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Madre Solo hay Dos

A Classist Thing Again
Here we go again with another show about the Mexican rich people problems. The Whitexicans at the pure style of Televisa. Someone is so eager to show the world Mexicans are classy.

Oscuro deseo

I wasted my time.
I wasted my time watching this crap. I will say no more because this Series does not even deserve a bad review. I am writing this just to warn people to avoid wasting their precious time watching this crap.

For Sama

Very true but not the truth.
This documentary is very moving for being essentially a maternal message for a baby who was born during the worst times of Eastern Aleppo's siege.

Very crude for showing the sad truth of innocent children being among the victims of the deadly bombardments.

Very questionable for showing Hamza Al-Kateab as a hero when he is good friends with child beheader Maayouf Abu Bahr Who beheaded 12 yr old Abdullah al-Issa in July 2016.

El chanfle

Lost in the region.
One could have expected that Roberto Gómez Bolaños' achievements in `El Chavo' and `El Chapulín Colorado' would be continued in this movie; but this time, he managed to create rather a different but ordinary character: a poor class man who is a passionate fan of the local soccer team, that happens to be someone nobody cares about, but at least his own big dreams keep him on the track. in others words, yet another `mexicano soñador' (Mexican dreamer) kind of guy. The plot is very silly, and the routines a la `Blake Edwards' are overexploited. `El Chanfle' lacks originality and is very boring. It clearly looks it is a low-budget movie, but I think this is not an excuse for being so bad.

Mundo de juguete

The world of fantasy.
I was six years old when this series was aired. Maybe the first of its kind (family soup operas featuring children as main cast), it was a dazzling success, perhaps from Graciela Mauri's talent (when she was 6 or 7) or because of the cast members who were in the hype back in the day. It used to be a Monday-to-Friday, 30-minute chapter and was re-released in the early 1980s, and has a remake in late 1990s called `Carita de Angel.' I have the impression it will never be aired again: it is awfully long (around 600 chapters!), but those who remember it, know for sure this was one of the Sara Garcia's latest performances and many actors/actresses who appeared in, have already passed away.

El crimen del padre Amaro

Who does not know it already?
I was born and raised in a small neighborhood in Guadalajara, Mexico; a place full of devoted Catholic Church fellows. But one day, many husbands had to face reality and beat up the local priest due to his avid trend to lie down wives. Ever since, many laic preachers used to claim that `Priests are still men, with weaknesses, so they deserve compassion.' My opinion is that if they are just plain men, they should stop playing sanctity. But being a catholic priest is no longer a vocation, it is a profession, a lucrative business.

But, who does not know it already?

Even so daring and `irreverent', this is by far, *not* the best movie about catholic church corruption affairs. For me this fact makes it overrated. Also, I have pointed out in many occasions that `highly acclaimed' (overrated?) Mexican movies seem to never miss one thing: naked breasts.

On the other hand, I never got the plot. I did not know if it was about drug dealing, gerrilla, sex under votes of chastity, money laundry, illegal abortion, fanatism, a failing love story, or getting away with sin (not crime)… if this movie was all that about, well, I did not find any connection either, so I was awfully bored…

My IMDB rating: 7.

The Exorcist

Atheism as a sin.
Being utterly based on the Judaic-Christian beliefs, it's very hard to understand this flick without having such background. This movie gives no chance to science and looked to me a real retrospective towards middle-age superstitions. It tends to cause deep confusion, in example, when one tries to figure out what the point was of showing off a powerful demonic entity refusing to telekinetically open a drawer or responding a question in Latin, but still so interested in using a defenseless child to create segregation among tumbling religious characters. If cheating devil is so smart, why does he waste time ridiculing a girl? Because he is so mean? Does he really need to prove it this way? Atheism is exposed as a weakness, not as a matter of choice, and the so-called possession is presented as an, <sigh>, undeniable fact: if you don't believe in it, then the whole movie concept is nothing!

Please forgive me, but I just can't think of God as the `my way, or the highway' kind of guy.

My IMDB rating: 6.

La jaula

Vulgarity amuses...
I am Mexican, and even for myself −supposed to be appreciative of double-sense talk, the infamous `albures', the jargon which is, and I quote, `part of my culture'- this program turns out to be rather vulgar and obscene.

And people seem to be amused by it. It has been lasting more than I expected. or hoped.

I find no merit in attracting audiences by showing too much skin, huge breasts and using sexual innuendos all the time. It lacks wit, I would say.

Do not waste your time.

Amor real

2 thumbs up!
At last, a 5-star soup opera! I have nothing to say than fully recommend anyone to watch this show.

This +180 chapter "novela" has a great pace, great acting and awesome locations.

