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Big Apple

Cop Show with Heart!
It stars Ed O'Neil and Titus Williver an it's a great show that has heart and real situations that cops and under cover goes through. It's entertaining and very cool how they have the structure of the show. It has a base to work with. If this show gets better ratings it will stay there! It's against Friends! It's low ratings but high on my list of shows to watch! It's on CBS at 9pm central time. It's a great show! Watch it and give it a whirl! You will not be dissappointed! Out of 4 stars I give it 3 stars. Actng is top notch and the plots carry the stories!

My Wife and Kids

Funny! The New Cosby Show but BETTER!
Damon Wayans is a dad that is so funny that it hurts! The cast is great to look at and the acting is funny and just put Damon in any situation and he will be funny! The show will be a hit and stay on awhile! It's on ABC at 7pm on Wedsdays(Central time). Great show and DON'T MISS it! Give this show awhile it will break in the top ten! The cast is fresh and you will like everyone. Out of 4 stars I give it 3 1/2.

Semper Fi

Semper Fi Wooo Waaa! Great Movie!
This movie was so good that I cried! The characters in this movie you care and sweat every tear and determinaton that they are up against. Scott Bairstow as (Cliff Truckee) is a silver spooned mouth feed loner that is spoiled by his father and just keeps goig to be a marine. The real breakout stars are Bianca Kajlich as (Sharron Exler) who I just think is a great actress! Also Vicellous Reon Shanno as (Keith Maddox) is a great character actor who shines in this fresh new marine based story! I felt for every marine in this film! The film is just a treasure of joy and heartache and you will not be disappointed. Its a great start me up program that marines go through everday. Michael W. Watkins directs a great cast and supporting role by Keith David and Terry O'Quinn. Its a keeper and I hope it wins some awards because I just feel in love with this great film! PLEASE put this movie on DVD and Video. I will be the 1st one on the line to buy!Out of 4 stars I give it 4+. A great movie in a whole!

Strange Frequency

Wicked and a little DeMented! Loved It!
Well there are 4 stories that are charged with great plots and great acting! It's a great movie in a whole! My favorite one was the one with Judd Nelson. He plays a record executive that just knows the future of his clients. There is one catch, he knows too much! It's a wicked ending not to miss! Now the Eric Roberts plot was with a hitchhicker that kills people. A wicked test of what people that are demented of what they are capable of doing! The whole cast is talented and sometimes funny! It reminds me of Tales from the Crypt with a rok edge! Watch all 4 it's a treat! Out of 4 stars I give it 3 1/2 stars! Watch it it's on VH1"Movies that Rock"! Worth it!

Cecil B. Demented

To DeMented for me!
Now this movie has great actors in this but it's very much garbage! Now the cast in different movies are up and comming! Dorff and Griffith are great actors but the real standouts are Alicia Witt and Adrian Grenier. They will be stars soon! John Waters is a great director but what the hell is he trying to make here! Stong sexual content. Now I love sex and violence in films but this was to crude and rude to even be called a movie! Movie making should be for the people to enjoy, but not this one! It's so bad that I only give it a 1/2 star out of 4 stars! It's that bad! Now if I had a chance to be in a John Waters film I would but be in a good one like Cry Baby and Hair Spray. Those are Classics! The only reason I saw this movie is because of Eric Roberts but he was in it for 1 minute! Oh well. Try again John. Maybe next time!

Urban Legends: Final Cut

Ok Sequel... It was as expected...
A typical 2nd installment in the series. I actually like the 2nd one a little better and I like all the new faces in this movie. It was not scary but a better screenplay then the first. It a slasher movie and a good script to play wih but it was so predicdible. I like Joey Lawrene but not enough screen time and the rest of the cast is going to do other and better films but just take it as it is as horror movie and nothing else. Out of 4 stars I give it 2 1/2 stars.

In Cold Blood

Pretty good...
Ok first of all I know it's a remake of a great film so I will not bore you with the story you already know. Now I think that this is a little better because of the talent of Eric Roberts and Anthony Edwards. It's a story that should be seen in all retrospect of this film and the original. I really think that both films have great qualities and should be seen on DVD or Video. I own it on DVD(The one with Eric Roberts) and it's great. It's hard to find on DVD but I have one and if you can find it buy it. Out of 4 stars I give it 3 1/2 stars.

X-Men: Evolution

Great show! Better than the other animated show!
I really love the way they put the x-men in teen-age form. The animation is top notch and the stories are great. Great action and adventure! I tape all the episodes and watch them over with my other brother and it's even better the 2nd time! Watch this great animated show! It's really good! Out of 4 stars I give it 3 1/2 stars a close 4!

Kindred: The Embraced

A T.V. Show that was very good!
Kindred: The Embraced is a cool vampire show! It has heart and determination that all vampires are not bad! Vampires are kind of human in a way? We have wars among ourselves and just like people we have our problems! This show is like real life. That is why I love the shows! It's real to a point that you don't have to take it too serious. Just watch the shows and you know what I mean. What great acting by Mark Frankel and C. Thomas Howell. The whole cast works great together and keep up a great story line! It grabbed me from the start! It's sexy and sassy in ways that I have not seen vampires before! Just watch it. It on DVD and I recommend this show very highly! Out of 4 stars I give it 4! The show it non stop awesome!


