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Fatal Desire

Fatal mistake
First of all this age old story of boy meets girl, boys falls in love with girl, girl tricks boy into dirty deeds, girl dumps boy, is done to death (no pun intended). Add to this trite, overdone and often boring movie for TV, the lack of talents from Eric Roberts and Anne Heche. Roberts looks haggard and shriveled. His acting matches his looks. I never considered this guy an actor. Just the brother of Julia making it on her name. In this it shows his ability to stretch his emotions from 1- 2. In It's My Party, he costarred with Gregory Harrison. Harrison and a roster of guest stars made the movie a hit. Roberts was not the best in the film. And in this his co-star Heche (also known as Ellen's ex) was just as bad. Not a looker, it was embarrassing to see her playing a sexy broad with a flat body, skinny legs and no bosom.

This movie is worse than a B picture and should be labeled one of the worst ever!

To Love, Honor & Betray

It's all about the hair
And Crystal Bernard, our leading lady, has too much of it. After a while I got sick of seeing a middle aged female trying to look younger than she is. And her huge mop of bleached hair had movement of its own, believe me, bangs and all. She must tease her hair every five minutes for it was never out of place in the entire movie. Then her acting was so stilted and boring I kept wondering of all the women in Hollywood or Canada or where ever this was filmed there had to be someone better. She was plain awful to look at and listen to. Story is typical standard stuff about infidelity and such stuff. Unfortunately Dee Wallace, an actress I admire, is wasted in this. But it's wonderful to watch her even in the little she had to do. And she comes off as Bernard's sister not mother. Bernard is much too old for the role. That explains the long, too long straight hair. I hate this new age look women have with straight below the shoulder length bleached blond hair. And always hanging over one eye or both eyes. Is this supposed to make us guys think they Are sexy, when you can't even see their faces with the hair hanging down in front? Like a witch. All they need is the pointed hat. It is so common these days these hair dos that are supposed to be attractive. To me it looks like they just woke up and need a good hair brushing.

Anyway, I digress. We have once again James Brolin, and actor that seems to always end up in these insipid LMN movies. Can't he get any other work? I admit he's not much of an actor. His son, Josh, fares much better in the acting jobs. But Brolin is still quite a strikingly handsome guy, good for you Barbra. Full head of glorious silver hair, and tanned. He's a looker, but that's about all. No acting please.

And then there's a young young Dean McDermott, Tori's spouse, as the kid brother who is not that bad in this. Nice to know there was life before Tori with him. David Cubitt plays the husband and also does a decent job. Looking too young for Bernard. How old is she anyway?

Vows of Deception

A bad Cheryl Ladd flick
Of course, no one ever claimed she was much of an actress. This film proves it. Ladd goes around playing sexy and that's about it. No moments but puckering and prancing about in revealing costumes too tight and too small for her. And what a waste of talented actors such as Nick Mancuso and Mike Farrell. They must have been desperate to take on this project or the money was too good. It's pretty obvious about what will happen in this. Isn't it always when a bimbo marries a rich man? This is no different. Michael Woolson as the son tries to stay far away from the whore wife. But the script makes him succumb to her fancies.

All in all I give this a 2 and a half for the presence of Mancuso and Farrell and the attempt of Woolson. But 0 for the performance by Ladd.

Wall Street

So-so movie
Sorry I can't get enthused about this one. With all the hoopla about it, I found it boring to watch and overacted by the cast, except for Martin Sheen who turned in the most honest performance and if anyone in this deserved mentioning it would be him. To award Douglas an Oscar for what he did was outrageous. Douglas goes around with his usual poker face looking like he knows how to act, something his father never taught him, and is so boring in every scene you cant wait till the next scene. Charlie Sheen gives a poor job as the up and comer wall street hustler. See Tony Curtis in Sweet Smell of Success for an acting job of merit about a hustler. Sheen just seems too much a beginner in this. It's the supporting cast that take the film. Oliver Stone did a okay job, but I feel it was too long and too tiresome in the viewing. Talk talk talk.

