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Jacob's Ladder

Awesome movie
This was an awesome movie. More like an out of body experience. Truly a work of art. But I think I saw a different movie then most of these reviewers. Saying you have to watch it over and over again. Why? He never made it out of that helicopter. No one did.


Lou Ferrigno made the best movies ever!
All of Lou Ferrigno movies are great. It's a fact, greatest body builder, best looking lightly clad women, dubbed voices and ancient background. Seriously what more can you ask for. If you are stuck at home there is no better escapism then a Ferrigno movie. Forgetabouit!!

Captain Marvel

Not bad at all
Wow all the hate!! This movie was a lot of fun. It had Stan Lee on a train, it had great acting Agents looking like they were young, it had good fight action and it had a great cat. All this and a decent story that clears up a lot about Marvel stuff and the origin of Captain Marvel the X USAF fighter pilot.

Wonder Woman

Wonderful movie
Don't usually write reviews any more but I had to because of some of the really bad things people are saying about this movie. This happens to be a very good flick regardless of it being a DC. Comic book movie. Hard to understand why a movie with humor, good acting, good charter development, good original story and good action sequences can get some people so upset. I think it is not the movie but the people themselves. This movie is very good entertainment for all ages and anyone who disagrees, really doesn't know what they are talking about. But like they say opinions are like butt holes, everyone has one.

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

Much better than anything after Episode VI
This was a very good movie and lots of fun. It's kind of funny listening to people say that this movie did not have the feel of Star Wars. As if they know what it felt like sitting in the audience in 1977 watching Star Wars. I was there at the University of Illinois at Champaign. It was great fun; the audience would sneer and hiss every time Darth Vader came on camera. Sheer entertainment. So if you think that this is some kind of remake or that it did not live up to your expectations of what Star Wars is all about. That's fine, but I can tell you this, for me The Force Awakens does feel and play like a Star Wars movie and it is the first one to do so in over thirty years.

Meeting Evil

Very Good Film
Wow, just watched this movie and I really don't understand why it was not released. I guess it's because most of the audience today is like the girl that worked in the phone store. But for the rest of us, this was a very powerful movie. Had great acting, great story about how things are in America today and how families and workers interact. Weather Jackson was a paid killer or just a complete nut is up to you but either way no one in this movie was without guilt. It just had so many parts to it and visual action that it was never boring and always kept my interest. As most of the reviewers have stated this movie is not for everyone, but if you are looking for something a little different then the normal drab stuff produced today, check it out. I really think if this movie was made in the 1970's or 1980's it would have been a hit.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Film as an art form
I have not seen all of Wes Anderson films, but what I have seen I like. I have not seen every picture in the museums of Europe and New York, but of the ones I have seen I know which ones I like. I liked this film very much; I like it better than any film I have seen this year. It is visually pleasing, the actors are familiar and magnificent and the story was timeless and incredibly human. It is an original work of art that uses humor to convey the realities of human behavior, including greed, lust, love, brutality and the idea that life, in the end, can be what we make it. Ralph Fiennes, Tilda Swinton, Edward Norton, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe, Harvey Keitel, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Murray, Owen Wilson and others will keep you entertained while Anderson spins this historical fairy tale. This film might not be for everyone but as Anderson says, you can tell he gets it.

After the Thin Man

Under rated picture and best of the Thin Man flicks
This film is not only the best of the Thin Man series, but it is one of my favorite films of all time. The actors are fabulous, even Jimmy Steward plays in his best supporting role. This picture has everything, including the best chemistry between two actors, I have ever seen. The one thing I really love about the movie is the cast. Everyone in the cast is somebody and they all are real characters. The scene when they are sitting at the table with the party for the guy that just got out of prison is great, but just one of the delightful scenes that make up this undervalued gem . In any case it is deffently worth checking it out on DVD.


