
  • Aside from the uninspired writing, I did enjoy watching Silk Road. Story is familiar to most; the story of the guy that created and run the illegal website via the tor network which was selling all kinds of illegal things online... parallel to that was the story of a corrupt cop who was after Silk Road.

    The movie connects both stories and gives us a bit of the cliches that we are used to in this kind of fast-illegal-success story which ends up bad for the protagonist.

    I don't have a particular interest about the clear depiction of this story and how truthful it was presented on screen; I m only interested in the quality of the film and how entertaining it was.

    It is still just a film and not a documentary so adjust your expectations.

    Overall, it's an interesting film to watch on a sleepless night or on a Saturday afternoon and get an idea of the Silk Road story. Also Jason Clarke gives a decent performance here as the cop and makes this film a tad more interesting. However, the writing could have been much better and create a background for the ideological base of the protagonist. Also the dialogues are dull at times and the editing is not helping either. Maybe some more info on the way he created Silk Road would be more interesting for the viewer and also the way he hid himself and the website from the authorities for that long. There are indeed mentions on all the above throughout the film, but they r brushed off rather fast.

    The backbone of the story is nevertheless interesting, so if you start this film, you ll probably stick to it wanting to see how it's gonna play out, even if you kinda know how... Mildly interesting and entertaining, 6/10.