Hollow Man (2000) Poster


Kevin Bacon: Sebastian Caine



  • Sebastian : Did you ever hear the one about Superman and Wonder Woman?

    Matt : Stop clowning around

    Sebastian : No come on this is a good one. Superman's flying around metropolis and he's horny as hell. He's checking out the rooftops and all of a sudden he sees Wonder Woman sunning herself on the roof of the Justice League. I mean she is lying there buck naked and spread eagle. Looks like she wants to get fucked right? So Superman starts thinking to himself, "Man I gotta get myself some of that wonderpussy." and then he realizes that he can fly down, do a little fast pumping and be gone before she even sees him. Because he's Superman. he's faster than a speeding bullet, right? So Superman, he swoops down, he fucks her so quick, she doesn't even see him. Wonderwoman sits up and says, "What the fuck was that?" and The Invisible Man says "I don't know but my asshole is killing me." That's funny right?

    Matt : hmm

    Sebastian : C'mon, guys. That's funny.

  • Sebastian : You know what, Matt? It's amazing what you can do... when you don't have to look at yourself in the mirror any more.

  • Linda : Sebastian, do you have any idea what time it is?

    Sebastian : Da Vinci never slept. Said it was a waste of time.

  • Matt : Any last words?

    Sebastian : Yeah! If I die, pretend the last words I said were real deep and clever.

  • Frank : [over intercom]  This is God. You are disturbing the natural order of things, and will be severely punished for all eternity. God has spoken.

    Sebastian : How many times I have to tell you, Frank? You're not God. *I* am.

  • Sebastian : You don't make history by following the rules, you make it by seizing the moment.

  • [Dr. Kramer has stepped out by his pool. He lights his pipe and inadvertently blows smoke in Sebastian's face, briefly outlining it] 

    Sebastian : Hi, Boss.

  • [Isabelle has been made visible and put in her cage] 

    Matt : Man, look how peaceful she is.

    Sarah : Yeah, if I didn't know better, I'd say nothing happened to her.

    Sebastian : Yes, so let's schedule a vivisection for Monday. I want to check her neural pathways.

    Sarah : You just brought her back, and now you're gonna slice up her brain?

    Sebastian : I'm not runnin' a goddamn zoo! All right?

    Sarah : You're a fucking unethical bastard.

    Matt : Whoa, whoa, whoa. He's kidding.

    [to Sebastian] 

    Matt : Tell her you're kidding, right?

    Sebastian : Right. I don't want to cut her up for another few weeks.

  • Sebastian : Four years ago, this committee gave me a very specific and challenging task, to successfully phase shift a human being out of quantum sync with the visible universe, and return him safely with no after-effects. Well, we found that sending them to Never Never Land was easy. It's the getting them back that's hard.

    Dr. Kramer : Primary DNA strands decaying on you?

    Sebastian : Along with cellular bond instability.

    Dr. Kramer : How have you solved the problem?

    Sebastian : [lying]  I haven't. But... we're close. We just need more time

    Dr. Kramer : Ever since you walked into my classroom in your freshman year, I knew that you were different. Over the years, your genius has been most impressive.

    Sebastian : Thank you, Dr. Kramer.

    Dr. Kramer : Well, don't thank me yet. This committee has given you remarkable leeway. We've tolerated your personal eccentricities, as well as your need for privacy. And I assure you, our patience is running out. If we don't get results and get them soon, your genius will cease to impress me. And if you can't make it work, I'll find another Sebastian Caine who can.

  • Sebastian : Well, your objections have been duly noted and summarily overruled.

    Sarah : Yes, Sir!

    Sebastian : How come when you say "Yes, Sir" it kinda sounds like "Fuck you!"

    Sarah : Practice!

  • Matt : Any last words?

    Sebastian : Yeah. If I die, pretend I said something deep and clever.

  • Sebastian : So this guy you're seeing, what's he like?

    Linda : He's everything you're not.

    Sebastian : Oh. He must be dull.

  • Sebastian : Hey would you like to know what it's like making love to an invisible man?

    Linda : It would just be like old times.

    Sebastian : What do you mean?

    Linda : You were never there.

