• Leningrad, 1945. In the aftermath of World War II, within the remaining ruins, two young women, Iya and Masha, try to give a purpose to their meaningless lives. They met at the front during this endless war but they stayed in touch, probably because they felt alone and were desperately disillusioned. They now live in the present, without any perspective for their future that they do not even try to consider. The complete disarray!

    Dylda (2019) is darkly sad, with an extremely but deliberately slow pace. If you are depressed before you even consider this movie, you should probably envisage another viewing. Otherwise, this film is breathtakingly beautiful and is excellently filmed. Moreover, the gorgeous actresses Viktoria Miroshnichenko (Iya) and nm10695947 (Lyubov Petrovna) shine despite a voluntarily sober play.

    As a synthesis: 7/8 of 10