Wow, finally a good 3D Sci-Fi
This is a very well made Sci-Fi action movie that is both entertaining and visually stimulating. I have not been a fan of the 3D movies that have come out recently, but this one is actually worth the few extra dollars. The action is non-stop and although the budget was not huge, they make the best what they have. I give this movie a "10" not because it is a masterpiece, or because the plot or science is brilliant, but because of how well the movie was made in 3D and how believable the acting was. Karl Urban goes through the whole movie without us ever seeing his face. (For an actor that must have been hard. You are going to be the lead actor but no one will ever see your face.) But he does a great job and makes all the macho one-liners sound good. Olivia Thirlby plays the rookie judge, with special powers, very effectively, not over the top but a good contrast to the machine like Dredd. Also, she gets to keep the helmet off, which is a good thing. And although the script is thin, the direction, the action and the 3D visuals, more than make up for it. It is not for kids or the weak of hart, but if you are a Sci-Fi fan, go see this movie now.


Shock Effect Over The Top
Sacha Baron Cohen is one of the funniest people on the planet, and he is the main reason that we first got HBO, just to see his show. But if you want a true review of his latest film, then I have to say in all honesty that it just doesn't work as a movie. Brüno would be a very good skit on HBO but as a movie it just does not work. And the sad thing about it is that I believe Sacha knows this and released the film anyway. Of course there are funny bits in the movie and I left the theater with a smile on my face, but it was a smile at not believing what I had just seen in the movies. This is the kind of film that should only be shown in Greenwich Village at the Midnight show. I really hate to agree with all of the haters out there, but this time they are right, unless you are a juvenile delinquent wreck, and proud of it, do yourself a favor and wait for the video. You have been warned!!!!

The Hangover

Very funny adult movie
I was not in a really good mood when I went to see this movie and I thought that I needed some mindless humor to cheer me up a bit. To my surprise, this movie turned out to be really funny and endearing at the same time. I found myself actually liking everyone acting in this film. The humor was more intelligent then I had expected and I found myself completely engrossed in the situations on the screen. Don't get me wrong, it was still raunchy guy stuff, but the writing and chemistry of this film are way beyond normal mass produced material. But the main reason that I am writing this review is because I don't understand the people that give this movie a rating of one or two. It is OK if you don't care for this type of humor, but it is something else to say the movie was real bad, even when the rest of the movie theater is laughing out loud throughout the whole film. Do you think the rest of the people in the theater are mindless freaks, or are you so self absorbed that you don't realize the rest of the people are really enjoying the film? Anyway, it is a bachelor movie about four guys that go to Vegas, that should give you some insight into what kind of movie it is going to be, and as such, it is really, really funny.

Star Trek

Trek back to the future opens a whole new universe.
This new star trek film is an amazing achievement. On its own merits, it is a well made science fiction movie with great acting made easy by a good story and very well done special effects. It blends the real world of today with the possibilities of the future with seamless effectiveness. It is almost like reading a good Asimov sci-fi novel, but only come to life on the big screen. From the opening scene, it is clear that human emotion and interaction are central to the story, something missing from many of the sci-fi pictures being made. As to the fact that it is a star trek movie, the entire new cast is, in my opinion, just as good and true to the original crew. I have to say that Zachary Quinto, as Spock, was my favorite, it was truly a really good performance. But Karl Urban, as Bones, was the greatest surprise; I did not believe anyone could ever pull off playing Dr. McCoy, but he did with all the emotion, insight and fun. Most of the credit has to go to J.J. Abrams, he has put together a very smart, fast passedand cohesive film, the fact that he has also rejuvenated the best loved sci-fi entity in the universe is further testament to his achievement.

Observe and Report

Not a very good movie.
I have been trying to remember the last time that I actually walked out of a movie. No, I cannot remember ever walking out of a movie in all my 45 years of movie going. That is until today, I sat through Battlefield Earth, Howard the Duck, Ishtar, The Adventures of Pluto Nash, and Hudson Hawk. Not that I was disgusted by the movie for its bad taste, nor was I embarrassed for the actors, who I really like. I had watched over 3 quarters of the movie and I just found myself saying, "You know what, I am very tired of setting through another crappy movie this year". So I got up and walked out. I would normally not write a review like this because everyone has their own opinion, and some people might have found this film funny. But I had to write this because I believe that the first few rave reviews posted on this site had to be fakes. It is sad to see that people in Hollywood would stoop to this level. Maybe they are afraid of having to ask for bail-out money because they can't make good movies any longer.