Letter from an Unknown Woman

Cinema Classic
Here is a film of substance and beauty. Directed by Max Ophuls with style and taste. Costumes are awesome and black and white photography at its best. It stars Joan Fontaine as the sad neglected heroine. Fontaine does her best work in this. I have never been a Fontaine fan as I find her quite cold in all her work. As in REBECCA and SUSPICION (even though she won Academy Award.) Most of her leading men have commented her coldness on set and her work. I believe them. However, Louis Jourdan more than makes up for the lack of warmth in this. He is magnificent. And he's supposed to be the cool charmer. His final scene shows the warmth the film should have had.

But still a great movie with the likes of Mady Christians, Art Smith, Marcel Journet in supporting roles. And the young Leo B. Pessin as the son of Fontaine and Jourdan. In fact he resembles Jourdan very much. Only made one more film to his credit. He was quite good. Too bad.

Hard Candy

Completely disgusting movie
I wouldn't even vote for this crap if you paid me. The biggest disappointment is that Patrick Wilson would consent to do this garbage. I have always respected his work but this has taken my opinion way down to the gutter which is where this film belongs.

Written by a sick Brian Nelson and directed by another sicko, David Slade, I found this film not disturbing like many others have been saying, but belonging in some asylum somewhere along with the little creep that played the little creep, Ellen Page. Is this the same little creep that has been making headlines lately? I know I could care less in seeing her in anything else.

It is just a stupid movie that Wilson couldn't kick this bitch in the crotch and end it all. He had every chance to and just seemed to crawl around on all fours and let her get away with it. I kept thinking this is supposed to be entertainment. There's no account for some sick people who think something like this could ever be called anything but a piece of crap.

Moonlight Serenade

Small miracle of a movie
With all the violence, sex and murder films plus the giant screen spectacles, it is refreshing to find this small miracle of a film. I guess I must be the only one to like this, reading the other critics. I found this by accident and am glad I did. I became involved with the characters and their lives. Okay, they seemed small according to turmoils in today's films, but how nice to see a happy ending. And to hear pleasant music without the rock sounds. A very sophisticated movie with fine acting by all. Superb directing from Giancarlo Tallarico who also wrote the book of which Jonathan Abrahams brilliantly turned into a screenplay.

Amy Adams was perfectly cast as the pretty young girl in search of a singing career. Scott G. Anderson was the perfect match for her as a young financial adviser with his own torments. Togehter they brought genuine emotions to the screen. Adams said more with her eyes than any words could express and Anderson's breakdown scene at his mother's piano was honest and heartbreaking. Bravo to each of them. JB Blanc brought the tension as the boss of the finance company and Harriet Sansom Harris was thoroughly delightful in the role of Anderson's assistant who brought some fine acting moments as well as a fine singing voice to the fold.

This was an excellent film and I commend the producers, director and writers as well as all the cast for treating us to this delightful little valentine of a movie. Thank you.

The Wicker Man

Not of my taste in film making
I am devastated that so many people found this a good film. I scares me to think there are those out there that have a taste for paganistic crap. For I found the writing by Anthony Shaffer based on a book by the late David Pinner, a despicable and disgusting work of film making.

Even with the likes of the actors, Edward Woodward, Christopher Lee, Diane Cilento and Britt Ekland, it is still in my eyes a dangerous film to have our young people to view. I write this criticism in hopes that parents will prevent their children and young teens in seeing this. It is truly the most horrendous type of work. Director Robin Hardy, man/woman spared no pains in bringing the hopelessness of believing in any kind of salvation. They have got to be atheists themselves to even want to produce such a sacrilegious piece of work. Shame on them as I condemn them myself to eternal hell for filming it. If I could face both writers and directors, I'd give them an up-pence they deserve for such contempt.

I warn you all and ask you all, even you obvious sick people who found this entertaining, to begin condemning this film and see that it is never viewed again. It's that repulsive. Killing human beings, animals, to make a point is not entertainment. And then to show the burning of them to the end. Next we'll watch Joan of Ark at the stake, then Marie Antoinette beheaded and think this is enjoyable.

No more of this horrible anti Christ stuff.

Baby for Sale

Hated this film
I agree with the comment about the stupidity of this movie. Why do we watch such trite? I think sometimes they are so bad you can't believe what you're watching. I like Hart Bochner's work. Loved him in Die Hard as the coke sniffing executive. He was wasted in this silly film. And the dame who played his wimpy wife looked like his mother. Dana Delany was terrible and obnoxious. I never wanted her to get the baby. She was too selfish a person to have any children. Going against her husband, the law to get her way. And nobody stops her. Even in the courtroom when she stands up and gives this phony speech about what's best for th child, it was sickening. I turned off the TV when the idiot judge was about to give over the child to her. I just don't want to see it. However, aside for my respect for Bochner's work, I did like the guy who played the shady dealer. Bruce Ramsay gave a decent performance. Almost like he was laughing through the whole movie.

