• I had high hopes for this series, but it's obvious it isn't going to improve with age. Speaking of age, I am not a teen who is obsessed with speed and action as some reviewers have said people who don't care for this series are. I do like speed and action in its place, but come on.

    I also like Nichole Kidman and used to love Jack Huston, but am not so thrilled with either of them in this project. The entire acting team seems to be phoning it in. And I blame the director for trying to make this an art film rather than a gritty one that it is.

    Hong Kong comes of beautifully, when it wants to and shows its underbelly when appropriate. That's the good part!

    I really did fall asleep 5 times in the latest episode and I had high hopes that that was the final one! It was not, there is one to go. Have no idea if I'll watch it or not. I am not at all married to this series.

    All that said, give it a go! The scenery might just catch your eye! After all, it IS Hong Kong!