• I have always liked movies where the main character is not a person but a heart because that's what gives it a special place in mine, when I can root for every character in it and dissolve myself in the narrative along with them.

    Der Pfad is one of those stories that are simple yet touching, with lots of heart and soul in it and they let you in on its characters with open arms. A boy who takes the hardest path toward becoming a man, a true human being who is so selfless he never once thinks of himself but of those around him - his father, his dog and even a girl he barely knows - he would give all he's got for them to be safe. It's the kind of story so fairytale-like that deep down inside you want it to be real, like the 35th day of May - it doesn't exist but it can happen anytime that you want it to if your heart, mind and soul is in the right place.

    Beautiful landscapes follow the adventures of Rolf, Nuria and Adi on their way to the "promised land" and you step on this path along with them, see them grow and help them find what they are looking for. This is one of the most heartfelt movies I've gotten to watch in a long while; in this sequelomania era movies like Der Pfad really make you remember why you like the art of moving pictures in the first place - they are supposed to make you feel.