  • Janice : [as Frank hands her a tranquilizer gun]  If you're saying you want us to the son of a butch. I'm in.

    Carter : [Frank gives him a tranquillizer gun also]  Look this isn't a monkey we're talking about, it's Dr. Caine. Don't you think we're overreacting here?

    Matt : [as he's giving Carter thermal goggles]  I don't give a rat's ass, if we are overreacting. When he's out there, he's at risk.

    Linda : If someone finds out what he is, the whole program is destroyed.

    Sebastian : [talking over her]  Jeez, relax. Nobody's gonna find out.

    Janice : [pointing the tranquilizer gun at him]  Can I still shoot him?

    Matt : Where the hell have you been?

    Sebastian : I told Carter. I was getting a little stir crazy. I went to my apartment to pick up some stuff.

    Linda : Bullshit. I went to your apartment. I know you did a hell of lot more then pick up some stuff.

    Sebastian : I have no idea what you're talking about.

    Linda : [disgusted]  You of all people. How could you?

    Sebastian : And what exactly did you see in my apartment?

    Linda : I saw your face. Your clothes.

    Matt : Sebastian, in public. Why'd you have to go out in public?

    Sebastian : I'm still project leader. It's my decision to make.

    Linda : You're right. It's your decision. But if you leave the compound again, I swear I'll go straight to the committee.

    Sebastian : Throw your career away? Not likely.

    Linda : Try me.

    Sebastian : So that's it, huh? I'm officially a fucking lab rat?

    Matt : You volunteered for this. You knew there could be consequences.

    Sebastian : Carter.

    Carter : Yeah?

    Sebastian : Next time you do inventory, get me an exercise wheel.

    Carter : Yeah, sure.

    [everyone looks at him] 

    Linda : OK, let's pack it up and go home.

    Carter : Exercise wheel, was he serious?

    Frank : What do you think?

    Sarah : Hey, Lynn.

    Linda : Yeah.

    Sarah : The committee. They do know what we've done, don't they?

    [Linda nods her head no] 

    Sarah : Shit, Lynn!

    Linda : It won't matter if we can bring him back

    Sarah : I can't believe you did that!

    Linda : Sarah, you have deniability, you didn't know. All I ask is please, please don't fuck us.

    Matt : [as Sarah leaves]  Think she'll say anything?

    Linda : No, she's in too far. Its not her I'm worried about.

    Matt : Sebastian.

    Linda : Yeah. He's gone longer than the animals. What if it starts affecting his mind?

    Matt : What if it already has?

  • Janice : So, what's it like being a ghost?

    Sebastian : Ghosts are dead. I'm very much alive.

  • Linda : Did you see that?

    Matt : Sebastian, can you hear me?

    Sebastian : ...The lights! Turn off the... lights!

    [Linda and Matt turn the lights] 

    Sebastian : I can't close my eyes.

    Linda : You can, but your eyelids are transparent.

    Sebastian : It's weird. I feel the same, but I'm not here.

    [Linda pushes on Sebastian's chest] 

    Linda : You're here.

  • Sebastian : I can't take much more testing.

    Matt : I know how hard it is.

    Sebastian : Bullshit. You don't know anything.

    Matt : This isn't easy for any of us.

    Sebastian : Fuck you, Matt! It *is* easy for you. I was to be in phase-shift for three days. It's been ten fucking days, all right? Ten days of tissue tests, radiation tests and your fucking needles! I can't fucking take it anymore.

    Matt : What I meant was...

    Sebastian : Fuck what you meant! And don't ever... Don't ever tell me how hard you have it.

  • Linda : *You cracked the code*! 11 months, and you suddenly come up with it out of the blue. How?

    Sebastian : The usual: coffee and Twinkies.

  • [Sebastian is about to inject himself with the serum. He takes off his robe and he's naked. Linda and Sarah smirk] 

    Sebastian : Ladies, please, this is science.

  • Matt : Sarah's on the warpath, so I suggest you play nice.

    Sarah : This is bullshit, Sebastian, bullshit.

    Sebastian : Good morning to you, too!

  • Sebastian : You think I'm trying to kill Isabelle?

    Sarah : Kill? More like liquefy

  • Sebastian : You have no idea how much fun this is.

