User Reviews (290)

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  • Everything looks really glamorous in CSI Miami. While almost every show looks better on HDTV, CSI-Miami stands above the others. This show was made for HD. The landscape is ultra-modern, lush, and sexy. The interior decors are 22nd century. And the graphics and color coordinations are top notch. However beneath all that CGI and funky high tech devices that investigators use, there is little of redeeming value in this show. When it comes to what really counts, the characters, CSI Miami falls way short. The acting is wooden and one-dimensional. The dialog is bland and sometimes cheesy. When I watch this show, cast members don't even seem human. They just don't seem real.

    CSI Miami is very gritty and serious. The only comic relief comes out of David Caruso with his big suits, cheesy delivery of lines, and that oh-so cool handling of deadly situations. He should be handling fine wines, not investigating crimes.

    However, if you like CSI-Miami and have an HDTV, I recommend skipping cable and receiving broadcasts directing over the antenna. The picture will blow you away.
  • cschick231726 August 2013
    The actors do a good job and the crimes are interesting. The only thing stopping it from being excellent is how clumsy the writers are with character development/drama. Most of the relationships/love interests feel forced and unnatural and every time H tells a bad guy he's going to kill him if the bad guy does whatever it is the bad guy wants to do it's a bit ridiculous. A cop can't just gun someone down. And they over do the whole "Alex as a worried mother" angle to the point where I want to slap her and tell her to get a hold of herself.

    On a different note, I can see how some would find Caruso's acting style annoying, but honestly I think the show would feel more "plain" (not sure how to describe it) without that quirkiness.

    Overall, the show is interesting enough to watch, but could have been so much better.
  • kols25 August 2014
    Warning: Spoilers
    Intensely manneristic from the city-scape, crowd/mob scene and lab processing montages to Caine's characteristic neck tilt, CSI Miami is a show I should hate. Apart from the mannerism of the visuals, very few of the secondary characters, from the mobs to the perps, are recognizable as humans.

    Good example: one episode opens with a hot-dogger hot-dogging down a beachfront road, popping up through the sun-roof and getting decapitated. The mob watching screams, begins flowing towards the scene and then there's a quick-cut to its members pulling out their phones and snapping pictures. Pretty much all of the crowd/mob scenes display similar sensibilities.

    When functioning as individuals, as witnesses, suspects or perps, most of the secondary characters exhibit characteristics ranging from self-awareness lower than Amoebas to high Narcissism; clueless to anyone being anything more than a toy or an annoyance.

    The primary characters fare a little better: except for names like Boa Vista and Duquesne (pronounced Descane), they're all more or less human. Calleigh, Caine (despite the neck thing) and Alexx Wood led the pack as fully self-aware individuals with Natalie, Wolfe and Delko following as slightly flawed, blinkered creatures, and Frank Trip trailing as comic relief, human but dumb as a bar of soap. All caring, non-the-less, about their jobs and the victims.

    And of course the usual cop-show flaws: story-lines that make no sense and procedures that would make real-life cops cringe (the convoys of screaming cruisers being led by over-sized SUV's; CSIs being first responders and acting like cops, confronting suspects often without back-up, etc., etc., etc.).

    So it should add-up to a show I hate: Mannerism, secondary characters less than despicable and stories that make no sense.

    Guilty pleasure; I love it.

    Why I don't know.

    Perhaps because the visual Mannerism is engaging and seems to serve the American fascination with dramatic visuals rather than the European species, which focuses on the filmmaker's ego.

    Or because the secondary characters' lack of humanity is so stunningly banal that its unbelievability distances it to the level of flies on fly-paper; aliens squirming, trapped by glue (humanistic values) they don't understand.

    Or maybe I just like watching Calliegh, Caine and Alexx interact, instructing and dragging their kinder, Natalie, Delko and Wolfe along, often with the dim-witted but well-intentioned Trip tagging behind.

