!
This could be discribed as a splatter version of Indiana Jones. Throw in some martial art scenes, stupid looking monsters and a dull Chow-fat, and The Seventh Curse is what you get! It's stupid and badly acted, but the entertainment value is huge. This is what entertainment is all about...

Yeuk saat

Hong Kong Psycho...
This one is a little better than the average rape-movie from Hong Kong. The atmosphere in the movie is breathtaking, thanks to Ng, who delivers one of the best and most intense portrays of a sick rapist i have ever seen!!! The atmosphere makes this movie, so the occasional gore seem pointless. There is a lot of bad acting though...

Shan gou 1999

Friday the 13th... Hong Kong style!
Entertaining little slasher flick! It's best discribed as a mix of Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Violent Shit 2. As in most slasher movies, the plot is basically non-existant. A group of friends goes to a remote island to party for a few days, and then get slaughtered one by one by a psycho killer and son. Thats it. The dialogue is very cheesy and the acting not that good, but it's quit entertaining anyway. Not that gory though. If you like slasher flicks, then this little Hong Kong movie is worth a look...

Bijo no harawata


You don't see movies like this every day. This japanese erotic horror movie has it all, sex, rape, yakuza, sex, rape, gore, rape, digitally blured blow jobs, rape, a mutated penis with teeth and a hermafrodite zombie, sufficating a man with her/his/it's vagina!!! There is a really simple storyline in this flick. A psychiatrist tries to avenge a girl, raped by yakuza-like men. This of course involves a lot of sex. She eventually get caught by the "yakuza", and of course gets abused, and then killed by a strong drug. She then returns for her revenge as a zombie!

All this may sound really good...but it isn't!!! It's really dull most of the time. Not even the sex scenes(90% of the movie) a interesting. Lame effects and bad editing, makes this even worse (or better!?).The girls are nice though, and the ending is a hoot. Therefore I would rate it a 5 out of ten. With it's 70 min. running time, it's a nice little sick movie to watch in between. On the dutch DVD, there is a nice collection of original trailers, of other sick japanese films like; Evil Dead Trap 1+2 and the first one in the "Guts" series: Guts of a Virgin. All of them looks more interesting than this one.

Only for die hard fans of the genre...

Kondom des Grauens

Show this in your german class
Based on one of Ralf König's gay comicbooks. Great adaption, great humor, great effects (by german sicko Buttgereit) and much better than Der Bewegte Mann, also a König adaption. One of the best german movies in a long time... and with a nice message! Also check out the original german soundtrack, with the lamest titel song EVER + a lot of disco!?

Violent Shit II

Gore Galore...
This one reminds me of the early works of Peter "Bad Taste" Jacksons. It's much better than the first one. There is better effects and it is also technically better. So if you like stupid (german) dialogue, sick effects and no plot, this one should do it. There's also refferences to other horror classics like Friday the 13th and Evil Dead. It's out on DVD, in a German Special Edition. All three Violent Shit movies+ tons of extra material, like Behind the scene, audio commentaries and slideshow. A must buy for splatter fans!

Violent Shit

Watch the other two instead...
Nice effects (for a home video!) and creative killing are the keywords for this no-budget-what-so-ever-movie. But I imagine they had a good time making this. Another positive thing about this movie is that it spawned two brilliant sequels. Watch them instead. They are available in a German Special Edition, which include all three flicks+ tons of extra material! A must buy for all gore-hounds!

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