So, kudos for Ramsay and Bochner's presence and thumbs down for the movie and the leading lady, Delany.

The Mudge Boy

Hated this film
I will not give any vote for a film that treats animals in such a horrific way. Michael Burke, the writer and director, must have some warped sense of theatre. He brings animal cruelty into fold in such a heartbreaking way, I found myself screaming at the movie. I love animals and dislike very much these cheap writers who think they can make a point by torturing and tormenting animals.

The kid was looney and the father was an ass. The boy friend a closet queen and the only normal one was the boy's pet, a chicken, who of course, this writer feels should be destroyed in such an unfeeling way without consequences.

I like Richard Jenkins, but not in this. And the kid, played by Emile Hirsch was ineffective in the role. The boy friend, Tom Guiry, was another lost soul. Actors were adequate. Scenery depressing, story super horrendous, direction masochistic and over all a waste of the viewer's time.

Glass House: The Good Mother

Same old LMN dribble
Plot done over and over and over again. This one no different than any other. Evil woman who gets away with murder and empty headed men who go along with the stupidity. Again we're supposed to believe women can be evil and men can be patsies. Brett Merryman wrote this crap and Steve Antin directed not so good actors. Angie Harmon gets boring along the way with this constant evil stare all the time. Joel Gretsch as her doting vacant husband goes around whining all the time. Then there's the children played by Jordan Hinson and Bobby London. London spends most of the time sick in bed and Hinson seems to be running around in circles looking for a way out. But never seems to find the door. Jason London plays a detective without a clue. Of course he gets it from the witch mother. So there you have it. A trite not so original LMN movie with the same theme, the same bitchy women, and the same weak men. Typical LMN crap.

Fatal Lessons: The Good Teacher

I rooted for the dog
I didn't even watch this whole film which may or may not be fair judgment. But when it started out with my least favorite actress in the lead, Erika Eleniak, I knew it would be awful. I have never liked this actress in all that she's done and am amazed her career still exists. She's God-awful. And to top it off she plays a bitch. When you saw the doom of the cute dog, you knew the predictable would happen. Why do writers always kill the loving pets? Is it because we love animals more than people? But rest assure Casey T Mitchell, the author, kills the dog first off. Thanks Mitchell for your bad taste. Then there's Patricia Kalember and Ken Tremblett as the parents and victims of the bitch. And of course, like all LMN victims, they are clueless, even when they are forewarned. Again I ask why are victims so stupid in figuring things out? Mitchell doesn't disappoint me. He makes them so stupid you already figure the ending out. And I also picked the next victim. Now mind you, I didn't see the rest of this crap, but I'll bet the neighbor was next. Am I right? Lori Ann Triolo appeared briefly in the beginning before I switched channels. But I'll bet she got done in.

Michael Scott directed this boring piece of crap. Beware this Erika Eleniak. She's terrible in all she does.

Best Friends

Insipid and despicable movie
No vote from this viewer. I agree with caa821 review on everything. I also blame the writer, Donna Radik, for a stupid innocuous story. I wanted to tell the writer she/he was just plain awful. And the director for casting a ridiculous leading lady in the role and spending too much time showing her pushed up/pulled in cleavage and for having us to suffer watching her walk around in her too tight jeans making her rear end looking like the Titanic. She is not a looker, believe me, and her acting matches her looks. Obvious in every frame in fact at times over done. This losing actress is named Claudette Mink. Let's hope we don't see her again.

Now we add Megan Gallagher as her best friend so ignorant that she's being duped and drugged. It gets so repetitious that you get tired of all the trickery and are constantly ahead of the plot with what will happen. I picked out the victims from the get-go. Gallagher was on a one level performance of - duh. Add to this her bland husband played by Barclay Hope who is clueless of what is going on and quick to blame his wife for it all. This after the bitch even drugged him and made an obvious pass at him. Still he was clueless. The victims, Liam Ranger, as the dame's husband, gets knocked off quickly, then her lover, played by Nels Lennarson, gets his demise. Imagine the bitch coming into a public hospital and able to enter a patient's room and kill him? Makes you think about what goes on in hospitals. No monitor on him to call for assistance when things go wrong? Brittany Wilson and Graham Kosakoski play the young lovers as best they can. The only two logical and intelligent people in this dribble.