    Whatever the reason, very much irrational, I just plain enjoy it.
  • Good Googly Moogly, I HAD to comment on this show. It is like one of those accidents on the side of the road you don't want to look at because everyone is doing it and causing traffic to slow down to a crawl, and yet you do hoping you see a dead body or something! I don't know what is worse, the writing or the acting....honestly it is a tie. the original CSI: LV, OK, I got was corny, yet still mildly entertaining, but There are a lot of pretty people plastered on a day-glo and pastel, sun-drenched background, but after that what is there? I don't claim to be an expert or anything, but I am 99.9% certain crime scene investigators do NOT interrogate suspects and witnesses, chase down and arrest the bad guys, and I think the forensic science aspect of it is amazing, but these local police departments seem to have better equipment than NASA! I am sorry, I had to finally vent and I doubt anyone actually reads this but I must know I am not alone in my complete hatred for this show, yet sick perverted need to watch it....almost like I want the aneurysm to take me as I scream at the T.V. behavior is as idiotic as the show, I need closure ....thanks for listening
  • CSI Miami is an entertaining show that really has picked up David Caruso's career up from the Ocean floor. He is very blessed, indeed, to be experiencing success as a lead actor on a famous show since his NYPD Blue days.

    CSI Miami is more about style than content. Compared to CSI: Las Vegas, CSI Miami is inferior. However, after watching it from the very first episode, and until 2004, i was hooked. It did grow on me. It's darker story lines than CSI: LV, =sunny settings, a cast that gels together made it different in a good way to CSI:LV. Plus i loved the way Caruso's Caine knows wlel as his emotional attachment and sympathy to the victims of crime.

    A major downer since 2004 has been Rory Cochrane's absence in the show. He was a great character who was cool looking and had smart one-liners. Without him the show is a tad bit more empty.

    The show is currently waring off me, and I am starting to find CSI:NY much more appealing. I will continue to watch CSI: Miami but not expect as much from it as I did before.

    My score (2007 onwards) = 3/5
  • Well, by now I have watched four years of this show, along with five years of the first CSI and two years of CSI-New York....and I could say a lot but will try to condense my thoughts to just a handful of opinions, namely:

    1 - This is the best-looking of the three CSI series on DVD. All of them look great on disc but the colors in here are the boldest and the most spectacular of any. Each episode is a tremendous visual treat.

    2 - I know David Caruso is a controversial topic among CSI fans because of the way he delivers his lines, but I personally find it great. It's so outrageous it's fun. Sometimes I just laugh. Hey, it makes him different from William Petersen (CSI: Vegas) and Gary Sinise (CSI: NY). I may be in the minority but I enjoy Caruso's overly dramatic delivery.

    3 - This series has gotten better and better. I had some doubts the first year. It didn't seem half as good as the Las Vegas show, but it has improved significantly and I now rate it higher than the original CSI.

    4 - As a guy I appreciate all the beautiful Miami women in this show, and there are tons of them, but I also think the show is geared more toward the 20-something crowd which leaves me out, being considerably older than that. Too many of these "kids" are sleazy, too, but that's what leads to problems and crimes.

    5 - All the supporting actors on the show are good, too, as they are in all the CSI shows. I was sorry to see Rory Cochrane ("Tim Speedle") quit and hope we don't lose any more of the "team."
  • I quite agree with those who say that CSI Miami is the best of the three series in the franchise. Not for anything other than it is more entertaining. It has beautiful cinematography, and beautiful people are sprinkled throughout as eye candy. What sets the show apart from the other two is that CSI Miami doesn't attempt to take itself very seriously (hence the negative comments of many others who do try to take the show seriously), and if you as the viewer do the same, you will probably enjoy watching it.

    If on the other hand, you start looking for 'reality' and for inconsistencies, you will find plenty: - CSI's do not wonder about shooting people and catching criminals; they are essentially lab rats. - David Caruso's character and his famous one-liners are preposterous (but are intended as such) - CSI's and ME's do not wonder around crime scenes dressed as models and wearing 6 inch stilettos - Crimes take months to solve, results take weeks to obtain, not everything is solved in one day etc., etc...

    I for one, decided to turn my brain off, poor myself a beer and enjoy the show!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The original CSI used to be fun, before we got love stories shoved down the viewers' throats and victims wearing raccoon costumes. Preposterous, but entertaining: a different cop show.

    CSI Miami, on the other hand, has all the flaws of CSI Las Vegas - like a penchant for overly implausible situations - without the strengths - like interesting protagonists and gripping story lines.

    Emily Procter, Adam Rodriguez and other secondary characters are flat. The best was by far Rory Cochrane as moody Speedle, gone too soon - after Kim Delaney's Megan, who was quickly (and thankfully) written off.

    The core of the show is David Caruso, who gives an unspeakably terrible turn as smug Horatio Caine; Horatio shamelessly chews the scenery and is so pompous and obnoxious, one doesn't know whether to incredulously shake his head or laugh at the sheer absurdity of this performance.

    In a ludicrous amount of scenes we have a majestic shot of Horatio silhouetted against the dawn (or dusk), self-satisfaction oozing from every molecule of his body, as he puts his sunglasses on (or takes them off) in slow-motion, with a stoic smirk and a triumphant background music: all he is missing is a cape billowing in the wind. It's so cheesy that, if the show had not been trying so hard to be grandiose, it could have passed for a form of self-parody.

    If you want to give a try to a CSI series, go for the first seasons of Las Vegas.

  • Clemence682816 January 2019
    This is my go to show, always entertaining yet sometimes a little cheesy . . . I'll take that on a Tuesday
  • This show by creators Ann Donahue , Carol Mendelsohn , Anthony E. Zuiker describes the hard-working assignments carried out by the Miami-Dade , Florida police department's Crime Scene Investigations unit led by Horatio Caine (David Caruso , this role is loosely based upon LAPD bomb squad technician Detective John Haynes) , a former homicide detective who makes friendly connections with his staff . Horatio becomes emotionally involved in cases and often offers pointed quotations to illustrate his reaction . Horatio usually confronts to superior agents of other agencies (FBI, NSA...) whom make a pact with criminals to get their particular benefits . He leads firmly a group of investigators who work crimes amid sunny landscapes , cultural crossroads and surroundings of Miami . His team includes the ballistics expert Calleigh Duquesne (Emily Procter) , Eric Delko (Adam Rodríguez) , Speedle (Rory Cochrane) , Ryan Wolfe (Jonathan Togo) , among others . The expert investigators use the best scientific and technical methods to resolve enigmas , analyze the evidence to resolve the killings and detain delinquents to vindicate justice , utilizing complex analysis and the occasional leap in logic . At the conclusion of each case the culprits almost always confess their guilt to investigators that would most assuredly not be the people interviewing them .

    This exciting series formed by 232 episodes packs thrilling reconstructions , a moving atmosphere by means of shaky camera , real investigations , and excellent action scenes in a really dynamic style . Of all the actors who have appeared , only David Caruso and Emily Procter have been seen in every segment from the beginning . The action moments are compactly made and fast moving CSI producers and CBS agreed to create this spin-off series in the hope of being the first to copy the original CSI series . In real life the Miami-Dade Police Department's crime scene processing unit is called the "Crime Scene Investigations Bureau (CSIB)", but technicians do not conduct laboratory testing and Miami-Dade Police Department has a separate ; in addition , the CSIB's so not perform most of the tasks depicted on the series . Bureau that operates the Miami-Dade Crime Lab, also the CSIB's are not detectives . While the majority of the techniques and technologies used in the CSI shows are accurate and true to reality , the writers and crew readily admit that they "time cheat" , tests that take seconds in the show often take days or even weeks in real life . While all the fly-over shots , skylines and city scrapers really are of Miami , Florida , any beach scenes during the series were filmed at Manhattan Beach , a suburb of Los Angeles and the building used for the CSI headquarters is actually the FAA Credit Union In Hawthorne . And several beach scenes have been shot in Miami-Dade , Broward, and Palm Beach counties . In most exterior scenes giving an appearance that it just rained , it could be to set the mood and imply the humidity of Florida .

    There are nice actors who play these notorious characters , they are are the followings : 1- CSI Miami is headed by Horatio Caine splendidly performed by David Caruso , he has a long curriculum , as he worked in N.Y. before moving to Miami for years . As a newcomer, he joined the Bomb Squad for a few months , and subsequently to head the CSI team but created a rivalry with Stetler , who was transferred to Internal Affairs . Horatio has a younger brother, who died in active service while under cover in a drug cartel , years later Caine discovered that Ray was alive and working for the Secret Service . The implication of Caine in the cases he investigates and his personal problems often disrupt his job , but he's always in control and taciturn . 2- Calleigh Duquesne is lively performed by Emily Procter , a bilingual Southern beauty with a specialty in ballistics ; she also processes scenes and analyzes cases alongside her colleagues . However , being removed from a case when her father (John Heard) is the prime suspect in a murder , despite her desire to work it . 3- The professional investigator Eric Delko well played by Adam Rodríguez , he is the only cast member to be of Cuban descent . He was an underwater recovery expert who knows all the twists and turns of the Florida waterways , and subsequently hired by Horatio . Delko has visions of Speedle at crime scenes and soon discovers that someone in the department is using his credit card . 4- Rory Cochrane plays pretty well as Tim Speedle , a cocky yet disarming investigator who is well connected on the Street . He feels guilty for the dead cop that he had attempted to protect but could not . Died 2004 , his death was due to poor gun maintenance, he was shot by an assailant after his gun fails to fire , it was after the second time that Speed had a gun that misfired . 5- Alexx Woods , the no-nonsense, know-it-all coroner finely interpreted by Kandi Alexander . She plays a hard-working and intelligent medical examiner rounding out the team and making autopsy to those who often cannot speak for themselves . 6- And , after Speedle is killed in action , former Patrolman Ryan Ryan Wolfe rightly acted by Jonathan Togo joins the team , he is introduced as a cop working who responds to the crime science where he speaks with Horatio Caine in regards to the case . Furthermore , the beautiful Eva LaRue efficiently played Natalia Boa and Rex Linn as Frank Tripp , a tough ex-cop hired by Horatio who has played 187 episodes .
  • darkstephen24 March 2007
    Since when do CSI technicians have medical degrees? Since when do people from the medical examiner's office investigate crime suspects and make arrests? Since when is acting and writing this bad deserving of high ratings?

    The original, Las Vegas-based CSI, while still implausible, at least has had a decent cast and writing. This overheated, pseudo-cool "spin-off" makes me wonder if the the term "hot, steaming mess" has become a compliment in TV Land. Surely viewers out there are yearning for something that doesn't insult their intelligence as badly as this show.

    Then again, American Idol is the top-rated show on television. Never mind.
  • From all the three CSI series Las Vegas, New York and Miami. CSI Miami is my favorite!.

    The storylines are more exiting than other CSI series, in CSI Miami there is more and much too do, action great storylines, fantastic location and the cast of course. I got nothing against actor David Caruso he is the spark of the show!. With all do respect but CSI Las Vegas or Crime scene investigation was much to technical and i don like that kind of stuff at all.
  • Oh geez, CSI: Miami is quite possibly the corniest show ever. What was originally funny has turned into sad and too much. While the whole crime scene investigation aspect is still good, David Caruso's one liners are scraping the bottom of the barrel. I'm currently halfway through the series and the writers are definitely recycling his puns from the earlier seasons.

