Mykii Suicide PBF

IMDb member since April 2000
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Tales from the Crypt

This film is brilliant and would be a brilliant double-bill with the Vault Of Horror (which is the un-official sequel)

The best stories are : The one with Peter Cushing as Mr Grimsdyke who gets his bloody revenge on the man responsible for his suicide, The one with Patrick Magee as one of the patients at a home for the blind who get their revenge on a selfish new owner, and the Monkeys Paw-esque one where the woman wishes her husband back from the dead and regrets it.

This film is surprisingly gory for it's time and some of the endings of the stories make you wince and think "Oh God, that would be really horrible" (especially the fourth and fifth ones)

a great film and probably the best of the Amicus horror compendiums

9.5 out of 10

The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years


It's brilliant

the best bits are chris holmes from W.A.S.P. drinking himself to an early grave in a swimming pool while his mother watches and frowns every time he says the "F" word, Odin being laughably awful and claiming they'll be bigger than the Stones and Zeppelin ("What if you don't make it?" "Oh but we will!" "Yeah but what if you don't?" "Oh, but we will though, see!?!")

ha ha

It has interviews with Aerosmith, Poison, Lemmy, Ozzy Osbourne (before he went all new-metal and put together the Ozzfest (grrr), Faster Pussycat, Riki Rachtman, Janet Gardner (before Vixen got big) & Megadeth and Live stuff from FASTER PUSSYCAT !!!

this film is totally amazing

It's just a shame it's really hard to find in the UK!

100000000000000000000r out of 10

Deep Throat

This film is fantastic, One of the best pornos ever
I just saw an uncut xxx version of this movie and it is one of the funniest films i have ever seen.

I love the line about "Do you mind if I smoke while you eat?" and the scene when Ms Lovelace finds out about her unique organs!.

A lot of reviews have said that this film is tame but they must have seen cut versions because the version I watched was real sex and very strong.

Brilliant movie

see it as soon as possible and if you can get the XXX uncut version!

The Masque of the Red Death

This is one of the finest horror films of all time
this is one of my favourite movies Vincent Price is brilliantly evil as Prince Prospero (especially the ways he disregards the deaths of his friends and humiliates his guests by making them perform as animals. " laugh like a braying jackass...BE ONE!!"

ha ha

the scene when the red death passes among the guests dancing is brilliantly eerie.

A total classic and the best of the Roger Corman/Vincent Price Poe adaptations.

10 out of 10

Dr. Terror's House of Horrors

This is a fantastic Horror Anthology
I love Amicus horror anthologies and this was one of the first I saw. I think the best story is the Christopher Lee & Michael Gough one about the artist and the creepy hand. It's not quite as good as Tales From the Crypt etc.. but it is still a cool movie with great performances all round. Some of the stories are a bit silly (The Creeping Vine for example) but this just adds to it's charm. This film rocks, see it as soon as you can.

The Catcher

God, this movie had so much promise...
I rented this movie the other night and I was totally disappointed

I was hoping it would be a horror comedy (along the lines of Uncle Sam & Jack Frost), but it turned out to take itself too seriously

I hate movies which have a silly premise and goofy death scenes and STILL try and scare ya!

It has to be done right and The Catcher just wasn't

It was a very boring movie, with really rubbishy effects.

the only saving grace was the baseball bat up the butt scene (made me laugh)

and the fact that it starred the gorgeous Monique Parent

Avoid at all costs

Lik wong

This is one brilliant movie
This movie is one of the most outrageously gory movies I have ever seen

It reminded me in a way of Peter Jackson with the approach to the gore scenes

It's amazing, It has exploding heads, hands, jaws being ripped off and loads more

See it if you can find it cause this movie is a gore classic

The Rage: Carrie 2

An above average sequel to a horror classic
I just saw Carrie 2 and I was quite impressed. I originally thought it was going to be totally awful but as I watched it, it grew on me. The cast were good in their. The death sequences in this film were very cool and some were really original (something which is rare these days).

Marks out of ten: 8

Amityville II: The Possession

One Of The Greatest Horror Movies Of All Time!
I love this movie

It's amazing, I must have seen it over 100 times and I never get bored of it. It is easily the best of all the films in the Amityville franchise and easily the scariest (in fact (IMHO) the only scary one)


Marks out of 10 : 100000000000000000000000000000000r

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