  • Sebastian : Sarah? Are you awake?

    [Then proceeds to unbutton her shirt and feel her breast] 

    Sarah : [Wakes up realizing her shirt's unbuttoned]  Sabastian? Are you in here? I know you're in here.

    [Looks at the monitor and sees Sabastian back in his bed] 

  • Matt : [after Sebastian lied the committee]  What the fuck just happened in there?

    Linda : Yeah, this better be goddamn good.

    Sebastian : I wasn't ready for them to know yet.

    Linda : [scoffs]  You weren't ready.

    Matt : Ready's got nothing to do with it. You have results, you report them.

    Sebastian : Can I please just explain?

    Linda : You just fucking lied to the Pentagon.

    Sebastian : Once they know that we've completed the circle, what's to stop them from taking over the project?

    Linda : Why would they do that?

    Sebastian : Because they won't need us anymore.

    Matt : But it's their project Sebastian. It's gonna happen sometime.

    Sebastian : It may be their project, but it's my dream, it's my vision.

    Linda : And what are you proposing?

    Sebastian : That we go to phase three ourselves.

    Matt : Phase three? Are you nuts? You can't just jump into human testing. There are rules, procedures.

    Sebastian : You don't make history by following the rules. You make it by seizing the moment.

    Linda : Do want to be the first one, don't you? That's what this is all about.

    Sebastian : No, this is not about me, this is about us. We always said we would change the world. Now is our chance.

  • Sarah : How the hell did you get clearance for phase three?

    Sebastian : I volunteered. They approved.

    Sarah : No way. You're kidding.

    Frank : You volunteered? Are you insane?

    Linda : Jonas Salk tested the polio vaccine on himself. Was he insane?

    Frank : [pouring a cup of coffee]  Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was.

    [the top of the coffee pot falls off] 

    Frank : shit.

    Sebastian : In the past four weeks, we have brought back seven primates. I think the results speak for themselves.

    Sarah : Do they, or do you just want to believe that?

    Sebastian : You know honestly Sarah I thought you'd be happy. I mean after all we are giving the animals a break.

    Sarah : Moving this fast is bad science, no matter who the guinea pig is. I can't believe the committee approved this.

    Carter : I think it's fucking cool.

    Janice : [sarcastically]  You would.

    Sebastian : If we're going to move forward, this is the next logical step. Now... I'll stay shifted for three days of testing. And then we'll perform a quantum reversion.

    Carter : Fuck yes,

    Sebastian : I trust I can count on your best work?

    [everyone nods in approval] 

    Sebastian : Good.

  • Matt : [after the quantum reversion simulation fails]  Full quantum cascade at 95 percent. Fuck.

    Sebastian : Some breakthrough. If I were on a table right now, I'd be a steaming pile of flesh.

    Matt : Don't tempt me.

    Linda : Come on, guys. We're closer, that's what counts.

    Sebastian : Closer? He just treated quantum energy for stability. It's ludicrous.

    Matt : Come on, Sebastian. You're just pissed you didn't think of it.

    Sebastian : Oh really, Matt? Ninety-five percent? That's not even worth my time! For christ sake.

    Matt : [as Sebastian walks off]  Asshole.

  • Sebastian : [after Sebastian's outburst at Matt, Sarah goes into the observation room]  What?

    Linda : You're a fucking moron. What the hell is your problem? Matt is onto something, and he could use your help.

    Sebastian : [scoffs]  Matt. Oh, yeah. Yeah, he's onto something, all right. He's on my coattails. He's been riding them for years.

    Linda : Get off your fucking pedestal. He's trying like hell to fix you.

    Sebastian : Or kill me. And you know what the sad part about it is? It's that I have this gift, and I can't even use it.

    Linda : So now it's a gift.

    Sebastian : Goddamn right it's a gift. And if you weren't so short-sighted, you'd let me out of this cage to explore it.

    Linda : Well if you weren't so short-sighted, you'd be out there with the rest of us trying to save your goddamn life.

    Sebastian : [pushes her against the wall]  Hey. My life? I have no fucking life. I'm a prisoner.

    Linda : No, you're not a prisoner.

