"Supergirl" Not Kansas (TV Episode 2018) Poster

(TV Series)


Melissa Benoist: Kara Danvers, Supergirl



  • Alex Danvers : Your mom is alive?

    Kara Danvers : It doesn't feel real. But it is. I saw her, I listened to her voice, I touched her, I hugged her. My mom has been alive all these years, living in the city where I grew up. A lot of it's destroyed, but most of it's been rebuilt, and it's exactly the same. Like, I never thought that I would smell a Dar-Essa flower again, but look, there are dozens of them.

    Alex Danvers : I can't imagine what that felt like.

    Kara Danvers : It just felt like home.

    Alex Danvers : [understanding]  So you want to go back.

  • Kara Danvers : I've tried to hard to make Earth my home, Alex. And it has been, because of you. You've been so much more than a sister to me. When I first got here, I was alone, and scared, having just lost everything. And I would walk around and feel this dull, empty... pit, a hollowness. And, yeah, we got off to a rocky start, but once we got close, that hollowness just disappeared. That was you. You filled my heart. And no matter where I go, you will always be in it.

    Alex Danvers : How long will you be gone?

    Kara Danvers : I don't know.

  • Kara Danvers : I feel... guilty. I... I feel selfish.

    Alex Danvers : Hey. You have given all of us so much as Supergirl. Reign is gone. You have dedicated your whole life to taking care of others. It's time for Kara Zor-El to take care of herself. And no one deserves that more than you. But, selfishly, I don't know what I'm gonna do without you.

    Kara Danvers : When you went away to college, we... we figured that out, we did that.

    Alex Danvers : Yeah, I mean, we called and e-mailed every day. What's Wi-Fi like in space?

  • Mon-El : I can't believe you're going back.

    Supergirl : I know. Neither can I. It's gonna be really hard to be away from everyone.

    Mon-El : It's your home.

    Supergirl : Mm-hmm. Hey, thank you for everything, by the way. For coming back in and helping, and being part of the team. It's really meant a lot to me.

    Mon-El : Yeah, well, a while ago, someone pretty great taught me how to be a hero.

    Supergirl : She didn't do a bad job.

  • Mon-El : Hey, uh, while you're in Argo, would you do me a favor? They have artificial gravity there, which means they have some sort of synthetic gravity manipulator. And since gravity can bend space-time, you can use it to send a beacon into the future, and let the Legion know they can come back and get me.

    Supergirl : You're leaving too? Why don't you just come with me?

    Mon-El : I wouldn't wanna crash your homecoming.

    Supergirl : You wouldn't be crashing anything. It would be lovely to have you there.

    Mon-El : You're serious?

    Supergirl : Absolutely.

    Mon-El : Okay.

  • Mon-El : I know you've moved on... from us. But I didn't come back here just to help you fight Reign. When I left Imra, she asked me to... sort out how I felt. And not just about her. About you. And I've been trying to convince myself that friendship between us was the right thing. But I think I've been lying to myself. I'm sorry to spring this on you in-in the midst of you trying to acclimate here.

    Kara Danvers : Don't be sorry.

    Mon-El : I just don't want to hide things, pretend like they don't exist.

    Kara Danvers : After you left, I had a dream where I was walking down this path. A lot like this one. It was peaceful, and serene, and... you were there, waiting for me. And all I wanted was for you to be in that field with me. Now you are.

    Mon-El : Now I am.

  • Kara Danvers : You are my friends who understand me, and make me laugh. You are my role models, who have built me into a leader and shown me what it means to find fulfillment in the work we do. This world has given me a family. I'm taking this chance to revisit my home; my first home. I'm bringing you all with me in my heart. And I'm at peace knowing you'll be holding down the fort here until I'm back. And this is not goodbye. It's "see you on the flip-side." Or as we say on Krypton...

    [she speaks in Kryptonian] 

    Kara Danvers : "To be continued."

  • Kara Danvers : My certificate of Kanar-Onn!

    Mon-El : What's that?

    Alura Zor-El : A Kryptonian rite of passage.

    Kara Danvers : Requiring hours and hours of studies of Kryptonian history.

    Alura Zor-El : [with an amused laugh]  You loved it. I would come home every day and find you poring over books, rattling off new information you discovered.

    Kara Danvers : Okay, maybe I was a bit of a nerd.

    Mon-El : Uh... that sounds about right.

  • Kara Danvers : Thara Ak-Var, this is Mon-El of the Legion of Superheroes.

    Mon-El : [shaking hands]  Hi. It... it's just like a space police.

    Alura Zor-El : Well, Thara is in law enforcement, as well. She's chief peace officer on Argo.

    Thara Ak-Var : Times have been peaceful ever since we re-settled, thanks to Alura and the work of the High Council.