Another typical LMN made for TV movie about women having the upper hand and men being vacant and empty headed. Of course this one is about, what, the 200th production of the same theme? Phew!

I was forced to watch this a second time. Why? Don't ask me. I should have known better. Still the same insipid Claudette Mink sashaying around with a fat butt in too tight jeans and her breasts thrust forward to I guess make her sexy which she is not. The same dribble dialog and situation done over and over again. Only this time I cheered the young couple for getting rid of Mink. Only we have to wait 2 tedious hours for it to happen.

Living with the Enemy

Another dumb blonde is the lead
Yes, dumb is the word for this actress. I know many have mentioned her beauty, but this viewer found her empty headed and boring to watch with her bleached hair, lip gloss, and not so perfect body. Watch her walk away in those jeans, showing a rather large butt. Her butt spreads beyond her shoulders. What does that tell you? As for the leading man, played by gorgeous Mark Humphrey, he was perfectly cast. A charmer. However, he and Lancaster just didn't match. She was out of place opposite this good looking guy. Good acting by Susan Glover as the sister. Angela Galuppo had a small role and was okay. But the film's director Philippe Gagnon, wasted too much footage on Lancaster. After a while you got tired of looking at her and watching her dull acting ability. And what a bitch of a wife she was. Snooping on her husband, being obnoxious to him and just a plain spoiled brat. Was happy to see her hit with the dart gun. I thought it might be the end of her. But alas, the script tells us otherwise. After torturing myself and watching this loser again, I still came up with the same criticism. Lancaster is boring to watch. This time around her hair, folks. Her hair constantly in her face, constantly tossing it back, became annoying. I question the writer, Alexandra Komisaruk's reason why a good looking wealthy man like Philippe would even bother with the likes of a bimbo like Allison. When there were so many attractive intelligent women, with class, to choose. He picks this nothing. Is this the Rochester/Jane Eyre thing? Oh well, it's all a matter of taste, I guess. This Sarah Lancaster is not my cup of tea, folks.

Between Love & Goodbye

Liked everything but the ending.
I had just seen another Casper Andreas vehicle last night in NYC called The Big Gay Musical and found it to be a charming film. Then lo and behold I get Between Love and Goodbye in the mail as my Netflix DVD. Not realizing that Casper Andreas too wrote this and directed it. I also remember him as an actor in Slutty Summer. Here are three film entries by the same person and all different. A musical, drama and comedy starring the author himself. Quite a courageous attempt.

Now the acting in this from Simon Miller and Justin Tensen as the two lovers was excellent and natural. They seemed to have a good rapport between them. Whether in the bedroom making love, or striking out at each other, it all seemed very natural. However, you didn't know who to route for when the split comes. Now enter the sibling of one of the boys, a woman, changed from a man, and changed back to a woman and then a man again. You dislike her/him for meddling and causing the entire breakup. Role is played well by Rob Harmon. Jane Elliott as the best lesbian friend turned in a great performance. Believable throughout. And Deirdre Brennan as the Interviewer was wonderful. Cold and indifferent with absolutely no sense of humor. I loved her.

Now I will argue about the end without giving it away. I didn't like the choice of Mr. Andreas. I felt after two hours of the ups and downs in a gay marriage, there could have been hope given, especially with today's day and age and same sex marriage. It could have inspired others to believe it could happen. There can be a happy ending in a gay film. Shame on you Casper.

