User Reviews (67)

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  • Some times i like how the show pokes fun at colonialism. At other times I find myself wishing for deeper investigation of the period. On one hand, the way this skips along on the surface parallels the general shallowness of many of the characters. The writing is kind of clever in that way. On the other hand, i found myself often wanting for some deeper investigation. I especially wished for a more thorough investigation of the character of Vera Chiang. I'd summarize this as "light" satire, intended for British audience with some smiles but no big laughs and that only hints at many past sins.. c ould have been so much better but... not bad for wfat it is.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This drama has just started in the UK,so I have only seen one episode. People are entitled not to like this show but I feel the production is making a good attempt at a difficult job. The difficult job is trying to make a historical drama which is part satire without confusing a potential audience who won't know the historical background. I have not read the book this series is based on but I know a bit about the history. People on IMDB and on social media are complaining that the series show the white/colonial view of events. Well that is the point of the story,but it hardly shows the colonial authorities in a good light. But there is a Chinese character shown in a positive light in the first episode. Someone writing a historical fiction can hardly make the then powerless natives the star of the story,nor can an author show how clever the British authorities were when they were obviously almost useless. So since I am neither a Morning Star or a Daily Mail reader I will keep trying to enjoy this drama,which is an ITV production,some are saying it is BBC.
  • paul2001sw-120 October 2020
    J.G. Ballard's satirical novel, 'The Singapore Grip', is set in the last days of British rule, and follows a group of corrupt, complacent colonials as the threat of Japanese invasion draws close. Logically, it should be both fun and angry; but this television adaptation falls flat, in spite of a starry cast (Charles Dance turns up only to die more or less in the first scene). Perhaps it would have been better had it solely followed the perspective of the young man who comes in from Britain and tries to make sense of the world he has found; instead, we see a lot of the action from the point of view of the ghastly character played by David Morrisey, who is somewhat amusing, but too shallow to carry the story. The focus on a small group of expats also means that Singapore fails to come alive as a living, breathing city, populated by millions of people who aren't British. The narrative arc makes good dramatic sense; nontheless, there's a sparkle that's missing.
  • This story shows how the English aristocrars & business men always thought they were far superior to any Asian or other cultures!
  • Very poorly set and awfully directed and the scenes are pathetic casting not the best. Read the book very much better entertainment
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ...and 0% Gripping.

    It's "one of those" - so bad, from so many aspects, it's hard to know where to begin. With so many flaws; giving relevant criticism becomes a complex job - arguably more complex than the series it self.

    Pick a card, any card. Directing, Script, Acting, Plot - they are all so sub par that; trying to pick one is precarious and describing all of them would be a massive undertaking.

    Small mercy: Charles Dance gets "killed off" in the first episode. As it turns out this is one of the few redeeming features. Dance, so utterly, outperforms everybody else in the cast that; the rest of the stage freezes to ice in any scene he is part of. His demise actually improves the impression as; with him goes a point of reference.

    And then we have the "satire claim". A production has to be worse than bad if it is to be confused with satire. The claim has merit - Singapore Grip is so bad that the satire argument can be considered. However, a prerequisite for satire is that the audience actually gets that that is what it is - and that it has intelligent script alongside an artistic merit within the genre.

    The overall impression of Singapore Grip resembles that of a very awkward dating experience - which is then is described as a successful study in social science. Confusing? - Exactly! If this is meant to be satire it's not; edgy, intelligent, or clear, enough. If it is not... it is a complete wreck.
  • mgumsley19 October 2020
    The problem with The Singapore Grip is that the story line is weak, with a plodding script, and unfortunately even the seasoned actors like David Morrissey fail to impress. A weak plot begets weak characters, so even the enigmatic Vera failed to grab my attention. Such a pity, because the war scenes were really quite well filmed, and Singapore itself looks a fascinating place, it deserves better treatment.
  • geyienhk17 August 2020
    Sumptuous settings. Faithfully re-created period and place.

    But the storyline is not that interesting. The acting is wooden. No chemistry between the characters. Nothing to make you warm to or feel strongly about any of them.

    Reminds me of "Indian Summers" - great potential but a disappointment and, in the end, rather dull and uninspiring. Style over substance and talent.

    Compare this to classics like Tenko!
  • helenravensden23 September 2020
    I have read reviews of this production with increasing dismay. I accept views of the quality of the acting whether or not I agree with them. I don't object if anyone finds the script writer's dialogue unappealing whether or not I agree with them. I find the level of sanctimonious, self righteous and woke criticism of the story, the content and the author depressing and wholly predictable in today's climate. This is a novel, and yes it is a single self contained book so I don't think anyone is angling for a "second series" God help us. It is part of J.G. Farrell's anti colonial trilogy. The characters are awful - they are meant to be. You are not meant to like them. What the production fails to convey is the subtle, wonderful all pervasive disgust that Matthew and the author felt about the damage of colonialism. I want to suggest people actually read the book but I expect many won't bother and some would find it too challenging.
  • I thoughlly enjoyed all six episodes. Yes they may be a little comical, but in this Covid world I enjoyed that. I haven't read the book, so have nothing to compare it with. A fictious story written to the background of real very sobering events, with a lot of colonial hypocrital glamour...... A great atmospheric distraction.
  • I gave up on this series after two episodes, simply because there was nothing in it to keep my interest or attention. The characters are uniformly unlikeable - apart from the one played by Charles Dance, and he doesn't hang around long enough to be of much use to the story. Many of the other characters are either two-dimensional cardboard cutout villains to be booed and hissed, or bumbling morons to be mocked and ridiculed. All in all, an opportunity to tell the story of one of the biggest turning points in British and Southeast Asian history is reduced to little more than a predictable soap opera.
  • marieah-1046212 August 2020
    Unlike some others, I'm enjoying this show, but then I'm always a sucker for a British costume drama. The actors are good and the historical context is interesting. Don't write if off without giving it a fair go.
  • Firstly, I think the acting is solid from Charles Dance, David Morrissey and Colm Meaney (slight accent slip once or twice - earl grey with a touch of guiness), mostly. I enjoyed some of the side characters. The issue is with the script and maybe the production. There's an air of "You Rang M'Lord" to it.

