Hollow Man (2000) Poster


Kim Dickens: Sarah Kennedy



  • [Isabelle has been made visible and put in her cage] 

    Matt : Man, look how peaceful she is.

    Sarah : Yeah, if I didn't know better, I'd say nothing happened to her.

    Sebastian : Yes, so let's schedule a vivisection for Monday. I want to check her neural pathways.

    Sarah : You just brought her back, and now you're gonna slice up her brain?

    Sebastian : I'm not runnin' a goddamn zoo! All right?

    Sarah : You're a fucking unethical bastard.

    Matt : Whoa, whoa, whoa. He's kidding.

    [to Sebastian] 

    Matt : Tell her you're kidding, right?

    Sebastian : Right. I don't want to cut her up for another few weeks.

  • Sebastian : Well, your objections have been duly noted and summarily overruled.

    Sarah : Yes, Sir!

    Sebastian : How come when you say "Yes, Sir" it kinda sounds like "Fuck you!"

    Sarah : Practice!

  • Carter : It'd be freaky at first, but eventually it would settle down.

    Sarah : No, the question is, what would you do if you knew you couldn't be seen?

    Janice : If you ask me, the whole thing gives me the creeps. I can't even take a piss without wearing my thermals.

    Carter : Like anyone wants to see that.

    Janice : How do I know?

    Frank : Are you asking us what we would do, or what we think Sebastian would do?

    Carter : What's the difference?

    Janice : There's human nature, and then there's Sebastian's nature. He's always joking that he's God. Imagine what he'd do if left to his own devices.

    Frank : Scary thought.

    Sarah : Well thankfully, it's almost over.

    Janice : Hallelujah.

    Frank : It's not over. It's just beginning. What, you think Sebastian's bad? Imagine what the world's gonna be like once the military gets their hands on this.

    Janice : Better our military, than someone else's.

  • Janice : [as Frank hands her a tranquilizer gun]  If you're saying you want us to the son of a butch. I'm in.

    Carter : [Frank gives him a tranquillizer gun also]  Look this isn't a monkey we're talking about, it's Dr. Caine. Don't you think we're overreacting here?

    Matt : [as he's giving Carter thermal goggles]  I don't give a rat's ass, if we are overreacting. When he's out there, he's at risk.

    Linda : If someone finds out what he is, the whole program is destroyed.

    Sebastian : [talking over her]  Jeez, relax. Nobody's gonna find out.

    Janice : [pointing the tranquilizer gun at him]  Can I still shoot him?

    Matt : Where the hell have you been?

    Sebastian : I told Carter. I was getting a little stir crazy. I went to my apartment to pick up some stuff.

    Linda : Bullshit. I went to your apartment. I know you did a hell of lot more then pick up some stuff.

    Sebastian : I have no idea what you're talking about.

    Linda : [disgusted]  You of all people. How could you?

    Sebastian : And what exactly did you see in my apartment?

    Linda : I saw your face. Your clothes.

    Matt : Sebastian, in public. Why'd you have to go out in public?

    Sebastian : I'm still project leader. It's my decision to make.

    Linda : You're right. It's your decision. But if you leave the compound again, I swear I'll go straight to the committee.

    Sebastian : Throw your career away? Not likely.

    Linda : Try me.

    Sebastian : So that's it, huh? I'm officially a fucking lab rat?

    Matt : You volunteered for this. You knew there could be consequences.

    Sebastian : Carter.

    Carter : Yeah?

    Sebastian : Next time you do inventory, get me an exercise wheel.

    Carter : Yeah, sure.

    [everyone looks at him] 

    Linda : OK, let's pack it up and go home.

    Carter : Exercise wheel, was he serious?

    Frank : What do you think?

    Sarah : Hey, Lynn.

    Linda : Yeah.

    Sarah : The committee. They do know what we've done, don't they?

    [Linda nods her head no] 

    Sarah : Shit, Lynn!

    Linda : It won't matter if we can bring him back

    Sarah : I can't believe you did that!

    Linda : Sarah, you have deniability, you didn't know. All I ask is please, please don't fuck us.

