• The actors are incredible! Natasha Behnam is phenomenal, and the rest of the ensemble is a tour de force. I both believe them and empathize with their stories. Remembering the sacrifice our best journalists offer in service of building a semblance of truth is admirable. Our compassion and respect need to match our demands for daily content, and these stories invite all of us to reconsider the critical role of journalists.

    This show tackles the fences we all feel in any situation with friends or family. We all repeat the pundit's talking points and over- indulge on self-righteous pie.

    This story has a main theme, where every journalist we disregard or story with a sharp blade of certainty are real people, often sacrificing their own well being in service of ensuring we are well informed about the people, organizations, or corporations that seek to be in power in our country.

    Watching characters manage their dignity in a world of cynicism and narcissistic branding is compelling television while not being preachy or simple. The storytelling reflects the pressure our journalists feel to provide us our steady diet of narratives to reinforce our certainty as they operate in a world of complexity. This is no small task, and I'm personally grateful to be reminded the change I hope for must begin with me. Do I see the humanity in the day to day destruction and judgment placed at others' feet, or do I recognize we are all complex, deeply flawed, and still trying to become the union we all imagine ourselves to be as we salute our flag.