A new GREAT funny show! Better than Malcolm in the Middle
Ok first of all the great cast is why I like this great show! Tucker is a comedy show about Tucker and his mom moving in with her sister(Tucker's Aunt) and her son and her husband. The story is that Tucker's mom is moving on from her deadbeat husband who fell for another women and so that's why they are here in her sister house to live! It's a show that is better than Malcolm in the Middle. It's kinda like that show but a whole lot funnier! The pilot is so funny I laughed my butt off! Every word and action in this fast paced show is great! Watch it! I know it's only the first episode but I'm already a lifetime fan and I'm going to watch it every week! Don't miss a must see comedy! Watch and tape theses shows! Out of 4 stars I give it 4 stars! It's that funny!


Great Show about college and gymnastics!
ABC had a hit on it's hands if they stayed with the show. It only aired 2 shows but it was great! I love all of the characters and loved the triangle of love and college and great actors! It was just bad timing I guess! If they bring this back to sintication I would tape all the shows! Especially the 2000 Olympics comming soon! A must see! Out of 4 stars I give it 3 1/2 stars!

Race Against Time

Ok movie at best?
I really like the concept of the movie but it was slow wih the story and fast at times when we can't even keep up with the characters. Eric Roberts is a great actor but this one was really out there. The performances are really good and the story was ok but we really end up not caring about the movie or the people in it. I really mean that. Even the special effects could not save it? Oh well... I had high expectations with this flick but no cigar. Oh the story... wait a minute don't really waste your time... If you like Cary Elwes and Eric Roberts see it but if your not a fan of either just rent "The Running Man" with Arnold! Better movie and that's not saying much even though I liked that movie. Out of 4 stars I give it 1 1/2 stars.

Restraining Order

Nothing to really talk about?
I really wanted to like this movie but it was so boring that not even my favorite actor of all time can't save it! It's really nothing to talk about but a crappy plot and very unrealalistic characters. I mean it was that bad. Just try to rent something else. Eric Roberts is still a great actor but rent other choices from Eric's video library. Out of 4 stars I give it 1 star. Eric Roberts RULES! though...


A Comic Book Marvel!
The real standout are Wolverine and Rogue. The story is simply about mutants getting along with humans. Professor X is trying to make a better world with humans and mutants. Magneto wants no parts of this! He wants everyone to turn mutant and be on his brotherhood of mutants! I really loved this movie and I thought every actor gave it all to there character. Especially Hugh Jackman(Logan(Wolverine). I really thought they went to far off base with the actor but Hugh fit Wolverine perfectly! I really mean that. The movie is colorful and full of action! The fight sceens are flawless, and when Wolverine put outs his claws I was very impressed! The movie is funny at times and very real to the comic book. Real life actors on the big screen protraying comic characters. It's really great. Bryan Singer is the only one I know that could keep this francise going. I really love this movie! Maybe because i'm a big X-men fan but i'm telling you it works! You will not be dissapointed. A must watch! Out of 4 stars I give it 4 stars. Really entertaining!

Freaks and Geeks

Best realistic show about teenagers
Now the show is based on the late 70's to the vey early 80's. As a 80's child myself I found out that teenager did act like this in Jr. high and High school. The charcters are honest to the truest form they can be on T.V. It is a great show to watch and if you give it a chance and the network too it should be on at least another season. Watch it and save the show! The actress Linda is a feash faced and beautiful actress. Look for her in breakout roles as for the guys Martin Starr is a real talent! His geeky voice and realism is a plus to any show! I look for him to be a favorite in hollywood casting. Out of 4 stars I give it 3 1/2. Every episode is fun to watch.


2Ge+her is the ultimate boy band movie! It works!
Virtualy an unknown cast but it's fun and very energetic. It's about 5 guys that make up the ultimate boy band. These guys can really sing and dance with the best of them. Now they are no *N Sync or The Backstreet Boys but the singing is just as good. I know that this cast of characters can sing and dance. Evan Farmer is a very good singer and it's just pure fun and a very cool movie! Giv it a chance. It'son MTV all the time. I even even heard that there is going to be a T.V. series on MTV. Now I told you guys theses guys are talented1 I'll be watching an tapeing every episode! Out of 4 stars I gve it 3 1/2 stars!

The Strip

Great Cop Show !
Well where do I begin. It stars Sean Patrick Flannery and Guy Torry & Joe V. As ex cops Elvis and Jess find a friend and employer by the boss Cameron Greene. He is a boss with a protection of his casino. He treats all his guest as family. Elvis and Jess help Cameron Greene every week with guest that need a little help now and then. It's a great show as well as entertaining. It's fun humorous and a great buddy cop series. I only hope that this show gets a chance to stay on UPN. It's smart as well as great viewing for people who like cop shows! Out of 4 stars I give it 3 1/2 stars. Watch this show!