The Books of John

At long last, a gay romantic drama
Okay, some of the dialog can be a bit overdone, but the thought behind this movie is very good and a welcome sight. Written and directed by David Schweiger, I found this film not as bad as other critics are saying. The only flaw is that I feel there are just too many quick scenes that fade in and fade out. Some don't make sense. I did for the most part like the actor, Jeff Batton, who handled his dialog quite well and was believable. I also like the way the subject of losing one's partner after many years a good choice in exploring. The secondary couples were touched on briefly. Matthew Palmer as a flippant fem type and his black lover played by Bajo Sanubi had little explored in their partnership. The only issue between them was the subject of contacting A.I.D.S. Alesha Willis as the best friend was good in a sympathetic role. And Peggy Brown did well as Grandma with her home spun logic. Bryen Winstead enters into our leads life as a love interest. After much pondering Batton takes him to bed, in some very hot nude scenes, and they begin to form a love relationship which has some twist along the way which I won't disclose. But there is a happy ending and a much needed one after seeing Between Love and Goodbye prior.

Deadly Betrayal

Bad actress in bad films
In 2003 it was DEADLY BETRAYAL and in 2004 it was DEADLY VISIONS. The same leading actress, Nicolette Sheriden. The same boring performance. Always looking older than her leading men. First of all, she plays the victim. In BETRAYAL she sleeps around while hubby is away fighting a war, and expects us to understand how vulnerable she was. Tough. You make your bed, you lie in it. It just so happens the guy she slept with is a common thief and turns out to be a murderer. In the second film , she plays the receiver of someone else's eyes, yes a transplant. Here she sees visions of past murders by someone. Once again our heroine decides to become detective.

What bothered me most, aside from the bad acting, was the perfectly coiffed Miss Sheriden, the overly made-up Miss Sheriden (she even goes to be in full makeup) and the obvious sexpot clothes she wore, revealing her form. She comes across a bit on the cheap side. Also someone should tell her to get the hair out of her face. Here are two films where I wanted the villain to win. BETRAYAL directed by Jason Hreno at least had believable performances by Andrew Jackson as the thief; Robert Seeliger as the hubby and Leni Parker, who I though quite good, as the best friend who told our heroine to forget it. VISIONS, directed by Michael Scott had an assorted pick of actors supporting our heroine, none of them outstanding in my book.

An Unfinished Affair

Terrible waste of time
Bad script and writing makes this a sometimes interminable movie to watch. How long will it take the victims to figure out the scheme of the vicious girl friend? And how dense can people be? This sweet young thing in the likes of Jennie Garth is so obvious it would take an idiot or rather horny devil to figure her out. She's that obvious. Garth's performance is a one level pursed lips performance. No chemistry. I'd drop her too. Tim Matheson, usually a good actor, is stuck in a vacant role of a husband who stands around looking mystified. Even to the point of his wife and son losing it all. Peter Facinelli is not too bad as another victim of our shady little ingénue. Bears a strong resemblance to Dan Futterman. Nice to see Georgann Johnson back on the tube. Since days of Mr. Peepers. She and Michael Fairman play grandparents, if you can imagine that. Also nice to see Leigh Taylor Young back on the screen. Looking very lovely and playing the wife with a nice quality you can't blame anyone for wanting her instead of the little witch. Rod Hardy (no relation to Andy) directed as best he could with a lousy script. Three stars for Young, Johnson and Facinelli. Sorry Tim. Saw this again and stick by my original critique. Garth is dreadful, even more so second time around. Tim still the loser and the wonderful likes of Johnson, Taylor-Young and Facinelli hold their own. Waste of time. Actress Garth has one expression throughout the film. Half opened mouth with protruding teeth. You keep wondering if she can close her trap. Or is she bucktooth? Not pretty to look at. Hope we don't have to suffer at her abilities again.

The Girl Next Door

Worst movie ever made
I was totally repulsed by this movie. I had no empathy for anyone in it. Not even the kid, David, played by poker face Daniel Manche, who went around with one look on his face - duh! He wanders around in this movie for no reason. He watches the torture and just stands there. He is supposed to be the girl's friend, yet does nothing to help her when he has the opportunity to. To me he was useless. The girl played by Blythe Auffarth, plays a girl who at 16 years of age had this happen to her. She played being tortured okay, thanks to make-up. The beast of a mother, played by Blanche Baker, was so disgustingly offensive and ugly that you wanted to kick her in the groin to stop her. One good kick and the kid could have ended her days. But no, we are forced to sit through two hours of such bad film making that you are screaming at the TV set to cut the crap.

I blame the two bastards that wrote this drivel. Daniel Farrands and Philip Nutman. With terrible direction by Gregory Wilson, these three sick men call this film noir? Wrong! It's just plain horrendous film making. And those people that call this art or anything positive are obviously as sick as the three bastards.