    Out of the three main CSI franchises this one has the most outrageous cases. They focus on big-scale drug rings, and crime syndicates instead of everyday common crime. It works well for Miami's extreme lifestyle. That being said sometimes it's a bit unrealistic and appears to be the most corrupt city in America. If that truly is accurate then that's disgraceful. But overall it's pretty good show.
  • Out of the all the CSI shows, this one is my least favourite. While the Miami locations are absolutely amazing(probably the most beautiful visually of the CSI shows in fact) and the music very cool, I find this show slack in pace and badly acted. Sorry to those who like this show, but as honesty is the best policy I will come out with it and say I don't really like this show, and I will try to explain why without trying to upset anyone. The pacing in almost every episode is quite pedestrian and there are times when it gets slower and slower and slower. Then there is the writing, Caine's moralising grates for me quite quickly, and the writing in general lacks the intelligence of Crime Scene Investigation and New York. The story lines aren't as well thought out either, they start off promisingly but some of them have cardboard or clichéd characters and then the episode either ends abruptly or has an ending that doesn't make sense. And I find the acting very wooden, the worst offender being David Caruso, sunglasses and all, as Horatio Caine. His dialogue is bad enough, but with Caruso reciting it constantly in a monotonic drawl it makes the character increasingly unlikeable. Overall, it looks wonderful and has great music, but it doesn't work. 3/10 Bethany Cox
  • One person ruins this show: David Caruso. All he does is pose. They should make it into a drinking game. Every time he strikes a pose, take a shot. Of course, people have died from alcohol poisoning. This would only add to the statistics. All the other characters have depth. He just gets this look on his face and 'strikes a pose'. Watch him turn sideways and look over his shoulder. Wow!! OOOhhh, he figured out something. Time for him to take off his sunglasses. I challenge any of you to find an episode where he isn't positioned sideways looking over his shoulder and where he takes off his sunglasses. Quit posing and pretend like you know how to act!!!!

    And, how come he has to figure everything out? The other shows let the other characters show some brains. How 'bout letting the other CSI Vogue characters have a little spotlight?
  • "CSI: Miami" follows the very successful formula of it's parent, "CSI" (Las Vegas) with Caruso heading a team of criminologists who spend most of their time connecting the forensic dots to solve murders. Those who can get past Caruso's incessant smug smirking, an ME who talks to her cadavers, some very undeveloped characters, far fetched stories, and fast and loose science/technology will find fast moving and solid no-brainer entertainment with color, educational value, a social conscience, and good IL' family values subliminals. Season 1 develops a story thread involving the Caruso character's dead brother/narc and the cop/widow (Milos) which is carried over and pushed forward in season 2 making it of some import to watch the seasons in chronological order. As with the original "CSI", this series sibling has high end production value, a beautiful Miami Beach venue, cool show & tell didactics, and a never-a-dull-moment flow. Newcomers to "CSI" should check out the top of the Nielsen's "CSI" (Las Vegas) first as it sports the most popular ensemble. Once into "CSI:Miami" you'll find the cross-over to "CSI:New York" in the next to the last season 2 episode which puts Caruso in NYC working with comrade in gloves, Gary Sinise. Good prime time TV entertainment not to be taken too seriously which makes for an enjoyable continuous DVD watch for the not too jaded palate. (B)
  • This is kind of funny, reading everyone's comments. I personally love all three CSI shows, each for different reasons. Most of you have come on here and chatted rubbish about all the different aspects of the show. CSI,all three of them have high success all over the world, for a very good reason, everything you all complain about, is how they want the show, it is why so many people crave more and more CSI, and will be sad the day that they end one by one. CSI Las Vegas is an amazing original show, it is clean cut and straight to the science, tries to cut out the emotional family stuff that other shows eventually had. It is science, puzzles and crime, trying to solve it, clean cut and thinking. CSI Miami, is equally as good and if I say so probably better than LV now that Grisom has left the screen. Miami has everything it is supposed to, fashion, S**, guns, drama and emotion. CSI LV was meant for the people who prefer the science and the experiments. Miami was meant for the ones that want warmth and a family that messes up. CSI NY well it is obvious, for the darker audience, watching people with secrets, dark natures, in a crowded yet beautiful city, crisp clean feeling about it.

    People complain about such bad acting! Is it really bad acting? Because it's not really, if it was that bad people would not watch them, but I forget the lowly people who comment who have copious amounts of acting experience and are the connoisseurs of the acting world! Horatio, the sunglasses and the dramatic lines, he has been scripted like this, and TO BE HONEST, it kicks ass, he suits the role and the role is amazing, the self righteous dad of the family. All the other characters people moan about, they are scripted this way. Then there is the scripts, stories and details. They openly admit that what they show is not down to the exact detail of everyday life. This is a drama/show not a a documentary, GET A GRIP. It is supposed to be entertaining, and that is what it does to the majority of people who watch it, a lot I am sure have more than just 2 brain cells.

