
IMDb member since November 1999
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    24 years


The Blair Witch Project

Sorry we couldn't supply the eye candy most of you are so used to.....
I think I know why Blair Witch has generated as much negative as positive responses. It FORCES YOU TO BECOME INVOLVED IN THE MOVIE GOING EXPERIENCE!

Wow. What a concept. Instead of sitting there like the passive sponges most of us become when going to the movies we are actually expected be become involved. Take a leap of faith/belief or whatever and delve into this movie. Without the overpowering F/X and music score most movies rely on to 'scare' you, if you still have an imagination left what is implied becomes a hundred times scarier than anything offered up by Hollywood in the last 30 years. The hardest thing in movies is to scare you. Not make you jump out of your seat with 5000 watts of sound blasting at 400 decibels (ever seen the 1999 version of the Haunting? Event Horizon? - every potentially tense scene is preceeded by dead silence then the Blast). Wake up people! Blair Witch is the horror movies we have been needing for a long time and I'm glad someone finally had the guts to make it.

Highlander II: The Quickening

Can I vote less than '1'? This contains SPOILER INFO!!!!
Garbage, boring, confusing. Just three of the 1200 words (all not fit for print here - sorry) that I have used to described what I now call 'The Movie that Shall Not Be Named'. The Immortals from the first movie turn out to be exterrestials from the planet Ziest sent to Earth 500 years ago (excuse me? Didn't Rameriz's sword date back to 2000 BC?) to.....gee, they never to explain that do they? Bad acting (from Sean Connery and Chris Lambert no less!) and horrible scripting make this UNWATCHABLE! Apparently there is a 'director's cut' of this thing that actually makes sense - but I just find that too hard to believe. Don't rent, buy it or watch it on TV even if the only other thing on is an infommercial for the 'Amazing Toe-Jam Collector'......toe jam can be a real problem you know.

Savage Weekend

Still the worst movie I've ever seen....
C'mon people! Why is ANYONE defending this POS? I love a good B-movie, horror, slasher or otherwise but this thing has been at the top of my 5 worst movies list for over 12 years and NOTHING has come close to unseating it! Just ignore this if you ever see it in the video store, it will take 90 minutes of your life

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