Wradrobe is excellent... the Mexico of the early 20th century is portrayed in a very exquisite manner.

This is most beautiful passionate, three-way conflict I have ever seen in a soup opera.


Another not so good Stephen King's book becomes a bad movie.
It seems like the tag "Based on the Book by Stephen King" is not always guarantee for a good movie.

This time, this `Tommyknockers-Death Zone-It-The Stand-Needful things' mixture did not surprised me at all and it looks like old Steve is running out ideas.

The movie fails, despite its length, to properly tell this alien invasion story and I felt sometimes hurried to understand what was going on, rather to be explained.

The cast was pretty impressive, though. Tom Sizemore is back to militia (yes, again… Heh!) and Morgan Freeman appears as one of the bad guys.

My IMDB rating: 6.


I think I've seen this before... oh, yes, in "Sleeping with the Enemy"!
Ever since J-Lo magnificently portrayed the legendary Selena, she's been sucking BIG TIME in every single movie she acts in.

What is the point of her character in this movie? Chucks I don't know. This heroic clichès are so unbelievable... audience could felt insulted for that silly suggestion that, an abused wife can beat up her abusive husband to death, with a 30-day boxing training.

The only feeling that arose inside me was being mad at myself to bother watching this movie.

I watched "Sleeping With The Enemy" a decade ago and, well, "Enough" happens to be almost a remake. A pretty bad one, actually.

Thumbs up for little Gracie (Tessa Allen) she steals the movie with her so funny gestures! I was so amused!

The Sweetest Thing

Pointless Comedy
I got the impression somebody wanted to try over the "Something About Mary" formula. What a shameful way to waste these three ladies' talent.

If the point was exploting sex to amuse audience, this was not a good job at all. There are dozens of naughtly flicks out there with *way* more wit.


Piedras verdes

Was it confusing or it was just me? :)

I wish if I could read the original novel, if any. I have got the impression the real message did not go through. Maybe a good story behind it, but definitely a bad movie, IMHO.

That's it.

El tigre de Santa Julia

4 Bad Girls and A Robin Hood
Despite its length (more than a couple of hours) the story did not find a direction; instead, you are offered to taste the characters in such manner you are forced to hate the bad guys and love the good ones.

Many aspects of the film were definitely brilliant: the sceneries for Mexico in the early 1900s and the script, which seemed to be carefully written to exclude any neologism and include those seasonal slang.

Screenplay, from time to time, shows a clear influence of Emilio `El Indio' Guzman and Ismael Rodríguez.

A bit silly but very amusing.

La habitación azul

A rewarding experience.
I always watch a Mexican movie with some of condescendent attitude, lowering my expectations so I cannot be too tough in my final judgment. I had no idea what the plot was and the very tag line plus today's Mexican show business hype promised something like an "evolved-but-limited" achievement.

But this movie impressed me *a lot*. I, as a Mexican person, love intensively those movies in which characters are developed in such way I catch myself thinking something like "yeah, that folk is like my old pal Miguel", or "those places definitely remind me childhood", and not that kind of plots with funny acting clichés that are intended to muck American movies.

Erotism has been a prime element in Mexican movies for so many years... but now we can thank G-d the days of cabaret, double-sense talk, erroneous poverty portrayals and sex with no obstacles are past.

In this movie, sexual intercourse is not of a climatic taste, but the seed of inevitable events whose consequences are rather bizarre.

I would spoil it if I said more. See it, enjoy it.

The Others

Who are the Others
The others. The intruders. The living and the death must learn to coexists...

This is a very good movie. Referencing prior descriptions for it to be a "carbon copy" movie, I would rather say it is a "variant."

Despite "The Others" brings to mind "Sixth Sense" more than once during its play, you may find thousands of differences that make it worthwhile and unique. I must confess I was not able predict any part of the plot.

But the plot is very vulnerable, you know. This is not a movie you will enjoy the same the second time you see it, that is why you should not let anyone spoil it to you.

A.I. Artificial Intelligence

Open your heart and let it in.
I am afraid to write I word since I don't want to spoil it to you. But I was about to stand up and clap when the movie ended. Of course it was very unfortunate that Stanley Kubrick couldn't direct it himself, but to me it was more like Spielberg and Kubrick (RIP) worked together during the process. There is pretty much of the Kubrick's style all over the story... that sensation of unlimited, unpredictable imagination which I felt when I first watched "2001: A Space Odyssey", or a clever portrayal of dehumanization, or maybe some nuances of three-way conflicts here and there. Neither a non-utopia envision of technology, nor a perfect (or believable) science-fiction story-telling, not even a cyberpunk-style plot... for me, a beautiful story about a restless search for real love.