    Alura Zor-El : Well, we all play our part, but Thara has really stepped up. She knows the city like the back of her hand.

    Kara Danvers : Well, maybe you can help us find something for Mon-El.

    Mon-El : Right. Um... a-a synthetic gravity manipulator?

    Thara Ak-Var : There's a guy in the market who sells anything with a microchip.

    Mon-El : Great.

    Thara Ak-Var : And after that, I'd love for you to meet my family.

    Kara Danvers : Your... your family?

    Thara Ak-Var : My husband, Lir-Al, and our two kids.

    Kara Danvers : Okay, we really need to catch up.

  • Mon-El : Why are you smiling?

    Kara Danvers : It just feels amazing to be normal. I'm actually relieved I can't fly. No one to save. Do you hear that undetectable sound in the distance?

    Mon-El : No.

    Kara Danvers : Exactly.

  • Val : Mon-El!

    Mon-El : Oh, hey. How you feeling, buddy?

    Val : Good.

    Mon-El : Yeah? Hey, Kara, this is... this is Val.

    Kara Danvers : Nice to meet you.

    [to Mon-El] 

    Kara Danvers : New friend?

    Shopkeeper : Mon-El saved his life. Healed him with the device from his belt.

    Mon-El : [explaining]  It's a development from the future.

    Kara Danvers : Saving people without telling me, hmm?

  • Kara Danvers : [suspicious about an accident]  Do you think I'm being paranoid?

    Mon-El : If I've learned anything, it's that your instincts are, uh, usually spot-on.

    [offering her his Legion ring] 

    Mon-El : I think you should take this.

    Kara Danvers : No, Mon-El, don't...

    Mon-El : It's just in case. It will allow you to fly.

  • Thara Ak-Var : Did you find the gravity manipulator you were looking for?

    Mon-El : I did, but the guy who sold it to me was sort of an oddball. Do... do you know him?

    Lir-Al : Ol-Irus.

    Thara Ak-Var : Mm-hmm.

    Lir-Al : Everybody knows him.

    Kara Danvers : Ol-Irus, our schoolteacher?

    Thara Ak-Var : Uh-huh. Do you remember that time he made us take home insect samples to study, and they reproduced by the hundreds in our houses?

    Kara Danvers : [laughing at the memory]  Well, maybe you weren't so good at your insect homework, but I'm sure you are an amazing mother.

  • Alura Zor-El : Kara, you've had to live your life as a warrior, surviving on a foreign planet, defending others. You have to take in the fact that you don't have to live that way anymore.

    [taking her hand] 

    Alura Zor-El : You've spent so much time taking care of others. Maybe it's finally time that you take care of yourself.

    Kara Danvers : It's funny. My sister, Alex, she almost said the exact same thing.

    Alura Zor-El : Hmm. Well, I know why you love her so much.

  • Mon-El : Your mom told me I might find you here. Just wanted to make sure you were okay. Are you?

    Kara Danvers : I don't know. Argo survived, my mom's alive. This place is beautiful. It's perfect.

    Mon-El : But?

    Kara Danvers : Something's off. My mom thinks it's because I've had to be on guard my whole life. She thinks I need more time to decompress.

    Mon-El : And what do you think?

    Kara Danvers : Maybe that's part of it. I just feel disconnected in other ways. Thara. When we were young, we... we were so similar. We could predict each other's thoughts. And now...

    Mon-El : Now she's governed by the Kryptonian version of feng shui?

    Kara Danvers : [with an amused laugh]  Basically, yeah. I do envy her, though. I want that happiness for myself. I just don't know if I have it in me. And what I do know is that I'm very happy you're here. Your friendship has made this whole journey a lot easier. So thank you.

  • Supergirl : How do you feel?

    Samantha Arias : It's a cliché, but I feel like I got hit by a bus.

    Supergirl : Sorry.

  • Supergirl : You really went to great lengths to save Sam and her family.

    Lena Luthor : Well, you're the one that went to outer space.

  • Supergirl : You were able to synthesize Kryptonite. Can you make more of the Black Rock?

    Lena Luthor : Possibly. Why?

    Supergirl : It's called Harun-El. The meteoroid we found it on is inhabited. It's a precious resource there, but they sacrificed some to help us.

    Lena Luthor : I'll get to work on it immediately.

  • Alex Danvers : [seeing Ruby and Sam reunited]  Well, you did it.

    Supergirl : I have to tell you something.

  • Winn Schott : The woman of the hour!

    Supergirl : [seeing the party they've prepared]  You guys did not have to do this.

    James Olsen : Oh, come on. Did you think we were gonna send you off into outer space sabbatical without the right send-off?

