Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut (2006) Poster

Gene Hackman: Lex Luthor



  • General Zod : What more do you want? I can see the greed written on your face.

    Lex Luthor : A small incentive, O' Fullest One. A mere bauble to jog the memory.

    General Zod : What more?

    Lex Luthor : Cuba.

  • Lex Luthor : This place has *everything*!

    Eve Teschmacher : Wrong.


    Lex Luthor : Why didn't you go before we left?

    Eve Teschmacher : [gritting teeth]  That was two days ago!

  • Lex Luthor : Oh, Magnificent One, what I am bargaining with is what you do not have. The son of Jor-El.

    General Zod : The Son of Jor-El?

    Lex Luthor : [whispering to Ursa]  I said that didn't I?

    General Zod : Jor-El, our jailer?

    Lex Luthor : No, Jor-El the baseball player. Yes, your jailer.

  • Lex Luthor : What am I gonna do with you people, huh? I mean, I held up my end, I delivered the blue boy. What do I get from my triple threat? "Bow! Yield! Kneel!" That kind of stuff closes out a town.

    General Zod : Why do you say this to me when you know I will kill you for it?

    Lex Luthor : Kill me? Lex Luthor? Extinguish the greatest criminal flame of our age? Eradicate the only man on Earth with...

    Ursa : Let me kill him.

    Lex Luthor : ...Superman's address?

    General Zod : What more do you want? I can see the greed written on your face.

    Lex Luthor : A small incentive, oh fullest one. A mere bauble to jog the memory.

    General Zod : What more?

    Lex Luthor : Cuba.

    [Non growls] 

  • [during the Metropolis fight between the Kryptonians and Superman, Jimmy is taking a cup of coffee to Perry White, when Lex Luthor intercepts and takes it] 

    Jimmy Olsen : Hey, that's for the Chief!

    Lex Luthor : Chief's got it.

  • [Luthor is now persona non grata to the Kryptonians, so he goes to Superman to bargain] 

    Lex Luthor : [quietly]  You think you know people, right? Promises are made, gifts exchanged. I've got to hand it to you. You always told the truth. A guy always knew where he stood with you.

    [Superman indicates for Luthor to face away from the Kryptonians as he leans in to Luthor] 

    Superman : Try to get them all into that molecule chamber. It takes away their powers, see, reduces them to human beings. Now if you could...

    [shushes Luthor quickly as the Kryptonians advance] 

    Lex Luthor : [quickly]  Don't go in there, General! It's a trap!

    Superman : [angry]  Luthor, you poisonous snake!

    Lex Luthor : It's a molecule chamber, Your Grace! It turns people like you...

    [somewhat embarrassed] 

    Lex Luthor : into people like me.

  • [Luthor puts together how he was tricked after the defeat of the Kryptonians] 

    Lex Luthor : He switched it. He did it to them. I means, the lights were on out here... while he was safe in there.

    [Superman coyly salutes Luthor] 

    Superman : I knew you'd double-cross me, Luthor. A lying weasel like you couldn't resist the chance.

    Lex Luthor : [backpedaling]  Are you kidding? I was with you all the time! That was beautiful! Did you see the way they fell into our trap?


    Superman : [sternly]  Too late, Luthor. Too late.

  • [while doing prison laundry, Lex feels something wet on the clothes he's holding] 

    Lex Luthor : Slasher Fogelstein's a bed-wetter.

    [He tosses the wet clothes to Otis. Otis then leans over to a prisoner with his back turned] 

    Otis : Slasher Fogelstein's a bed-wetter! Pass it!

    [the prisoner then turns around with a very angry look on his face. Otis backs away, sheepishly] 

    Otis : Hi, Mr. Fogelstein.

  • [arriving at the disheveled cityroom of the Daily Planet after the Kryptonians' rampage] 

    Lex Luthor : Hi! You should see the White House. They'll be cleaning for months.

  • [the Kryptonians stand at the White House, bored. Lex Luthor manages to weasel his way in, waving a handkerchief as though it's a white flag] 

    Lex Luthor : Lex Luthor.


    Lex Luthor : *Lex* Luthor? Maybe you've heard of me? The greatest criminal mind on Earth?

    Ursa : [to Zod]  I told you this was a puny planet.

    [Ursa and Non approach Luthor with menace] 

    Lex Luthor : Wait. Wait! Wait until you get to know me better. I can, uh -- I can give you -- anything you want! The unlimited freedom to maim, kill, destroy! Plus -- Lex Luthor's savvy, Lex Luthor's school of bett...

    [Luthor's hand gets crushed by Ursa] 

    General Zod : We have all of this without you. You cannot bargain with what you do not have.

    Lex Luthor : With respect, Your Magnificence, what am I bargaining with is what you do not have: the son of Jor-El.

    [All three are stunned] 

    General Zod : The son of Jor-El?

    Lex Luthor : [to Ursa]  I did say that, didn't I?

    General Zod : Jor-El, our jailor?

    Lex Luthor : No, Jor-El, the baseball player.

    [menaced again by Ursa and Non] 

    Lex Luthor : Yes! Jor-El, your jailor!

    General Zod : His son is on this planet?

    Lex Luthor : Perhaps you're more familiar with his nom de voyage or name he travels under: Superman.

    General Zod : So... this is Superman.

    [to Luthor] 

    General Zod : How do you know of Jor-El?

    Lex Luthor : As I told Your Fullness earlier...


    Lex Luthor : I'm about the best there is.

    General Zod : [standing up]  Revenge! We will kill the son of our jailor!

    Ursa : Revenge!

    Lex Luthor : [gleeful]  Revenge! Now we're cooking, huh?

    General Zod : He flies then?

    Lex Luthor : Constantly.

    General Zod : He has powers as we do?

    Lex Luthor : Sure, but he's just one. Whereas you are three...

    [Non growls] 

    Lex Luthor : Or four if you count him twice!

    General Zod : We will bring him to his knees!

    [the Kryptonians exit] 

    Lex Luthor : Wait! Wait! First you must find him and Lex Baby is the only one who knows where he is.

    [Hating to have to tolerate him any more, Zod stares back at Luthor] 

    General Zod : What... do you want?

    [Luthor strides over to the President's desk and kicks his feet up while lighting a cigar] 

    Lex Luthor : Well, General... the world is a big place. Thank goodness my needs are small. I have a certain weakness for... beachfront property.

    General Zod : What do you want?

    Lex Luthor : [does the famous Nixon victory pose]  Australia!

See also

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