Elisa antes del fin del mundo

People eating roaches. Families broken apart. Children assuming adults' problems and solving them as if they were adults... how is this world coming to an end?
Perhaps childhood's innocence is not lost yet, the real problem could be that today's so knowledgeable children just can't distinguish between good and evil. Elisa is the typical child from a Mexican medium class family (for whom a brand new car could mean their whole life savings), who decides to help their parents on their struggle with a car debt with the local bank.

Elisa can't get too much from her parents: her dad is focused on his debt, her mother hardly crosses any word with her. It's when she meets Miguel, a young boy who worships his felon brother `El Rey' (`The King'), when she decides to strike back and gets to mastermind a bank's robbery. I tell no more. Watch it and I promise you will enjoy it. Despite Sherlyn was so young when she acted on this movie, this masterpiece of Mexican movie making will always make us remember her as one of the most promising actresses of all times.

The Fly

David Cronenberg's `The Fly' and the number 3.
(Contains some spoilers)

When I first watched this movie –back in 1987- I was completely thrilled. I never expected a remake to be that good. Despite the contradictory scientific facts that may surround the plot, it definitely works great when it comes to character interaction. The script is simply formidable. Every single scene has a purpose, which makes this 100-minute film very substantial.

And you will find the number 3 several times in the movie. This may sound very subjective, of course.

First of all, the movie could be split in three main acts: `I. The world changing invention', `II. The gene splicing course' and `III. The ultimate genetic experiment', as instance.

There are three `telepods' (designer's phone boots?) at Seth's apartment/lab: one for the source, another for the destiny and a last one which was the prototype that `worked clunky.' Close to the end, all three telepods were used to build the `gene splicing teleporting machine.'

Three times Stathis Borans gets to see Seth Brundle. (1) At his office, when he's accusing Seth to be a con man, (2) at Ronnie's home, when he's watching the video that Ronnie's recorded for him, and (3) when he decides to take justice on his hands and confronts the horrible monster that later on liquefies his hand and foot.

The `ultimate family' is made up of three members: `you, me… and the baby.'

There are some scenes with three focal people on them. One, when Ronnie, Seth and Stathis meet at the latter's office. Other with Tawny, Ronnie and Seth… when Ronnie states her memorable quote `be afraid, be very afraid.' One more with Dr. Cheevers, Stathis and Ronnie, when doctor inquiries the couple before practicing the abortion. And, of course, the grand finale with Stathis, Ronnie… and the unfortunate creature that was named Seth Brundle once.

Don't blame this movie to be `bad sci-fi' or let your stomach give opinions… enjoy the acting, the horror and the brilliant plot.

One good point to add is the music. Howard Shore made a superb soundtrack, worth to be bought separately.

El derecho de nacer

When Mexican soap operas have become so predictable, schematic and boring, `El Derecho de Nacer' (`Right for Birth') is a mature alternative. This is a classic, proven successful story that is about a rich Mexican family reigned by a mean, corrupt man, who is capable to do such a terrible thing like dictating his own grandson assassination, when he is still a newborn child. In this new version, magnificent Kate del Castillo's acting is superb. You will fall in love with `Maria Elena del Junco'. who's emotionally intense, gorgeous but tormented, and absolutely lovely. Don't miss it, you will find also an excellent cast in this show.


Sordid, macabre, weird... but still an interesting movie.
During its play, you are offered loose pieces of a complex puzzle of gruesome events, just to discover that all the horror you may have felt has a little or nothing to do with the creature, but maybe with the deranged minds resulting from and dehumanized society.

Do not expect to see G-d versus devil, here... actually classic fight between good and evil is almost non-existing. You can see people with good feelings receding to evil with no complaint (Heinrich mother accepting his son was killed by Mark, or Mark's son ready to commit suicide -even though he is so young and innocent- to avoid confronting `evil Mark.') and quite evil people convinced that they are creative no matter how much they are able destroy. The latter group of people defines the horrifying nature of this movie.

Isabelle Adjani performance is tremendously good. Sam Neill does a great job too.

Pink Floyd: The Wall

A masterpiece of all times
You can better experience The Wall as a movie when there is a preceding knowledge of the Album, released in 1979 and still considered a masterpiece of all times.

The Wall tells the story about Mr. Pink (last name) Floyd, who painfully struggles to find an answer for which he cannot even state the question. Half reality, half surrealism, every single sight and sound constitutes a portrayal of a decadent, post-war society that inevitably leads to the horror of segregation, totalitarianism and exacerbated nationalism.

Like a modern Kafka, Roger Waters anticipated social phenomena that shattered diverse regions, right after they shouted `liberty!' to the world.

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