This...this movie is an interesting thing. First off, if you aren't familiar with the animated UC Gundam Universe then you will be lost. However, if you've seen the movie trilogy and at least the early Zeta episodes then the magic of this movie will not be lost on you.
The movie is about Camille Vidan as he gets sucked into the war with the Titans and the AEUG. That's it. Simple? Well Gundam fans know that its the ride not the destination, never the destination, and this ride has a few bumps, primarily pacing. Get passed pacing and the appearance of a few characters, items, and the repetition of a few things that fans would know, then you'll be fine.
That's it for the negatives. That's it. Great Huh? The movie has a great story that will be told as a trilogy, as it should. The music is fantastic. A couple of old themes, the intro and outro done by Gackt are amazing, even more so if you are a Gackt fan. But the animation? Well...
Wow. This some of the most gorgeous animation since Gundam Evolve 5 and 6, and it is done in such as way as to be noticeable but not jarring. Quick cuts, and long isolated scenes are what it is limited to and it works very well. In fact, the whole final sequence is almost entirely new footage and it only adds to the movie. The animation never takes away, and that I am thankful for.
Again, this movie will not be enjoyed by non-fans as much as fans, but if you are a fan it is a must see, non-fans pass and watch the original movie trilogy or even read the novels then come back. You'll be rewarded.