I would never recommend this to anyone with taste. I also feel to take such a horrifying crime and make a movie for profit out of the senseless murder is disgusting and inhuman. Next we'll have films of 911 victims jumping out windows. Why do these sick people feel they have to write all of these crimes for sensationalism? Isn't there enough going on every day around us? And you wonder why there are child molestations and kidnapping. This kind of movie supports that sort of action. They all should be arrested.

While the Children Sleep

Poor man's Fatal Attraction
This version of a demented female who is out for the husband of another woman is so predictable from start to finish. In fact I selected the three people who would be sacrificed in the beginning. No surprise. I blame inept writing by Stephen Niver and bland performances for this. Sometimes it's so silly and stupid you wonder how some of the people in this ever made it out the door.

William Moses once more plays the bland husband who not only doesn't have a clue, but goes around denying all the accusations he's got a nut case watching his children. He was perfectly cast as I have yet to see this actor show any level of emotion in any of his work. Add Gail O'Grady as his wife who also hasn't a clue as to what is happening around her. She falls down the stairs fine and more than once. Duh. The kids played by Madison Davenport and Tristan Leabu don't do too much except call for mommy and daddy throughout the movie.

I did like Stacey Haiduk as the friend of the wife. She at least had some moments and showed a bit of emotion. Joanne Baron also I liked but for her stupidity at leaving her house wide open for anyone to enter, and they do - enough said. Her kid played by a vacant headed Thomas Curtis didn't do too much except ogle at the baby sitter. This is acting? Jon Lindstrom didn't have too much to do., but did what he could with a thankless role. Good to see him work in anything, even this loser.

Finally we come to the baby sitter psycho played very badly by a Mariana Klaveno who I've never heard of. She was just plain awful in this. One expression of always pouting and glaring at everyone. She's not a looker with a skinny body and flat chested and hard to believe anyone would even want to lust after her. The scene where she takes her top off for the kid next door to see was so funny as when she did, nothing was underneath to look at.

I give this a zero on all counts and good wishes to Lindstrom, Hiaduk and Baron in getting better scripts and parts. Sorry.

Third Man Out

Chad Allen a natural
What better and more normal casting than to have an openly gay man play an openly gay character. Brilliant, Ron Oliver, also an openly gay director. With a terrific actor like Chad Allen, the story and direction has a natural flow to it. For once gay people aren't treated with kid gloves and hushed silence. They are represented as normal everyday people who happen to be gay. This I tribute to not only a wonderful scenario by Mark Saltzman, adapted from the gay detective series written by Richard Stevenson, but an excellent supporting cast backing up Allen's natural and genuine performance.

Sebastian Spence plays his other half. Although he is straight (ugh I hate that word) he seems to easily work well with Allen. You can see the trust and enjoyment they have in their working relationship. Spence brings charm and humor to his Myrna Loy type role. In supporting roles there is Jack Wetherall, from QAF, playing a ruthless gay outer in the political fields. A good actor, and I hear also an acting teacher as well. Handsome well built Woody Jeffreys plays his lover and worth watching; the delightful Sean Young in a very small role; David Palffy as a not so nice guy, out to settle the score with Allen; Daryl Shuttleworth, as a cop who works with Allen eventually in finding the answers to a murder; Nelson Wong in a small role as a hotel clerk who eventually becomes part of the Starchey team in latter films; Rob deLeeuw in a small role as a puppeteer with a dark past and finally the one and only porn star, Matthew Rush, playing, guess what? A porn star. Go figure. He was funny to watch him play himself with tongue in cheek. Yes, he gets frontal views. Isn't that his business?

Get this movie. You'll get hooked. I intend to make a collection of all the Donald Starchey series.

Widow on the Hill

Stupid LMN movie
I cannot give this horrendous movie any points. Even for an aging James Brolin. It's plain embarrassing to watch him making out with the blonde bimbo in this. Natasha Henstringe plays a selfish woman who is out to get all she can. The only weapon she can use is a low cut bra. She claims she's beautiful and men desire her. She's dreaming about that, for she certainly doesn't see her backside, which is as wide as her top. Never wear jeans, Natasha, they don't flatter you. Brolin acts like a stupid old man who can't keep his zipper shut. He has not aged very well over the years. His daughters, Jewel Staite and Melinda Deines do their best to put up with the gold digger wife of their father. Staite does a good job. Michelle Duquet as the mother does the best acting. She gives an honest performance and doesn't need a pair of breasts to guide her through the film. If you want to laugh watch Henstringe try acting.

