Unlike many of the past "Yu-Gi-Oh!" spin-offs, "Go Rush!!" has a link to a previous show: it's a sequel to "Sevens".
Despite having the surname, the same voice actors and looking like aged side characters from "Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens" such as Tazaki Gyarian (Galian Tazaki) and Omaeno Ushiro (Toombs), the elderly present in the show are new characters.
Many characters from this show have the surname and same voice actors of characters from "Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens", such as Sogetsu Manabu (Manabu Sogetsu) and Sogetsu Gakuto (Gavin Sogetsu), and Atachi Manya (Manya Atachi) and Atachi Mimi (Mimi Atachi).
2 of the main characters from this show, the twins Yuhi and Yuamu, have surname of Odo Yuga (Yuga Ohdo), the protagonist of "Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens".
The main setting of the series is on Mutsuba-cho (Mutsuba Town), as in Mutsuba Asana (Asana Mutsuba), the heir of Mutsuba Juki (Mutsuba Heavy Machinery), a side character from "Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens".