User Reviews (647)

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  • geekroad27 August 2010
    Many reviewers here have stated that this movie isn't realistic because 'Salt doesn't get bruised enough' or 'no one her size could...' Have these people ever been to an action movie before? NO ACTION MOVIE IS REALISTIC. They are all written to be over-the-top because that's what makes them entertaining. We suspend disbelief to enter the world of the action-hero (or heroine) and we go along for the thrilling ride that is sometimes so over-the-top it's ridiculous! But that's what makes it fun. If action movies were realistic, they would be slow and boring. This movie does not cross the line anymore than any other action movie.

    Salt delivers exactly what is promised -- a solid 100 minutes of action. It keeps you watching, it keeps you guessing (even when it turns out you were right in some cases), and it entertains from start to finish. If you like the action movie genre, chances are you will enjoy this movie.

    As for the reviewers who criticized the way Russians are portrayed, the action genre plays to comic book-like caricatures. The villains are no more realistic than the heroine! This isn't a documentary!

    If you like action movies, give Salt a go. Angelina won't disappoint.
  • When Bruce Willis makes crash landings in the original "Die Hard" movie, at least he winces in pain and it takes him a few moments to regain composure. In "Salt", when Angelina Jolie jumps consecutively onto six moving trucks on the freeway, she's flying right up and instantly running at Olympic record pace, sort of like the original Terminator except sporting lipstick. Throughout the movie, she decks secret service agents faster than they can graduate out of combat training if she's not pushing out of moving vehicles going 70 mph while wearing handcuffs, although the officers forgot to put the cuffs on behind her. They put them on in front of her leaving her with a slight chance to get away. I guess the point of this movie: don't try this at home.

    The essential plot I think is quite compelling, and I don't want to give too much away but only to say that nothing is at it seems until the very end. But I think I would have liked more of the mystery behind the story than all the long action sequences which I felt undermined a potentially complex idea. These days in filmmaking, it seems that the longer action sequences displace story development. There are flashbacks to a greater story but a lot of it was more confusing than insightful.

    After a brief prelude in which Jolie is interrogated and tortured by North Korean military agents, the movie begins, presumably about a year later, with a Russian requesting asylum with the United States via the CIA. Agent Evelyn Salt (Jolie) interrogates the defector who tells a strange story about how the Russians infiltrate the United States with moles programmed and brainwashed during childhood. Only seconds after the interview is over, the defector is killing CIA agents and escaping the headquarters. And so is Salt. In fact, the agency is more determined to get Salt than the defector, which is one of the many little glaring plot problems that occur during this movie. The non-stop action begins here, fueled by several plots and subplots.

    I think Salt is a decent film but not a great one. At least what it does successfully is keep you guessing. You're not sure what Salt is doing, where she's going, or even whose side she's on which keeps you at the edge of your seat. By movies end, I still had a lot of unanswered questions that were not explained through the action sequences. I also realized at one point, Jolie doesn't say much after the initial interview until the very end. It's hard not to like Jolie but I think she should have requested a bit of a better script with a little bit less chasing, gunning and blowing things up. Jolie can also act, not just chase.
  • Was it realistic? No. Did all the dots get connected? Not all. Was it fun to watch? Yes. Was it predictable? Not entirely. Lots of twists & turns. If you don't mind people sliding down a banister with six-shooters out shooting 5 hit men with Uzi's, then you'll probably like it. (This didn't really happen, and I don't really know guns but you get the message.) I thought I had it all figured out but I was oh so wrong. I would like to see it again, knowing what I know now. There wasn't a lot of cursing and relatively little blood & guts considering this type of movie. I must say, sitting next to some women who liked shouting at the screen and throwing their own punches heightened the excitement for the audience.
  • While I can't say that I was awaiting Angelina Jolie's latest outing with bated breath, I was intrigued by the fact that Salt was originally intended to be a Tom Cruise vehicle.

    Tom's waning box office pulling-power aside, this sex-swap was a smart move by writer Kurt Wimmer (Equilibrium) as it gives Jolie the chance to prove that she can lay the smack-down on just as many henchmen as the boys can. Having her rather than him as the duplicitous CIA agent Evelyn Salt, Wimmer gives a fresh angle to a plot that could easily have been a boring instalment of the Bourne series. Salt also sees the welcome return of Russian villains to the cinema after a long period in which Middle Eastern terrorists were severely over-worked.

    When a Soviet defector strolls into the CIA and announces that Salt is a sleeper agent who will kill the Russian president, she goes on the run. Fearing for the safety of her husband Michael, Salt sets out to find him before agents Winter (Liev Schreiber) and Peabody (Chiwetel Ejiofor) catch up with her. The question of where Salt's loyalties lie is the true source of tension and Jolie plays it cool, gaining and dismissing the audience's trust several times over.

    Schreiber and Ejiofor draw the short straws in terms of dialogue and simply run after Jolie for the entire movie without doing anything of significance. Hopefully, if the proposed sequel goes ahead, Wimmer will be able to correct this glaring oversight.

    The action scenes are sharply directed and Jolie finally gets her hands dirty, particularly in the opening exchanges where she's being tortured in a Korean prison. If that wasn't enough, she also flies down an elevator shaft by leaping from wall to wall – it was a silly effect but added a cheesy, fanciful element to what would have been an entirely too serious movie.

    Consequently the first 40 minutes are fast and furious as Salt evades her fellow agents by any means necessary but not to be outdone, the rest of the film takes a left turn and continues to surprise with some serious fisticuffs, gun-play and high-speed car chases. Admittedly, for all its skill and enthusiasm, Salt's finale is a little over-the-top and it wanders into well-worn ground without knowing when to stop. Aside from this minor gripe, Salt is a well-directed action movie that delivers us a potential new franchise, an intriguing lead character and an exciting close to a lacklustre summer.
  • While I was expecting a little more sophistication in the plot department I realized that such a thing couldn't happen when US versus Russia is at play. (To my knowledge the Cold War is over and the spy business has become more complicated than ever. This oversimplification of old enemies and their wars is too much.) The plot is all over the place and realism is thrown out of the door. There are too many things happening in the movie that are too convenient and even impossible. Still it didn't keep me from enjoying this movie. It even managed to thrill me at occasions even if I was aware that most of the plot was nonsense. Jolie does an excellent job as the action heroine. The action is that makes this movie tick and that is almost the only thing that should count in a movie like this.Ignore the bashing and trashing of Jolie. This is pure entertainment!
  • When Angelina Jolie makes her appearance on screen, chances are most people are interested in seeing in nothing but her kicking some major ass. And for those who relished in a good time of shoving popcorn in their mouth while watching her go gun-blazing in the action thriller 'Wanted' back in 2008, this one makes a sound, if slightly lesser option. This spy action thriller, helmed from director Phillip Noyce who brought his work to the screen with two Jack Ryan adaptations 'Patriot Games' and 'Clear and Present Danger', is just another one of your average trips to the land of Angelina Jolie wielding her action skills against the baddies as she fights her way through the sporadic blemishes in the script written by Kurt Wimmer. Unlike 'Wanted', this flick proceeds with a slightly more political agenda at hand, primarily the corruption uprooted from Russia since the beginning of their fallout with the United States during the Cold War. This film focuses on Evelyn Salt (played by Angelina Jolie), a CIA operative who is a living a peaceful life with her German boyfriend Michael Krause (played by August Diehl) and being held as one of the most respectable agents at her job. Her life comes crashing down when she is accused by a captured Russian agent Orlov (played by Daniel Olbrychski) of being a Russian sleeper agent with a plan to assassinate the President of the United States. With the law enforcement along with Agent Peabody (played by Chiwetel Eijiofor) pursuing her and her boss Ted Winter (played by Liev Schieber) the only one who fully trusts her, Salt must set out on a mission to clear her name.

    For a movie set on exhibiting Jolie in her frenetic ass-kicking mode, this one delivers for the most part. Watching the actress step into action with a frenetic gun-blazing, bone-crunching convulsion makes the tasty icing on the cake most action junkies crave for. But those who make the decision of taking the ride seriously fall victim to witnessing the flaws in the film's attempt at establishing a solid political complex. Adding substance to the plot is a political theme involving international corruption and relations between the U.S and Russia which ties knowledge the historical threats of the Soviet Union during the Cold War back in the 50s. It also makes the unfortunate feat of occasionally convoluting the plot, especially when throwing in a few twists and turns that will take audiences by surprise or leave them scratching their heads. Regardless, anyone willing to escape these blemishes are in for a nice treat, and that witnessing Angelina Jolie shoot, punch, and kick were way through the story in a sleek James Bond-style. Tension is kept high and the action falls nothing short of beauty, especially when adding explosions, car crashes, and vehicles slipping to the equation. For what the movie offers, it does enough to meet the appetite of cinema-goers hungry for a blend of sleek action thrills with brainy political subtext to go in the mix.

    Salt is an entertaining ride, if somewhat forgettable in terms of cinematic action mayhem. For those craving a sweet kick of action, this makes a fresh choice, though it nothing that reaches the peak of its genre. All that can be said is that fun and thrills is the best thing this movie delivers if nothing more.
  • namashi_126 November 2010
    Phillip Noyce's 'Salt' is a decent action-thriller that focuses on Spys. The film has it's share of shortcomings, but manages to sail safely.

    Angelina Jolie stars as Salt a CIA agent, who is accused of being a double agent. Her journey from there-after, is filled with loads of action, and many twists and turns.

    'Salt' has a paper-thin plot, but it's list of twists keep the proceedings alive. However, I would like to state, that, the culmination doesn't appeal. The actual twist in the tale doesn't leave any impact whatsoever. Writers Kurt Wimmer and Brian Helgeland could've truly worked for a better culmination.

    Phillip Noyce's direction is fair, while the stunts are the mainstay of the film. Angelina Jolie is excellent as Salt and goes on to prove her potential once again. Among other performances, Liev Schreiber and Chiwetel Ejiofor leave a lasting impression.

    On the whole, 'Salt' also offers some spice. Apart from a tacky culmination, this one truly ranks as a fit popcorn flick. Reccmended!
  • Richie-67-4858526 February 2018
    Ready set get the popcorn! Non-stop action for those that want to veg out and popcorn up and for those reasons it delivers. Jolie pulls it off although if you take the film too seriously it has many flaws so resist the temptation to do so. I don't mind someone being really good at what they do but impossibly good stretches it too thin. Just keep eating your popcorn as the plot unravels and we like to follow it when it does. Great countdown to nuclear war sequence and depending on which version you watch (there are three), it ends satisfyingly, ends with a potential sequel or ends period. This is a movie where you don't mind having your senses ...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Just watched the BlueRay of this movie and I really liked it. Good action, exceptional acting, good story. Not a mind blowing, but still interesting.

    I've also listened to the director's commentary for the movie where he said that the Russian people had a negative reaction after watching this movie. In particular, that they were offended of the way Russians are shown in the movie. Well, I hope the director reads the reviews on this website and I would like to make a tiny remark. He completely missed the point of why they were offended.

    It was not due to the fact that Russian government had (or has) spies in the US, but due to the image he gave to the Russians in his film.

    1. Russians don't address each other as "comrade". Never did. 2. Russians don't drink vodka on every other occasion. And certainly don't carry a bottle on their person just in case. In fact, Russians drink more beer than vodka. 3. Russians don't kiss each other as a form of greeting. Only if they are very good friends (or would like to seem so) or relatives and either both girls, or of opposite sex. Russian men never kiss each other, even if they are best friends or relatives. Male relatives kissing is much more common in Europe and even US, than in Russia. 4. The Russian spies that were caught in the US last year were not observing the life of US. Any simple person can do that without being a spy. For example, I often talk to my relatives in Russia and tell them how I live in the US and how life in the US is in general. Of course, I don't tell or know any secrets; THAT is the spy's job.

    Also, just a side note to others, who might only know about Russia by films such as this one: Russian people don't dream of attacking US (or any other country for that matter). They have problems of their own. So please, stop exploiting these beaten-to-death stereotypes in the movies. Otherwise, the cold war will never really end.

    Other than that -- great movie. Enjoyed it very much.

    Just to clarify: I am Russian and lived in Russia for 26 years.
  • This is a fast paced, interesting movie that has many twists and turns, most of them that you won't see coming. Angelina Jolie has never looked more confident and beautiful, and some of the ideas in the script are almost brilliant.

    I say almost, because the more you think about this movie after-wards, the more highly improbable, and less intelligent, this movie seems. And, it only seems to get worse as the movie goes on, requiring the characters to do more improbable things as the movie moves towards the end.

    I'd say that any of the Tom Clancy films, or even the Mission Impossible films, give you a better experience than Salt.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It almost seems as if it were scheduled to make up for the headiness of Chris Nolan's Inception (yeah, I know, it wasn't THAT smart, but compared to the vast majority of American blockbusters...). It's pretty much a Bourne rip-off. It stars Angelina Jolie as a CIA agent who is exposed as a Russian sleeper agent by a Russian defector. Whether she is one or not, her bosses (Chiwetel Ejiofor and Liev Schreiber) decide to keep her under wraps. She'll have none of that, though, as she fears for the safety of her spider expert husband. So basically, like Bourne, it's about a defecting agent running from her employers while simultaneously trying to foil the bad guys. The film does have a couple of semi-clever twists, but it also contains a metric ton of stupidity. There's no real set-up for Jolie being some kind of Bourne-like superwoman, yet as soon as the action sequences start she's either MacGuiver or Jackie Chan. Weighing in at about 95 pounds (seriously, Angie, eat a burger) she's able to beat the everloving crap out of every trained CIA, FBI or Secret Service agent who gets in her way. The filmmaking is reminiscent of Bourne, but, unlike Bourne, the choreography is confusing and implausible. Very little of the plot makes any sense, from the reason for the initial exposure to Jolie's motivations to the final sequence. Any moderate examination reveals the film to make no sense whatsoever.
  • mr-natural27 March 2011
    I enjoyed this flick - it's a satisfying thriller with nonstop action, and Jolie does it proud. I would like to say that I'm surprised by all the negative reviews, all of which seem to take offense at the various "illogical" and "unrealistic" aspects of the film. These same folks no doubt LOVE films like Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean, films of the fairy tale genre with license to dismiss realism altogether. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But it is too bad they can't appreciate a fine little thriller like this that just fudges with reality a bit. Almost every James Bond film was at least as silly as this film, but I loved all them too, as did most of the world. Maybe these picky folks are just a bunch of chauvinistic men and jealous women. I say let them eat cake.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Great action sequences. Questionable plot. Limited character development.

    I enjoy spy films, and remember having liked the 1994 "Clear and Present Danger" (starring Harrison Ford), also directed by Phillip Noyce, so I decided to see "Salt" and bought the Blu-ray. The disk has all three versions and lots of interesting extra features, including a commentary by Phillip Noyce, and interviews with real-life spies, such as the famous former Counterintelligence KGB General Oleg Kalugin, now an American citizen.

    "Salt" is an enjoyable film, better, I say, than all Bourne films, or "Mission Impossible" (with the possible exception of the first one, directed by Brian de Palma, where Angelina Jolie's father plays), and also better than many James Bond films, with, perhaps, the exception of the 1963 "From Russia with Love", from which "Salts" borrows something - remember Colonel Rosa Klebb played by Lotte Lenya ?

    Moles in the CIA (and FBI), "sleepers", "illegals in dormant state waiting to be activated for sinister purposes against the West, Soviet/Russian (KGB, SVR, FSB) defectors after defectors ... all are true and not new - see "Telefon" (1977, with Charles Bronson), "The Fourth Protocol" (1987, with Pierce Brosnan, "The Good Shepherd" (2006, also with Angelina Jolie), "The Company" (2007, TV with Michael Keaton).

    Angelina Jolie, Liev Schrieber, and Daniel Olbrychski do well as Evelyn Salt, and, like many others, I liked watching them, but I have two serious problems with the plot. Not so much the impossible acrobatics and escapes and infiltrations ... but the premise of the film itself:

    • How is it possible to depict (and make us believe that) The Secret Service is so ineffective ... Bystanders ... ?

    • The "defector".

    1. A Russian spy comes to the CIA, and reveals top secrets about former Soviet, now Russian operations against the United States. He even uncovers the identity of a mole inside CIA ranks. OK - Good deeds ! But, if he is a genuine defector, why, after being interviewed, does he kills his CIA guards, and then escapes ... Doing this only discredits his testimony. That is not how a genuine defector behaves.

    2. If, on the other hand he is not a genuine defector, but an active enemy agent, someone who came to activate "sleepers", why does he have to come in and reveal everything to the CIA, including uncovering the identity of a top mole in the CIA, thus, gravely endangering the mission his agents (the sleepers) are to carry out ? If he only needed to provide instructions to his undercover agents, he could have used other methods of communication. This is not how an offensive (let us call him "a non-genuine defector") behaves.

    3. If, further, this was just a temporary defection, with the sole purpose of uncovering to the CIA the identity of a mole (the Theatrical and Director's Cut versions of th film, but not the Extended version suggests this), than it was not at all necessary to reveal the rest of the plan to the CIA (that this mole, a Russian agent will soon attempt to kill ...), and, definitely, it was absolutely wrong for the defector to kill his guards and escape. So, bad logic. Am I wrong ?

    We, the viewers like thrillers, action, adventure, spy stuff (deception after deception, double-cross, multiple against and allegiances), but we also like solid, smart and plausible intelligence (brain, analytical) work behind the action - e.g. "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (1979, TV) and "Smiley's People" (1982, TV) both with Alec Guiness Not too much "intelligence" work in "Salt", just a lot of (great !) action sequences ... there is too much Phillip Noyce expects us to accept, take for granted.

    On the positive side: "Salt" may also be viewed the soul-searching journey of a double-agent who struggles with the question: "On which side am I ?" or "On which side should I be ?" In the end the agent decides where the allegiance should be placed, and chooses the side who advocates morality and humanity.

    If you do not ask (too many) questions, "Salt" is definitely enjoyable.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I wonder is there any more stupid image of Russia in the history of American movies? Where did you get these surnames? Ask any Russian on the net for a huge bunch of real Russian surnames. Where did you get this ring kissing ritual? Stupid.

    An image of Russian super-spies drinking vodka on the stinking rotten ship, which somehow serves them as a base is also unrealistic. Just as 50Kg woman which can be thrown against the wall and have no even single bruise after.

    I wonder, do all Americans still know Russia as it is shown in this film? Or it is just comfortable to utilize 30 year old image because developing new one and showing it can reduce cash flow? But the action itself (if you switch off your brain for 1h30min) is good. It is the only thing we can enjoy in this movie together with a good actor play.
  • I found this thriller to be enjoyable. Lots of action - some of it pretty unbelievable - and some twists in the story. Very well acted on all parts. I really like Jolie much more in these action movies than the dramas she does.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Having sat through the movie "Salt", I can now say that this is definitely an action movie well worth checking out.

    The story told in the movie is fast-paced and full of action right from the very beginning, and there are some really nice twists and turns of events along the way. The story deals with Russian agents trained to infiltrate and sabotage USA, which seemed fairly nice enough. (Remember this is entertainment, not real life!) And we follow Evenlyn Salt as the main character.

    As for the cast in "Salt", well it was fantastic. Angelina Jolie put on a good performance as Evenlyn Salt, and you could actually buy into her character the way she portrayed it. And also hats off to Liev Schreiber, he also put on a very memorable performance in the movie.

    For me, this movie was the kind of action movie that kept you nailed to the seat, because you wanted to see what happened next. And also the storyline was really well thought out, because it keeps you in suspense and keeps you guessing at who is who, who is telling the truth, and what is really going on.

    "Salt" delivers a good, wholesome entertainment experience, and if you haven't already seen it, you should get to it. It is high adrenaline-filled action from it starts and right up until it ends. The only downside to the movie was the "last second save", I hate that in movies because it is annoying and been used too much already.

    And notice how Evenlyn Salt is all covered with dust and grime when she gets into the police car, after the scene at the church, and then when you see her inside the car, not a speck of dust on her hair. Lovely blooper right there! ha ha...
  • What you will leave with is that Angelina Jolie does action really well. And that the blonde look doesn't suit her! A pacey action flick, reminded me of Wanted in several instances with the quick and classy action sequences. Although, in some cases its strange, since you don't really see any characters actually punching or kicking each other, its that quick! As expected there're a lot of twists , after all it does involve the age old US vs Russia storyline, but has a completely fresh take in its sub-plot.

    Overall, a fun-filled 100 minutes. Not too long so it doesn't drag, and it leaves you wondering what next, although after some thought that question answers itself. Liev Schriber does a nice job, reminiscent of his character in the Omen remake. Go watch this just to see Jolie and those amazing stunts !!
  • Gripping and tense movie is packed with suspense from the beginning to the end . Good and moving film plenty of intrigue , frantic action and entertainment . This intelligent picture is full of stirring events , fast movement , hectic intrigue and the suspense is maintained throughout . It deals with a CIA officer , Evelyn Salt ( Angelina Jolie ) swore an oath to honor , duty , and country . Her loyalty will be tested when a Russian spy (Daniel Olbrychski) goes into CIA offices and accuses her of being a Russian-American double agent . Salt goes on the run , using all her means and years of experience as a covert operative to elude capture and she escapes in a dangerous getaway . The defector offers a top secret piece of information : the President (Oleg Krupa) of Russia will be murdered during his nearly visit to New York City to attend the funeral of the recently dead U.S. Vice President. The name of the murderous : Evelyn Salt. Concerned about the safety of her husband (August Diehl) , who she cannot contact , she breaks out . Salt's efforts to avoid her guilty only serve to cast doubt on her motives, as the hunt to uncover the truth behind her identity continues and the question results to be : "Who is Salt?.

    This interesting picture contains suspense , heart-stopping excitement, tension , thrills , plot twists and is very entertaining . The film's intrigue snowballs toward a stirring final . Entertaining story is concentrated on particular characters as well as thrill-packed action and special effects although there're numerous of that too . Spectacular , intriguing , fast-paced , thrilling this is the description of this film that reinvents the 'spy genre' through a perfect pulse narrative that does not give a second of respire to spectator who is trapped for 100 minutes approx. in a genuine visual show . Extraordinary casting , all of whom give admirable acting as starring Angelina Jolie who plays perfectly as dynamic double agent , Chiwetel Ejiofor as agent Peabody , and of course the Leiv Schreiver's interpretation who steals the show as Salt's partner . Moving and pounding soundtrack by Alan James Newton Howard , he composes an impressive musical accompaniment to film . Furthermore colorful and atmospheric cinematography by Robert Elswit. The motion picture is compellingly directed by Phillip Noyce ( Patriot games, Clear and present danger ) . Noyce's smoothly persuasive direction attracts reception by the public and is being a success at box office . Rating : above average . Well worth seeing .
  • CihanVercan19 August 2010
    By its courage on enlightening KGB's anti-globalist vista, I first thought Salt is an adaptation, till I find out the fact that it's written for the screen by Kurt Wimmer, the genius writer of Equilibrium(2002)-which is the best contemporary sci-fi screenplay I've ever heard of-. As a matter of production, if Salt is especially written for Angelina Jolie to play the lead, Phillip Noyce isn't a bad choice at all to direct the movie; but I could still have preferred Kurt Wimmer to direct it, as he did the Equilibrium.

    Angelina Jolie's first action was Cyborg-2(1993), in which she showed the white feather for a thrill to be created out of a bad Jean-Claude Van Damme sequel; and she was pretty good at that. Consider that I compare her acting from the age of 18 with her capacity in Salt, herein she doesn't act nothing. It is either the director or herself that makes the movie seems like it's been done before with same look of scenes from Tomb Raider or Tom Cruise's Mission Impossible and the likes of them.

    As a whole, Salt is well worth to see and enjoy with suspense-action-thriller type of storyline. But as the one thing in common with all the suspense stories, there is a breach in the story development. It gets complicated and confusing at times forcing us to figure out if Jolie is working for CIA or KGB. The fact is that Jolie betrays every person she meets. She betrays CIA first, then when we start guessing she's a Russian militant but then she assassinated the Russian president. The problem is that what everyone calls them plot holes, there are no plausible reasons for why Jolie betrays everybody. Maybe in real life Brad Pitt asked this question to himself too.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Two years ago, the CIA field agent Evelyn Salt (Angeline Jolie) is captured in North Korea and tortured. Her beloved husband and entomologist Mike Krause (August Diehl) presses the US Government to make a swap and bring Salt back home.

    On the present days, the highly efficient Salt performs administrative work with her boss Ted Winter (Liev Schreiber). When a Russian defector turns himself in to CIA, Salt is assigned to interrogate him. Out of the blue, the man accuses Salt of being a Russian agent in charge of killing the President of Russia during his visit to New York to attend the funeral of the American Vice-President.

    Salt claims that she is innocent and asks Ted to call her husband, but she is not successful in her attempt. Salt asks Ted to give protection to her husband but she decides to flee to seek out Mike. Ted does not believe she is a Russian spy but the Secret Agent Peabody (Chiwetel Ejiofor) orders his agents to capture Salt dead or alive.

    "Salt" is full of action film that combines "The Manchurian Candidate" com "No Way Out". Angeline Jolie is very beautiful and surprisingly performs a pleasant heroine. Despite the twists, the story is predictable and flawed, but the action scenes make it worth seeing. My vote is eight.