The Day the Earth Stood Still

The day humanity was almost eaten.
Saying that this film should not be judged against the original is just absurd. If you have seen the first film, how could you not compare the two? This new film does have a lot going for it; its updated environmental message, great special effects, good acting, and the military technology is very state-of-the art. It even starts out to be a great science fiction movie; the beginning is both exciting and suspenseful. However, once Klaatu escapes, the excitement starts to fade and is never really re-captured throughout the rest of the film. Here is where a comparison between the two films becomes relevant. In the original, Klaatu is anonymous, he takes a room at a boarding house and while trying to meet a representation of the world scientists, he starts a process of observation and familiarization with the human race. It is through these experiences that he concludes we should be given another chance. In the new version it is not very clear what is really going on. It might be bad direction or it could be poor editing, but we are given a bunch of seemingly unrelated events before an abrupt ending. In the first film, Klaatu makes the earth stand still to prove his omnipotent abilities without aggression. In the new film there is no reason.

Quantum of Solace

Solid Bond movie with not so solid action sequences
After reading many of the posts here about the movie, I did not know what to expect today when I went to see the film. Well I liked it very much and found it very entertaining. Daniel Craig is indeed a very good Bond; he brings a raw power to the role that I feel had been lost since Sean Connery. Without Q and all his gadgets, without the Bond music and without a powerful adversary that wants to take over the world, it is left to a good story, great worldwide scenery and Daniel Craig to carry the day. And on all counts, this film delivers the goods. The story was a good one and all the supporting actors did a great job of making the film seem real and exciting. It was really good to see Giancarlo Giannini, I like everything he has done.

Having said all that, what is the deal with all the Bourne rip-off action sequences? They were very aggravating and could have ruined the whole film for me, but like others have said, I just waited for them to end because there is no way of seeing what is going on anyway. What could have been a really great movie has been sabotaged by shaky cameras and choppy editing. It shows very poor judgment and we can only hope that whoever was to blame, will not have anything to do with future Bond movies.


Interesting period piece
Watching this film is like taking a look back in time. Everything is picture perfect, the beautiful automobiles, the red electric street cars, the telephones, the switchboard station with roller-skating supervisors, the house appliances, and the outstanding clothing, from dresses to hats to police uniforms, everything is meticulously detailed. The story, which we are told is true, is complex and multifaceted. Angelina Jolie, who plays Christine Collins, gives an outstanding performance as a single mother who returns home from work to find that her son is missing. This puts into motion a series of events that exposes the reality of what Los Angeles society was really like in the late 1920's. Corrupt Police, uncaring and self absorbed mental health professionals and the basic premise that people left to their own ambitions will do anything to secure their own prosperity. Although this paints a bleak picture of the human condition, the film show that the actions of a few good men can make a world of difference, John Malkovich as Reverend Gustav Briegleb, is determined to expose the corrupt Police in his radio talk show, Michael Kelly as detective Lester Ybarra, although hampered by his superiors, uncovers what really happened to the boy and the unlikely hero, a powerful attorney who takes her case pro-bono comes to her rescue. If indeed this is a true story, then to see these people stand up to the powers that be is a ray of hope to all of us that there were people who were strong and principled. We can only hope that there are still people like that out there today.

Pride and Glory

I've seen that movie too
The film starts out well enough, it is interesting, gritty and Edward Norton really does a great job. Colin Farrell, Noah Emmerich, and Jon Voight, also do a good job with the material at hand. But very soon you start asking yourself, "Didn't I see this film before?" It seems to be the same story I have seen at least Ten times. Family, some good cops some bad cops, Divorce, internal affairs, cops take care of their own, will they let it go, or will they stand up and do the right thing? Although the actors try their best, they cannot do enough to save this generic police story. The movie eventually starts to degrade into mere clichés and stereotypes that make the last half of the movie very irrational. Please, someone in Hollywood, come up with an original idea.

