• Let's get something out of the way: yes, this movie is sentimental and formulaic. However, Chadha adds enough Springsteen lyrics, Bollywood musical elements, 80's coming-of-age moments, and political parallels to make all that formulaic sentimentality into something...different. It is a simple and complicated story all at once, partly because the characters are simple and complicated all at once. In other hands, this movie could have been just a musical comedy about a kid overcoming, but I could not help but care - about Javed, about his family, about the town he wanted to escape. I will admit that's partly because I am an absolute sucker for Springsteen, but the movie works regardless. I think? Okay, I am a little biased here. Still, it is not just about Bruce (Bruuuuuuuce!!!). It is also about a filmmaker who gets this place, family, community, and music at a deeper level. Her ability to see through these characters' eyes makes a simple story into something more. Plus, Bruce's old songs and the old prejudices of this film are more relevant than ever.