
IMDb member since November 1999
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    24 years


Ted & Ralph

Incongruous as it may seem, the romance between Ted & Ralph is far more poignant than any other modern day romance. If you've ever felt shy and tongue-tied around the unsuspecting object of your affection, this is the film to put your feelings (and reactions) into painful 3D!

I've thoroughly enjoyed watching The Fast Show (and its spinoffs) and even though the cast are (only!) comedians, I think that they are better actors than most.

Il segreto del Sahara

Thoroughly enjoyable!
I have seen the Secret of the Sahara a number of times since it's release, and I can't say that it's lost its attraction. If you enjoy the whimsy of a fairy tale, set in an extra-ordinary location such as the Sahara, good against evil, a little romance thrown in, a little jealousy, handsome leads, then the Secret of the Sahara is just the ticket!

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