    If you don't like something for what it is, especially after it has successfully run for over a decade then maybe stop your moaning and don't watch it. What they are doing works to their intention otherwise it would not have lasted past season 2.

    If you haven't watched the CSI's give them a go, personally took me a few episodes to get into each one of the series, just because you don't instantly get a feel of the show and the people in it. But I would go with Las Vegas > Miami > New York. CSI has some very much mind blowing times, mostly when something happens over 3 episodes etc, probably the best one when it comes to solving complex crimes, like serial killers etc.

    Ignore peoples comments and give it ago yourself.
  • I recently came across the first season of this series in DVD and took quite an interest in it. "CSI" has been among my favorite shows for the last couple of years. But I was a bit disappointed. I hope the feature characters got better fleshed out in later series.

    The show is decent enough but seems to suffer from a luck of subtlety when handling several notable cases and suspects. Especially when compared to its parent-show "CSI".

    Gil Grissom tends to be objective when handling his cases and makes it a point that investigators' personal issues should stay out of a case. In contrast to Horatio Caine who seems to take a much too personal interest in his cases. Grissom makes a point of his theories and/or conclusions being based on existing evidence. Caine seems to more often than not rely on a mere hunch.

    Caine's team seems to be qualified enough but their leadership seems lacking.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I guess this is, as much about exploitation of audience as it is about pleasing all corners of U.S. territory - So the next CSI would be shot on Hawaii or in Alaska. An more interesting take on the whole forensic/pathology/ballistics's, etc. idea would for instance to place it in the Victorian era in London or revolutionary France, where some of the greatest luxuries would be a ruler or a microscope; that to me would seem like a greater challenge.

    There are three versions. I have chosen to review the Miami one since this land in the middle of the two others, although all three of them are equally naive and borderline stupid. If the reason is too present escapist, fastfood-like plots all three shows actually work quite well when you're home from work with a cold or suffer a hangover.

    This is where all three shows fail on equal basis: 1. Forensic investigators do not run around with guns, turning the city they work in, into a Sam Peckinpah shoot out.

    2. If any city would spend so much man power on every case, the city's economy would be ruined pretty quickly.

    3. It would ad grit and realism if the CSI-teams failed every once in a while. When 15 minutes remain of every episode you pretty much loose interest if you haven't changed the channel already after the mandatory montage scene with electronica music pounding over the soundtrack while the investigators use q-tips and coloured liquids in different vials. Take Note: Laboratories don't look like post-modern night clubs as they do here.

    4. If police employees would treat suspects/witnesses the way they do in all shows they would get no collaboration. If some muppet-officer would treat me the same way these teams treat people I would obstruct justice for the fun of it. They are so unlikeable (all the characters) you actually root for the bad guys to get away with the crime. They're all pretentious, rude, cold, unempathetic and unpleasant; had they been really persons they would never get into any academy unless they tried out for CCCP's KGB or Gestapo.

    5. Why must every team leader pull this strained, cheesy one liner before every opening credit. If some prostitute is found sliced and diced in a hotel room the team leader always looks into the camera and says something like: "That was the last time she charged you an arm and a leg." No professional treats dead people with such disrespect, especially not after the victim suffered a violent death.

    It's a kids show with over the top, tasteless violence and some really far-fetched stories.
  • raphael8817 August 2006
    Warning: Spoilers
    Horatio Caine is really great ! He's the perfect caricature of the hero of a TV series or a movie. He embodies the perfect police inspector, he can be like a social worker when he talks with a child ("I promise that I'm gonna arrest your mother's murderer", and so on...) BUT he has personal problems. Hey, he couldn't be totally perfect...