The Coca-Cola Kid

Only liked the song in the movie...
I love Eric Roberts but what is this movie about? I know what the premise is about but dam was this movie horrible! Eric is a strong talent in this dark-comedy but I swear that song is the only thing I really liked! I just bought the movie for Eric and that awesome song! The song gets 4 stars but the movie out of 4 star gets a 1/2 star. Love ya Eric but this was not for me!

Desperate But Not Serious

Don't take this movie Seriously ? ? ?
First of all this movie should have never been made. It's about two girls that go from party to party and all they do is try to find this guy who one of the girls likes or really loves. The performance of Joey Lawrence is the only reason I saw this movie at all. I really don't know what Joey was thinking but we all have to start out somewhere. His talent is wasted here and so is the rest of the cast. The cast if you have seen there other movies are very good but just skip this one. You will not find anything funny or entertaining at all. I'm sorry I even bought this movie. I actually bought it before I rented it. I just got done watching and I said "What the heck is this crap". I know this cast can do better! Joey I love ya but just did not work in this film. Out of 4 stars I give it 1/2. I had such high hopes for this film too.


Ranks up there with the Sapranos! I LOVE this show!
As this show goes it's smart, funny and very sensitive to the audience. As I watch more and more I'm routing for the bad guys and actually like most of them. I know that is a little morbid but it's only a t.v. show. The acting is in place and Eric Roberts and Titus are standouts. It seems so real and very smart. This show deserves to be picked up for the new season. Give this show a shot if it stays on. I know I'll be looking for it. If you loved Goodfellas, Donnie Brasco, and just love mobster t.v. or movies this show is for you. Give it a chance. You will not be disappointed! Falcone the T.V. show gets 4 stars out of 4.

Fail Safe

Great LIVE TV. WOW!!!!
All I can say is was live and ready to go. From start to finish it was suspenceful and very edgy and entertaining. There were no mistakes in this great tv event. The acting was flawless and exciting. The drama of this heart pounding story was about fighter pilots bombing Russia. It was a war story true and through. I highly recommend this great tv movie. All I can say is it's so honest and very scary to even think about this even happening. Just watch and see this great acted film. I can't wait till it's on DVD. For now it was on CBS channel 2 on April 9th. It's been 39 years since a live tv event has happened. It was great. All I can say is just watch! Staring George Clooney, Don Cheadle, Harvey Keitel, Richard Dreyfuss, Noah Wyle, Sam Elliott, Hank Azaria, Brian Dennehy, James Cromwell and John Diehl, and directed by Stephen Frears.

C-16: FBI

One GOOD cop Show!
Eric Roberts is a great cop in this ABC show. It stared D.B. Sweeney, Christina Tucci, and Morris Chestnut. It has great acting attached to it and great plot lines. This show could not find an audience, but when it was on I was one of those people who watched. You not only saw great acting but great guest stars as well. I thought it was just as good as NYPD Blue. The show got a second chance but it did not win it's time slot. It also got so-so ratings, but it did better than most shows that are still on. Believe me if it was on a cable network the show would have taken off! One of the best shows even, it's in my Top 10! Out of 4 stars I give it 4 stars.

The Transformers: The Movie

Great animation!
The story is great as well as the characters. It's about Optimus

Prime losing the matrix and then a new leader is among there

Autobot clan! It's a war of the decepticons and autobots. It's

2004 and the future depends on futuristic robots! Watch this

great animated film. It was a childhood favorite of mine. I

collected all the robots in the early 80's. Now they have a show

now that is called BEAST WARS. It's very good too, but no

Transformers: The Movie. Just to name a few new autobots and

decepticons are Hot Rod, Blurr, Wheelie, Spicks' son Daniel,

Galvatron(Megatron), It goes on and on. The show is great for

kids as well as older kids at heart. It's a great show and film.

They did very well! Out of 4 stars it gets 4 stars!

Sleeping Beauty

One of the best Disney movies ever!
Well I can't say enough about this great film. The story alone is one of our greatest treasures. I think everyone knows the story by now. I just want to tell you why I love this film so much! The characters are fun and so funny. Walt Disney out done himself with this one! It still holds up to today animation.

Just see this great animated film. You will not be disappointed. Out of 4 stars I give it 4 stars. Enjoyable for the whole family!

Hak hap

Black Mask: All I can say is Wow!
I was very surprised that this movie was very good! The action alone speaks for itself! Jet Li is a action star here to stay! The plot was very simple but you forget that when he puts on the Black Mask and kicks some BUTT. This is one of the best fighting scenes I have seen in a movie period! Jet Li is a great karate guy and he looks so much like Bruce Lee(Kato(Green Hornet) in this movie. He is fast, witty and very fun to watch. Out of 4 stars I give this movie 3 stars. P.S. Give it a chance.

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