  • Supergirl : I'm really gonna miss you guys. This world was so foreign and terrifying. But over the years, I've learned to feel safe here. It's been an honor protecting this planet, and being protected by it. And I owe all of that to you.

  • Selena : It's so good to have you back, Kara Zor-El.

    Supergirl : It's good to be back.

    Alura Zor-El : Welcome home.

  • Thara Ak-Var : It's really you!

    Kara Danvers : Thara?

    Thara Ak-Var : [hugging her]  We all thought you were dead. The ceremony broke my heart. I can't believe my eyes.

    Kara Danvers : Neither can I. Your parents, your brother?

    Thara Ak-Var : I'm the only one who survived.

    Kara Danvers : I'm so sorry, Thara.

    Thara Ak-Var : I've recovered.

  • Thara Ak-Var : You've lived on another planet all these years, a planet where you can fly?

    Kara Danvers : Yes. Uh... there's... there's so much to tell you.

    Thara Ak-Var : We'll have to climb up onto the roof, fill each other in.

    Kara Danvers : I would love that.

  • Thara Ak-Var : [after a construction mishap]  I'm so sorry. Usually our construction sites are up to code, but it turns out this one hadn't been inspected yet.

    Kara Danvers : So you think it was an accident?

    Thara Ak-Var : Of course.

    Alura Zor-El : Why? What do you think it was?

    Kara Danvers : I'm not sure. Um... I saw someone after it fell running away.

    Thara Ak-Var : It could have been anyone.

    Kara Danvers : It's just, in my life, nothing happens for no reason. There are no accidents.

    Alura Zor-El : That was on Earth.

    Mon-El : Do you think you could look into it further?

    Thara Ak-Var : Of course. We'll get right on it.

  • Lir-Al : We're building a gazebo in our back yard. It's been carved out of this huge, beautiful piece of stone that was left from the wreckage.

    Thara Ak-Var : We couldn't have been more clear with Laura that we wanted it to face south.

    Lir-Al : So that we could enjoy the lake off the orchard in the evening.

    Thara Ak-Var : And she's carved it in the wrong direction.

    Lir-Al : So now we have this stone monolith in our back yard that's facing the woods.

    Thara Ak-Var : Nothing can be done about it. It's so tragic.

    Kara Danvers : Well, I mean, it's not that bad.

    Thara Ak-Var : You'll see that the direction you're facing matters a great deal.

    Lir-Al : Of course it does. It affects your mood.

    Thara Ak-Var : And your quality of sleep.

    Lir-Al : Well, we will find a way to manage.

  • Thara Ak-Var : Kara, what's going on?

    Kara Danvers : She was there right after the crane fell.

    Felra : It's not true. I wasn't there.

    Kara Danvers : I know what I saw! Why do you want to hurt me? Tell me!

    Felra : She's crazy. I did nothing.

    Kara Danvers : You're lying. Now, you're gonna tell me who you are, and what you want with me, or I promise you, you will regret it.

    Thara Ak-Var : Kara, enough. Felra, go home.

    [to Kara, as Felra leaves] 

    Thara Ak-Var : Her husband owns the grocery. I've known her for years. She would never hurt anyone, let alone somebody she's never met. Let's call it a night. Kara, please, go home. Get some rest.

  • Alura Zor-El : Thara spoke with the owner of that construction site. The pillar fell because of a part they were having trouble with in the past. She also checked; Felra was at work when it happened, so if you saw someone suspicious, it wasn't her.

    [Kara nods, not completely convinced] 

    Alura Zor-El : Kara.

    [sitting down next to her] 

    Alura Zor-El : I know that being back here is an adjustment. The remnants of your home that you thought had been destroyed... believe me, I understand. I was haunted for a long time by the end of our planet, and the loss of your father. It wasn't easy to regain a sense of peace.

    Kara Danvers : So how'd you do it?

    Alura Zor-El : Well, it took time.

    Kara Danvers : I'm so happy to be here with you, and Thara. And yet... I do feel unsettled.

    Alura Zor-El : Well, the accident yesterday didn't help.

    Kara Danvers : I... I know it sounds crazy, but I don't think it was an accident. I think something's behind it, and I have always followed my intuition.

  • Thara Ak-Var : I defended you the other night, and now you try to kill the daughter of the House of El? After everything Alura and Zor-El have done for the survival of this city, how could you betray that?

    Felra : [glancing at Kara]  We are the daughters of the night, children of Juru, the deliverance of all Krypton. And Selena is our high priestess.

    Kara Danvers : Selena? But she helped me defeat Reign.

    Felra : Nothing is as it seems.

  • Kara Danvers : Where's the ship?

    Alura Zor-El : It's gone.

    Mon-El : Look.

    [from a bird's-eye view, the Worldkiller sigil burns in the grass] 

See also

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