    Title (Brazil): "Salt"
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Salt is a fairly standard spy thriller; as it opens CIA agent Evelyn Salt is being freed from a North Korean prison and soon things are going well for her. Things turn worse though when a Russian agent walks in claiming that Salt is in fact a Russian sleeper agent planted many years previously. At first the CIA don't believe him but when Evelyn runs it looks as if he may have been telling the truth. As the drama progresses it look more and more likely that this is the case and her actions could start a war. She isn't the only potential sleeper agent and as the drama reaches its conclusion the viewer is left wondering whether Salt is an enemy agent trying to reach her target or whether she is in fact racing to protect the target from the true danger.

    This wasn't a bad film but it did feel as though the creators though it was somewhat better than it really was; if they wanted to create a female Jason Bourne they didn't succeed. Angelina Jolie was good in the title role making the viewer believe in her character even though some of the stunts looked a little far-fetched. Other notable performances were Liev Schreiber as Salt's boss who appeared to keep his faith in her long after everybody else thought she was an enemy agent and Chiwetel Ejiofor as the secret service agent on her trail. If you want a bit of action with a few twists in it you could do a lot worse than this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I went into this thinking Angelina Jolie looks hot and it will be exciting. Instead it's an overblown mess with jerky camera angles and a plot so convoluted that you could drive a car through the plot holes. Ms Jolie plays a spy for the CIA who turns out to be a Russian sleeper cell spy as well. So she runs and runs and runs and sports a black wig and expensive sunglasses like a character from the Matrix. And they do what I always hate in movies , they zoom in during the fight scenes which makes it all blurry and jerky ,what's the point.By the end of the movie I was so put out especially with the shameless setup for a sequel, Jolie running off into the woods,fade to black.I left the movie theater thinking I'll bet critics like that windbag Ebert will like this movie yet trash another movie that is way better.

    3/10 and that's generous.
  • TheOneThatYouWanted24 September 2017
    Not sure why this film is not as well received as it should be. It is about an American CIA or FBI agent who is compromised in order to set off a series of events leading to global chaos. This film has a lot of moving parts but is handled well and it is very entertaining. The action is well choreographed and shot without annoying shaky cam. Plus it is non- stop. This film didn't do well enough to merit a sequel, which is a shame because this is an outstanding example of a kickbutt film with a strong female lead. I guess that sort of thing wasn't trending hard enough back then. Sad how Hollywood is using important issues as a mean to market films nowadays. But what is sadder is how people buy into it. Anyway this is a great spy thriller worth checking.
  • yris200230 October 2010
    Although action movies are not my favourite ones, the fact I liked "Salt", suggests to me it is a good movie, at least entertaining, thrilling, and being able to keep me watching, almost holding my breath, till the end. It's a movie full of energy, running, chase sequences: the heroine, Angelina Jolie, is really a portent of physical endurance, pure energy beyond all human credibility, she overcomes any obstacle, and makes you feel that energy and strength.

    The plot is obviously full of holes, almost absurd, but I guess plot is not so much important in this genre, being it is just a pretext in the service of action. Obviously everything sounds unreal, disregarding the most elementary laws of physics, but still action, and dynamism are what keep you attached to the screen till the very end. A good picture, certainly a tribute to the still flourishing beauty of Angelina Jolie, whose physical impact makes a difference and makes her role intense and effective, besides every excess and lack of realism. But realism is not part of action movies, isn't it?
  • Caribstu28 August 2010
    Warning: Spoilers
    I thought that this film would be an exciting mix of action, thriller, espionage and drama. Instead it's an overblown farce and a plot resembling blancmange. Angelina Jolie plays a spy for the CIA who turns out to be a Russian spy as well. So she gets exposed and runs away (but somehow doesn't look anything the action figure of Lara Croft but quite ungainly and pathetic) and uses a black wig and sunglasses like a Matrix character which doesn't hide her at all. In fact, at one point when trying to allude the CIA she disguises herself in a Russian fur hat and fur coat. Hilarious! In another scene she randomly picks some dry cleaning off a rail in a hotel and surprise surprise the suit fits like it's tailored. Her disguise to go into the White House is just so ridiculous that you actually feel shame for the director and make up artist. Interestingly throughout the film special agent "Salt" does not kill a single American, however she kills every Russian she can. And we are supposed to be wondering if she's a Russian spy? This film is so bad and panders so shamefully to the uneducated ill informed American conception of an evil enemy that really the only thing missing is the idea of an Arab funding it all from a cave in Afghanistan.

    The film ends, thankfully, but unthankfully with Jolie running off into the woods,fade to black and you can just here the film studio setting up storyboards for a sequel. Oh please NO.

    Total rubbish. 1/10
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