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  • Todos los nombres de Dios, a film directed by Daniel Calparsoro, tells a thriller and intrigue story. It deals with a terrorist attack at the Madrid airport.

    In my opinion, this film has a brilliant beginning, but then it loses strength. It is true that the actors are excellent and act great at every moment. However, the problem is that at no time I have come to empathize with them so much. It is not the fault of the characters, far from it, but of the flat story that shows from afar the events that are going to happen. Despite this, Luis Tosar plays an impressive role and gets a lot of the credit for me liking the feature film. Throughout the film he makes compromising decisions and opts for goodness at all times. He makes us reflect that there are people who, even if they have committed an attack, do not deserve to die, because this obligation has been imposed on them. At the end of the day, we all are and think according to the education we have been taught.

    In conclusion, I consider this film to be correct and entertaining with a lot of potential, although with a flat script.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The idea of the film is not bad but there are son many faults in the scripts tha the interest falls down and down each minute ... only the professionalism of the actors make the film survive.

    First, the way the terrorists behaves after the attack is a bit weird. Instead of stealing the car and escape by leaving the driver unconscious or similar he keeps on going with him. Well, this can be accepted... Second, really the first car passing through the road is the one from the terrorists??? Come on.. Third, doesn't the police have a signal inhibitor for the mobile phone? Actions on the phone would have been much easier to avoid detonation. At least it seems an explanation is missing not to do it.

    Four, when capturing one of the terrorits two kids steal the phone and no police men realizes of that? Come on Five: there is only ONE police man opening the lockers from the bomb-jacket when the activity could be performed on parallel at least by two???

    Well, it is a pity to see films well produced that doesn't take care thoroughly of the script details.
  • I would not recommend this movie to anyone who likes good movies. It's one of those movies that you watch once out of curiosity or boredom, but you regret it afterwards. It's not worth your money or your attention.

    Well, I have to say that I'm not very impressed by this movie. I think it's too predictable, clichéd, and unrealistic. The plot is full of holes and inconsistencies, the characters are shallow and stereotypical, and the dialogue is cheesy and corny. The movie tries to be a serious drama about terrorism and human rights, but it fails to deliver any meaningful message or insight. Save your time.
  • This hour and a half hour Guardia Civil advert does a great job showcasing the different units of the security forces, as well as emergency services in Madrid. The obviously stupid plot is just secondary to showcase the different weapons and vehicles, and of course manpower (pretty handsome by the way) available in the fight against the evil Islamic terrorists. However the advert does feel too long, about an hour or so.

    The sci-fi use of Artificial Intelligence makes one wonder if the ad has been written by one, and it has given itself a stellar role to round up the hyperbole and a rather meta note.

    I will be for sure thinking of the Spanish security forces for my next terrorist emergency.
  • kosmasp17 June 2024
    Sorry, not sure I can say no pun intended with a straight face, but I'll try. And trying is something that is true for the movie and our main characters. By now, if you do watch Spanish cinema, Luis Tozar should be a name you are familiar with ... if you are new to him ... well you are in for treat ... well multiple treats! Quite versatile to say the least.

    And another Spanish thriller that is able to make us feel a lot of emotions and that is quite open to twists ... going ways you may not expect it to go. I didn't entirely (though the German title and some posters are a bit more revealing that they had any right to be .. at least in my opinion) .... I wonder when the US remake is going to be made ... surely it will not take them too long.
  • cbielsagibaja17 September 2023
    Get the movie Speed, let's remove the car chase and change it for walking, add some Muslim baddies in the mix. Now get an stupid AI solution (bordering sci-fi) to dismantle the evil plan and pretend this is something that could happen any in this modern globalised word. Yes, it's as lame as it sounds, acting is accordingly bad, dialogues seem to be written by a 6 year old and the emotional family scenes added here and there (to give the paper thin characters some background) are pure cringe material. Avoid at all costs, one of the weakest movies of the year that should have go directly to streaming services.
  • One of the movies that has a sole purpose of scaring Europeans into hatred towards the ever increasing Muslim population inside its borders.

    Nevermind the thin plot of this movie, the directing will keep you glued to your seat as it is hard not to watch what would be the next scenario flop. One thing that the main actor carries better than the main item in the movie is the weak plot.

    Other characters are just there to fill in the gaps and one could not pinpoint the exact secondary character in this movie.

    Aside from obvious AI blunders in trying to implement it for CGI scenes, the movie is pretty scenic, showcasing beautiful Madrid streets and architecture.

    Insult in the title of the movie is not going to be covered in this review.
  • hvahed1315 March 2024
    Boring. The film can be converted into a short film. Despite the exciting subject, the film lacks any excitement throughout the film. Poor characterization of the actors is expressed throughout the film. Defusing the bomb is done very simply and without excitement and the movie ends with a clichéd ending. There is no characterization of the main character of the film. You have no knowledge of the terrorists in the film and their motives. It didn't matter if some of the main actors were in the movie or not, and they didn't have any impactful role in the movie. Some parts of the movie were also unknown, like how the bomber was taken to the bathroom of the museum. The soldiers who led the bomber down the street were without protective clothing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I begin too get pretty bored by the Spanish movies which more and more desire to look like Hollywood garbage junk factory; as also the South - and not North...- Korean movies. Yes, a decades or two ago, Spanish films were very original, had their own spirit, soul, genuine atmosphere, they were not contaminated by all those predictable with always f....happy f...endings. WHY, WHY WHY ? And this Luis Tosar also begins to annoy me with always the same kind of roles? He is a so gifted actor, why remaining in the same characters? Yes, yes, yes, I wasted my time with this crap. Please God helps you if you try it.