    I haven't read the book but I understand it to be a satire. That is not clear from this show. You also cannot satirise the empire then use orientalism as part of the work itself. Why I need to see Elizabeth Tan practicing tai chi in the garden relentlessly, I don't know. It's not poetic. It's not magical. It's just a woman doing martial arts. It's just pure annoying white male gaze. Now if that's meant to be satire, it needs to be filmed/directed/produced differently. We shouldn't be in favour of the light skinned mixed race asian character (and of seeing the fully asian women being overlooked) just because Luke Treadway's character is. This feels like it was written by a white man who is himself guilty of orientalism. Luke's character might be the protagonist (from a revolving door of protagonists...who is the protagonist?!) we are meant to root for but it felt like Chuck Lorre writing a storyline for one of his big bang theory incel boys. I wanted to hit him. I actually rooted for Joan (and hoped she and her father would have him killed), which I don't think was the intention.

    Am I meant to not really care about any of the characters?

    I only continued with this because David Morrissey is a joy to watch.
  • The book was satire. This interpretation gets it at times, but misses by a mile at others. This inconsistency exacerbates the overall enjoyment by frustrating the viewer. Could have been a great series, but isn't.
  • rufushubble19 August 2020
    I'll admit that I only managed two episodes it was so dreary. It should have been brilliant... Some seasoned and some up and coming actors but I can't decide if it was the acting or the storyline that was at fault. Shame.
  • I really wanted to like the series because my mother lived through this period of the fall of Singapore but it really was so boring and predictable! It could have been so much better as the story is interesting but the acting was wooden and stilted. I did not see the need for the constant distracting and overpowering background music, sometimes jazz, sometimes traditional Chinese. It was just so typical of foreign productions filmed in Asia., that unnecessary need to 'highlight' all the Asian elements, the scenery, the clothes, the accent etc, but the whole story is lost along the way. So sad that a series can be this bad
  • We started watching for the Historic connection and stayed on because it's so sarcastic, taking into consideration it's made by English people who like to criticize themselves. Loved the act and the way one really fill they had enjoyed playing their roll each one of them. Can't wait for the last final episode.
  • ...but I found it watchable enough through the first four episodes, which is all I have so far. I will certainly see it through.

    David Morrissey is playing well against type, and is rather amusing at it. The lad playing Matthew is good, as is Monty, but the women -- especially the young women -- are dreary indeed.

    Someone mentioned Tenko. It is clearly not in the same class as one of the greatest series ever produced, but as a portrait of the worst of colonialism it is pretty good.

    It had loads of potential, not all realised, but as a light entertainment set in a dark time it is oddly interesting.
  • mats12324 October 2020
    Commenting on the television drama show. The drama is very faithful to the book. Everyone comes across as a bit pathetic - it is a satire. The main characters are white and British and live in Singapore in the 1940s. Yes, Chinese and British did not mix freely back then and the show makes that reality very clear. If you don't like that perspective the show is not for you. The show is filmed as it would have been filmed in the 1980s. That feels a bit dated, but I like the story. Shows how incompetent the Brits were in defending Singapore and how ruthless a trading company could be towards small landholders. Again, if that is not your cup of tea, the show is not for you
  • tanjirouuuuuu13 August 2020
    Being a sucker for period dramas, especially those set in Asia, I was looking forward to this. One thing that I like is the setting. The locations were well-chosen. But the acting by some of the characters fell flat.
  • ITV can bang on about '2020 Rebooted' all they like, but all this 'rebooting' has involved is them bringing back shows we've seen before.

    Even this apparently 'new series' is so full of ideas both good and bad cherry picked from other drama's whether it's actually 'new' or not is questionable.

    Slow, poorly performed and just plain dull. A waste of good performers. ITV need to find something new and engaging to fill their schedules, quick.
  • Downhill all the way after a promising start concluding with the last episode that has all the feel that the money had run out in equal measures to the enthusiasm of the scriptwriters, director and actors. Visually not a bad job as a period piece but there is little else to recommend. The style is confused and often farcical, the characters are all two dimensional at best, a simplistic plot that lacks intellectual depth.
  • pilot100931 August 2020
    Excellent representation of the fall of Singapore, very well photographed and acting was also good. Ending was a bit "up in the air" but suspect, as with so many shows they are hoping for a second season. Well worth the watch, but this is not a war film in the traditional sense so if that is what you want don't bother.
  • A wasted opportunity to tell an interesting story. Such bad continuity almost feels like it was made on the cheap!
  • david_r_cox2 September 2020
    Very well done with fine acting, I now know what the grip is.
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