Burn After Reading

Very funny adult comedy
The point here is that this movie is for adults, with adult themes and adult situations. As with all Coen brother movies, there are going to be people who love it and people that hate it. There doesn't seem to be much middle ground. I loved this movie. It was entertaining, dark and very funny. I really liked "No Country for Old Men" but I have to say, "Burn After Reading" was a more enjoyable film for me. Some of the reviews here have said that the film rambles around pointlessly, without any clear direction; well I have to disagree, if you are paying attention and you are an adult, you should have no problem understanding what is going on. The best part of the movie is watching this great cast perform brilliantly with the odd-ball material they are given. They are all straight men for the Coen brother's antics. There is violence, bad language, and everyone is sleeping with everyone else, especially George Clooney. But the movie is very funny and while the rest of Hollywood seems to have lost there way, the Coen brothers continue to put out intelligent, entertaining and thought provoking material.

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

One of the best movies ever made
This is without a doubt one of the greatest movies ever made. Stanley Kubrick has an insight into human behavior that no other person can match. Peter Sellers is beyond genius and George C. Scott and Slim Pickens fit right in with the rest of the cast to help produce the greatest satire ever made. This is the key to the greatness of the movie, it is not a just a comedy, it is a SATIRE, that is also very funny. If you understand the use of symbolism, irony, and ridicule to expose the folly of human behavior, you will get how wonderful and smart a film Mr. Kubrick has given us to enjoy.

Anyway, I saw it again today and I have to say it is still one of my favorite movies and just great fun to watch. However, I do feel sorry for some of the people who are posting here that do not like the film. One person wrote; "What the hell is this? Is it a comedy? It's not funny (at all). I did not even smile once, was I supposed to?" Another wrote; "real comedy to me is White Chicks and Nutty Professor."

I can only say that the movie is not intended to be a true comedy, it is a satire, in which human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or shortcomings are held up to censure by means of ridicule, derision, irony, or other methods, ideally with the intent to bring about improvement. Although satire is usually meant to be funny, the purpose of satire is not primarily humor in itself so much as an attack on something of which the author strongly disapproves, using the weapon of wit. Maybe, before you see this movie you should read something about the time it was made, about the cold war and the real fear people had about nuclear destruction. Or you can read the review posted here by tieman64 from United Kingdom" called "Ethnic cleansing, 26 July 2008". It is a brilliant insight into what Mr. Kubrick was trying to achieve.

Tropic Thunder

Tropic Thunder is funny
I found this movie to be very funny. More than a few times I had to laugh out loud being unable to contain myself. I know there are people who feel offended by this movie and are calling for it to be banned and yada yada yada. But the last time I checked we still had freedom of speech, so if I find this movie, which is a comedy, funny, then in a free society, I should be able to enjoy it without all this political correctness being shoved down my throat by the comedy Gestapo. Ben Stiller has made a smart, entertaining film that showcases the comic prowess of a multitude of today's Hollywood stars. Robert Downey Jr. as an Australian actor playing a black character, Jack Black, as a comedian with a heroin addiction, Brandon T Jackson as a rapper turned actor, and Tom Cruise as the film's producer, are all insanely funny while lampooning the true nature of the people that make up the movie industry today. There are references to Hollywood scandals, and actors playing handicapped roles, there is very bad language throughout and Matthew McConaughey's dilemma of letting a client die for a G-5 aircraft. If these things are offensive to you, then please stay home, you know what this film is going to contain from all these reviews, let the rest of us have an enjoyable summer evening at the movies.

