
IMDb member since November 1999
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a good depiction of teenage strive for acception
Well the original reason I ever rented this movie was to watch my all time favorite actor Sean Patrick Flanery. But I have to hand it to Dominique Swain who played the lead as close to flawlessly as possible. For those who may be asking themselves what in the world is this movie about, I see no point etc., it's about an adolescent who yearns to become a woman. The character Dominique plays is a teenage perfection who strives at keeping it real and avoiding becoming a groupie, one of those ridiculous girls who stands out in the pouring rain for 6 hours just to glimpse their idol from a distance of 500 yards. However,this movie is also about first love and lust which obviously brings us to the conclusion that her character falls into the pit that is teenage female dillusia. Many teenage girls can relate to the inner thoughts so cleverly added into the movie because they are exactly what goes through a young girls mind. It's interesting to know that someone else verbalize those thoughts that you never seemed to be able to express in words. In the movie, Andrea gets what she wants ,but in the end she realizes that her obsession is not whats best for her. All teenage girls need someone to lust for. They need some fantasy to live for because its just as important to growing up as food and sleep. It's ok to idolize certain characteristics in people, but we have to let go of these fantasies the same way we let go of our childhood. The point of this movie finally becomes clear in the end when Andrea agnolishes herself as a woman. Leaving Todd behind was Andrea's transition from chilhood to adulthood because she had come to realize that this is not her reality. Her relationship with Todd enriched her teenage years with the excitment that should be a part of this time in life, but it had to end for her to move on. She had to leave these childhood fantasies of dating a rockstar to rejoin the real world, which is college and a successful career. And so she did.

Muñeca brava

You can get hooked on it.
In comparison to other soap operas, Muneca Brava is youthful and doesn't drag out because every new episode you watch has humor and something that doesn't repeat itself from the last episode. I like it, I really do and I think that Natalia is a great rising artist.

Lord of the Flies

Shakes you to the bone
Well I happened upon this movie by accident and started watching it because I fall for the kinds of movies where someones stuck on a desert island etc. Over all it's an extremely good depiction of humanity and the psycological behavior of children left alone without guidance. The acting was wonderful, and I'm sure anyone who sees it will agree that that kind of situation is difficult to imagine let alone act out especially with the actors being so young. I recommend this movie for anyone looking for a creepy survival story.

Meet the Deedles

It was OK
It's a cute movie to see with the family because you don't have to worry about profanity or uncomfortable situations. Plus little kids get a kick out of the slapstick comedy. Also, one of the lead characters is hot.

Suicide Kings

Couldn't have been better
You know when you see a movie that you think about until you fall asleep or that doesn't even let you fall asleep it's so intriguing. You take it to work with you and everything but I'd have to say that . So it might just be me or the fact that I watched it at 2 A.M.,but I'd have to say that it had a truly envolved plot. What I find the most interesting is that you don't understand what is REALLY going on until the end. The end has a great twist to it too. Of course we have to give credit for the spectacular performances from the cast(they all deserve a standing ovation). Now if your the concerned parent reading these comments to check if its an appropriate movie then here's my opinion: If you trust your children and think they're old enough it's your decision. The movie's rated R for strong language,some violence, and one nude scene. Also its not for children who are grossed out by some blood or can't be truly dragged into a film. This film takes concentration ,but it's worth it.


I liked it ,but its not for a younger audience.
Personally I think the movie gave us a good inside of our connection with others and the effects of group mentality. The movie however is not for the action seekers ,but for those who can listen and decipher the meaning behind a story(my younger sister didn't like it). Of course we have to give credit to Sean Patrick Flanery for a truly genuine and excellent performance.

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