Love Thy Neighbor

Fair melodrama
Alexandra Paul, who plays the leading role, is somewhat nuts throughout. She comes off as a live looney. And she does the most stupid things throughout the movie. You don't wonder she's a victim. She asks for it. I cheered when she got knocked down. She can't even run up the stairs without tripping. Coordination is not her forte. She has one expression that of shock and amazement. A bad actress. Shannon Lawson as the villain, does better in her schizo personality performance. Ksenia Solo as the daughter reminds me of Roseanne's daughter on her sitcom. Scott Wickware is good as the coach and Rod Crawford does well as the guard who hasn't a clue. Gary Hudson plays the usual Perry King type of husband, who is never there and doesn't believe his wife. Why are husbands so lost in space?

On the Other Hand, Death

Talent galore
Okay, I have to admit, I've been a Chad Allen fan ever since I caught him live in an off Broadway play called TEMPORARY HELP. I thought he was not only handsome but an excellent actor as well. It's always good to see his work and commitment to a film, play or whatever he promotes. In this film, the last of the four part series, he once again plays gay detective Donald Strachey assigned to a case, or rather several cases at the same time. As the story unravels, you find yourself caught up with the plot and begin guessing who did what to whom. But along the way there are secrets unraveled and dark pasts revealed. It's quite a journey.

The gay theme is incidental and done with respect to the gay community by not making it the issue. And yet there are thoughts and statements that cover the subject in a delicate and touching way. Not preached at you but simply told. One of the tenderest scenes involve two young teen aged boys having a secret affair. When discovered by accident by our hero, he tells them such beautiful things and gives them purpose for caring about each other and to stand tall and believe in each other. I just cried when that scene happened. When I was young, how I would have relished that someone in my life to tell me the same things.

There are gay relationships abundant in this film. But the subject of the film is greed and land ownership, not being gay. I loved that about this film. You just accepted the relationships. Director, Ron Oliver, did a remarkable job in bringing it all together. You could tell it was he and Chad Allen's dedication to telling the story honestly that made it a real human experience. Oliver does brilliant work in this film.

Not to be forgotten are the superb supporting cast; Sebastian Spence as Strachey's lover and partner is a perfect foil for Allen. Being straight doesn't keep him from playing opposite gay actor Allen in any way. In fact you can see the chemistry between the two actors as they are working. Add the legend Margot Kidder as the other half of a lesbian couple who are centered in the story for not selling their farmhouse. Kidder is unpredictable as an actress. But she almost always gives a performance worth watching. In this film she does. As the other half of the partnership, Gabreille Rose is fantastic. Quality exudes from her throughout. She's also a beautiful woman. I hear she did a masterful job as Amanda Wingfield in Tennessee Williams' play THE GLASS MENAGERIE. Nelson Wong brings comedy and a freshness to his role as Starchey's helper. Some funny moments. Damon Runyan is another handsome hunk, playing the only nude scene in the picture, and brings an honest performance. Then Lori Ann Triolo, Barclay Hope, David Orth and Kerry James all are good in their roles.

I loved this movie and look forward to more of the same. And Chad Allen, if you read this, don't ever stop your crusade for gay rights. I can't tell you how much that means to those that need to stand up and claim their identity.

Babes in Bagdad

campy harem spoof
Put Paulette Goddard and Gypsy Rose Lee together and you gotta admit that sparks will fly. Although Miss Lee is more suitable for this kind of high jinx, Miss Goddard does hold her own. Add John Boles as the Hassan and his son, played by Richard Ney (Mrs. Miniver) with Sebastian Cabot in a smaller role and look for Christopher Lee as a slave seller. I thought this was a riot. All the actors seem to play with tongue in cheek, which is Miss Lee's forte. Now mind you, John Boles, Stella Dallas fame and Richard Ney are distinguished actors. But here they let loose and along with Miss Goddard have a romp. Fun all the way through. And Paulette and Gupsy Rose make lovely Harem ladies.

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