    Sebastian : Oh, yeah? Is that what you tell yourself when you leave here at night? Is that how you alleviate your guilt when I'm stuck in this shithole, and you're at home... fucking your boyfriend.

    [kisses her neck] 

    Linda : What bothers you most? That you don't have a life

    [pushes him off] 

    Linda : or that I do?

  • Matt : [after Isabelle the gorilla is tranquilized Sarah storms in]  Sarah's on the warpath, so I suggest you play nice.

    Sarah : This is bullshit, Sebastian. Bullshit.

    Sebastian : And good morning to you too. Let's get the monkey on the table.

    Sarah : How can you morally justify injecting Isabelle with the serum before you've even tested it?

    Sebastian : 'Cause it'll save time.

    Sarah : Fine. Then you can mop up afterwards.

    Sebastian : You think I'm trying to kill Isabelle with the new protocol?

    Sarah : Kill? More like liquefy.

    Linda : Lab's prepped.

    Sebastian : Well your objections are duly noted and summarily overruled.

    Sarah : Yes, sir.

    Sebastian : How come when you say, "Yes, sir" it kind of sounds like, "fuck you".

    Sarah : Practice.

    Sebastian : How'd you ever convince me to hire her?

    Linda : You said you wanted the best vet in the country.

    Sebastian : She cares more about the animals than the research.

    Linda : And maybe that's why she's so good.

  • Sebastian : So this guy you're seeing, what's he like?

    Linda : He's everything you're not.

    Sebastian : Oh. He must be dull.

    [She nods her head no] 

  • Linda : Testing D-phase protocol, Serial Irradiated Protein Caine 125.

    Matt : You know, maybe if you stopped naming 'em after yourself, you'd have better luck.

    Sebastian : [Sarcastically]  Thank you, Dr. Kensington, for that keen scientific observation. I'll be sure to include it in my memoirs.

    Matt : [also sarcastically]  Oh, I'm so flattered, Dr. Caine. I'll make sure to put you in mind.

  • Sebastian : If we're gonna move forward, this is the next logical step!

  • [first lines] 

    Sebastian : [another failed molecule design]  Damn it!

  • Sebastian : [as Matt is points tranquilizer gun but can't see him so he starts to taunt him]  Marco. Polo. Marco. Polo.

    [Matt shoots and misses] 

    Sebastian : you missed. Hey, I think now would be a good time to pay up that tab.

    Matt : Come on! You think you can take me Sebastian? Come on!

    [Start spraying fire extinguisher to expose Sebastian] 

    Matt : What happened to you, huh? Was it the serum that fucked you up, or was it the power?

    Sebastian : Aren't you the fucked up one? Dining on my leftovers... no life except the one you borrowed from me! Even with Linda.

    Matt : She left you, remember?

    Sebastian : Jesus Christ, I can't imagine what the fuck she sees in a loser like you!

    Matt : Maybe I'm not a deranged asshole!

    Sebastian : No, but you're weak!

    [Matt rushes at him with the fire extinguisher but misses and runs into a wall] 

    Sebastian : I thought killing you would be hard!

    [He punches him] 

    Sebastian : But I kind of like it.

    [he kicks Matt in the face and the fire doors open and Linda drags Matt to safety] 

  • Linda : Hey, I thought you'd gone.

    Sebastian : There's nowhere to go.

    Linda : Did I miss something? Aren't you supposed to be happy?

    Sebastian : The reversion was the last breakthrough. Kinda feels like the beginning of the end.

    Linda : That's not true. We've got a lifetime of data

    Sebastian : Nah, people like Matt have the patience to crunch the numbers, but you know me I need this grandeur and the spectacle. I can't concern myself with the details.

    Linda : Yeah I know. I was one of them.

    Sebastian : I thought we were great together.

    Linda : You were great. I was just standing next to you.

    Sebastian : Come on. We had some good times.

    Linda : Yeah, we had some good times.

    Sebastian : [laughs]  Have you ever wanted to turn the clock back? Go back and try again?

    Linda : I'd say that kind of time travel, doesn't exist.

    Sebastian : Well, maybe we should invent it.

    [Tries to kiss her but she refuses] 

    Sebastian : or not.

    [He walks off] 

See also

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