I've heard this show was good but damn! I didn't expect the first episode to pack such a serious punch.
How to even begin to describe this absolute masterpiece? From the moment the animation begins you're in this world, the beautiful palette of colors is absolutely perfect to describe the drama, tension, violence, and beauty that this primitive world has to offer. The sound mixing is gorgeous to the point that if you're not listening with high-quality speakers/headphones you're really missing out.
The angles in which the direction presents the animation tell so much of the story without uttering a single word during the entire run of the episode. Plus the fluidity and design of the characters are just perfect. We are only left with a primal understanding of the feelings of the situations we have gone through with our main characters.
This episode leaves you broken and tearing up but with just enough of a silver lining to give you hope that maybe the end of the life as you know it is not really the end.
In a time where animation has been disregarded to badly-shaped characters in search of an original style, it's refreshing to see something so well crafted, honest, and with such unpretentious original designs.
I am so glad I saw this. This episode has become one of my favorite animations of all time.