    His sunglasses and his usual head movement on the left side (I think) are great too ! I also like him because he speaks slowly. I'm not a native English speaker so, when I watch this show in original version to train my English, he's easier to understand than the others.

    The rest of the cast is good too. Eric Delko, the beautiful Kaleigh Duquesne are nice. I was a bit disappointed when Tim died, but Ryan is nice too.

    CSI: Las Vegas is a little better but Horatio is unique !

    But... I have just some questions... The episodes I've seen lately were more and more weird. Horatio is becoming a super inspector - social worker - scientist. Can he do everything ? He can kill two guys with guns without being hurt in every episode. Is he immortal ? And the last question: do we have to watch this show seriously or in the second degree ? I've chosen the second degree...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    That this show is simply a show, something that is meant to entertain and not to make you think. This is done American way - as simple as possible, as impossible as possible, as predictable as possible, as easy to swallow as possible. Do not and I repeat DO NOT confuse it with the original series. This is crap to anyone with more than 2 brain cells of use. The scriptwriters must've been recruited from a primary school - we cannot otherwise explain the lack of originality and the whole world of errors that emerge in every single episode. Clues that appears as soon as they're needed, always stupid suspects that A) are awaiting for the cops to come and arrest them; or/and B) leaving crucial evidence of a crime in the crime scene so the mighty Horatio (which is loathsome mockery with the Shakespeare's immortal Hamlet) can interfere. He is always right, he is carrying his head always climbed right so he can look more intelligent, he is carrying gun with intention to use it in every possible moment, the feelings of fear are unknown to him. There are no such things as corrupt cops and always and I mean really always the suspect is found and captured at the end with absolutely the right decision. The suspect always confess at the end, showing every possible remorse a suspect can give, leaving nothing to the judges to prove just because of the wonderful Horatio's job done. The evil is punished and the children may now go to bed. An ideal world, isn't it? The reality - there are plenty of wrong convicted persons serving time s in prison for crimes they do not commit. Showing ideal world does not help the society as whole for wrong hopes can do more harm than just showing crimes.

    I wouldn't be so critical if this hadn't been taken itself so seriously.

    Something to avoid. Stick to the original series, at least they do have more accomplished writers.
  • This is by far the best out of all the CSI shows with CSI New York coming in second place & the original CSI being the worst. They only did the one crossover episode with CSI Miami & CSI New York as far as I remember but there was definitely potential to do more & CSI Miami & CSI New York had the best cast the best stars & the best characters in both of these two shows out of all the CSI shows.
  • People have been complaining that the show is just about showing off the actors, and that it's different from the LAS VEGAS version of the show. But what people don't realize is that the show is supposed to be different! That's what makes it CSI: Miami!

    It's quite the enjoyable thrill ride, and Miami is unlike any other show you've ever seen. The character are all unique and different, and if you just ignore the negative publicity, and actually decide to enjoy yourself. There's no doubt about it. You'll be happy!

    It's just a lot of fun to watch, and fans enjoy it thoroughly! Give the show a shot y'all! I just don't know how to convince y'all otherwise!
  • I don't really see the purpose of this show other then trying to make more money. The main CSI show is great and has interesting characters. But there is nothing that this show does that the main show doesn't do better and has far better characters. Just because the show is set in Miami we're supposed to tune into basically the same show with inferior actors and less interesting story lines? I don't think so buddy. And it seems like a majority of the CSI Miami characters are cast only upon what they look like.

    It's just like how you make a copy of a key, the copy never works quite as good as the original. Same thing applies here.
  • CSI: Miami is a fun show to watch, like the original CSI:. But the chemistry in the original isn't quite there.

    Grissom, in CSI:, is interesting, deep, and can easily be believed to be as smart as he is. But Horatio in CSI: Miami seems a bit more flat, and his bright moments seem cheesy and scripted.

    Other characters don't seem to grow in CSI: Miami, while there's clear changes in their CSI: counterparts. Also, the side stories are more interesting in CSI: than in CSI: Miami.

    So, while I'll watch CSI: Miami, it's not growing on me like how the original did.
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