    Matt : [as Sarah leaves]  Think she'll say anything?

    Linda : No, she's in too far. Its not her I'm worried about.

    Matt : Sebastian.

    Linda : Yeah. He's gone longer than the animals. What if it starts affecting his mind?

    Matt : What if it already has?

  • Matt : Sarah's on the warpath, so I suggest you play nice.

    Sarah : This is bullshit, Sebastian, bullshit.

    Sebastian : Good morning to you, too!

  • Sebastian : You think I'm trying to kill Isabelle?

    Sarah : Kill? More like liquefy

  • Sebastian : Sarah? Are you awake?

    [Then proceeds to unbutton her shirt and feel her breast] 

    Sarah : [Wakes up realizing her shirt's unbuttoned]  Sabastian? Are you in here? I know you're in here.

    [Looks at the monitor and sees Sabastian back in his bed] 

  • Frank : You think Sebastien is bad? Just wait 'til our military gets their hands in this.

    Sarah : Better our military than someone else's.

  • Sarah : How the hell did you get clearance for phase three?

    Sebastian : I volunteered. They approved.

    Sarah : No way. You're kidding.

    Frank : You volunteered? Are you insane?

    Linda : Jonas Salk tested the polio vaccine on himself. Was he insane?

    Frank : [pouring a cup of coffee]  Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was.

    [the top of the coffee pot falls off] 

    Frank : shit.

    Sebastian : In the past four weeks, we have brought back seven primates. I think the results speak for themselves.

    Sarah : Do they, or do you just want to believe that?

    Sebastian : You know honestly Sarah I thought you'd be happy. I mean after all we are giving the animals a break.

    Sarah : Moving this fast is bad science, no matter who the guinea pig is. I can't believe the committee approved this.

    Carter : I think it's fucking cool.

    Janice : [sarcastically]  You would.

    Sebastian : If we're going to move forward, this is the next logical step. Now... I'll stay shifted for three days of testing. And then we'll perform a quantum reversion.

    Carter : Fuck yes,

    Sebastian : I trust I can count on your best work?

    [everyone nods in approval] 

    Sebastian : Good.

  • Frank : [after finding out Sebastian sabotage the video feed]  It's really pretty clever. All it does is loop the same image.

    Janice : So what do we do now? Go after him?

    Linda : No. We're going to the committee.

    Carter : Whoa, shouldn't we wait and talk to him? I mean, he hasn't really done anything.

    Sarah : Hasn't done anything? He killed a dog with his bare hands.

    Carter : Oh, and you were there to see that?

    Matt : Look, he's been going out there night after night with absolute disregard for his safety and ours.

    Frank : God knows what he's done.

    Janice : I don't wanna think about it.

    Frank : So how much trouble are we in?

    Linda : You guys didn't mislead the committee. Matt and I will take full responsibility.

    Sarah : What do we do when he comes back?

    Linda : Nothing. We're gonna follow procedure. Then we're gonna wait for the committee to put the security into place.

    Matt : We'll brief you tomorrow morning.

  • Matt : [after Isabelle the gorilla is tranquilized Sarah storms in]  Sarah's on the warpath, so I suggest you play nice.

    Sarah : This is bullshit, Sebastian. Bullshit.

    Sebastian : And good morning to you too. Let's get the monkey on the table.

    Sarah : How can you morally justify injecting Isabelle with the serum before you've even tested it?

    Sebastian : 'Cause it'll save time.

    Sarah : Fine. Then you can mop up afterwards.

    Sebastian : You think I'm trying to kill Isabelle with the new protocol?

    Sarah : Kill? More like liquefy.

    Linda : Lab's prepped.

    Sebastian : Well your objections are duly noted and summarily overruled.

    Sarah : Yes, sir.

    Sebastian : How come when you say, "Yes, sir" it kind of sounds like, "fuck you".

    Sarah : Practice.

    Sebastian : How'd you ever convince me to hire her?

    Linda : You said you wanted the best vet in the country.

    Sebastian : She cares more about the animals than the research.

    Linda : And maybe that's why she's so good.

See also

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