
IMDb member since February 1999
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    IMDb Member
    25 years


Mr. Holland's Opus

Mr. Dreyfuss does it again!
This film warmed my heart. Once again Richard Dreyfuss' portrayal of a gifted frustrated musician who becomes a teacher and an inspiration to his students is excellent! A must see film that will make you laugh and will make you cry.

Whose Life Is It Anyway?

Brilliant Movie
I am a great fan of Richard Dreyfuss. This, by far, is his best role. I am in healthcare and this movie handles the issue of dying with dignity and quality of life with brilliance. I really wish everyone would watch this great movie.

As Good as It Gets

Jack and Greg are brilliant!
Very rarely do I watch a film more than once. I watched this great movie four times and I am ready to watch it again. Each time I pick something up that I missed. An excellent movie. Greg Kinnear deserved Best-Supporting Actor.

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