The Dark Knight

Dark Night Delivers
Went to see the film in IMAX and it was truly an amazing experience. The sights, sounds and action this film exhibits are outstanding. Christian Bale is at his best playing the Batman, a role that all his previous films have groomed him to play. Aaron Eckhart was surprisingly good as Harvey two face and the scenes with Bale and himself work effortlessly. Gary Oldman has a larger role in this film and he delivers the goods as usual. The rest of the supporting cast is great; Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine and Maggie Gyllenhaal turn in professional performances, as does Eric Roberts as an Italian crime boss. But make no mistake about it, this picture belongs to Heath Ledger, his performance is the one thing that puts all the pieces together. It is a tortured freighting psychotic performance. He is the one that devises ingenious situations that force everyone else to make impossible ethical decisions. With his smudged make up, lanky hair, darting tongue and faint lisp, he is a nightmare come alive that puts the whole city and audience in a state of hysteria. In all, this was one very good movie, if I had to find a negative, it would be that the movie is too long. The theater was full, and with about 30 minuets left to go, young children were moving all around, leaving and coming back, maybe people should not bring their youngsters to this movie, but it is after all Batman.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Good Summer Entertainment
I thought this film was entertaining from start to finish. Even though it is over two hours long, it played well and kept a good pace going all the way through. All the major characters, Indiana, Mutt, Marion, and especially, Cate Blanchett as Irina Spalko, did a great job with the material at hand. Although, that material at times could be somewhat unrealistic and not as interesting as the previous three Indiana Jones films, it still had enough archaeological specifics and comedic interaction to make this a decent installment in the Indiana saga.

After watching the movie, I went back and watched Raiders of the Lost Ark to try and find why the magic of the first three films was somewhat missing from this film. What I think I found was two things; first, the writing was somewhat more believable and less contrived, and second, the young and charismatic Harrison Ford was so compelling that he carried everything along with him. Youth must be served. So although we can never again have a young Blade Runner, Han Solo, or Indiana Jones, I guess we have to take what we can get.


Very good movie
I had put off going to see this movie, how many teen high school movies can you see in one lifetime. But since it was up for best picture, we decided to go see it before the awards tomorrow and I am glad we did. For me, it was the best picture I have seen this year. It is by far the best written movie of the year and all the actors were just brilliant. It just goes to prove that if you give actors a great scrip and good direction; they will do a good job. After all this time, I even liked Jenifer Garner. Unlike other teen movies, the adults were a major part of the story and were portrayed with depth and real human characteristics. I highly recommend this movie for all teens and even for all adults who may think they have already seen too many high school films.


A must see, but only in 3D
Went to see this movie in a regular theater without 3D and it was really bad, so I went to the customer service center and asked them if my wife and I could pay the extra and go to the 3D IMAX. We paid the extra $4.00 each and got the glasses and sat down just as the movie was starting. WOW what a difference. It was like we were watching a completely different movie. It was really great. The story was the same but the visual experience was completely different. This was by far the best 3D movie we have ever seen. My wife kept grabbing my arm as spears and blood and guts kept flying at us. If you are going to pay money to see this movie in a theater, then you have to see it in 3D. Otherwise don't waste your money. They should have never let this movie be released without 3D. Without 3D this film is just like a bad Saturday morning cartoon. But with the 3D the movie comes alive; it has new depth and excitement that made it very entertaining.

Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

Very Entertaining Film
I liked this movie very much. Although the film was not perfect, sometimes the musical score seemed out of place for the conversation, and the story that has been told many times before, seemed to meander in parts. But the movie was not boring. Far from it, the superb acting kept me completely entertained throughout the whole film. This was possible because of great directing on the part of Sidney Lumet. I don't know if I was biased on the part of the 83 year old Hollywood genius, but every actor in this film seemed completely brilliant. Philip Seymour Hoffman was at his best as the older brother with a chip on his shoulder, who started with nothing and worked his way up to a corner office in Manhattan, but he had human frailties and still managed to make a complete mess of his life. Ethan Hawke gave his best performance yet as the younger brother that has never learned how to grow up. Albert Finney gave a powerful performance as the over bearing father whose affections both brothers were vying for. Marisa Tomei finally put in a great acting job and was not just walking around like eye candy (Although she did look really good). And it went on and on, Rosemary Harris and Amy Ryan very good, and even Michael Shannon and Leonardo Cimino were great in small roles. All this great acting could not be a coincidence; it is a testament to how Sidney Lumet, after all these years, can still make a human crime drama.

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