• Yes, I watched this faithfully, for years.

    Groundbreaking, fresh, sensitive.

    Good points: Covered issues very well. Very realistic.

    Concerns: The biggest issue here, is the constant emphasis on Pete Dixon always, and I mean always, being right on everything. I've seen Lloyd on other shows and it is the same. Even on one 222 episode, he and a student actually kiss. When confronted by Liz, he brazenly says, "no, she kissed ME." Constant bravado, and arrogance. This is possibly the writers, but it was awkward in '69, and dates badly.

    This also carries the image of the black sympathizer movement, in that Pete Dixon is the black, therefore he is always right. He shows little respect to Kauffman. 2. The print. The video or however it was shot, has held up badly. 3. Character of Jason. Poorly done. Anger issues, chip on the shoulder, boy trying to make it in the world... Just doesn't fly.

    Things quickly resolve on each episode.

    Still, a good show.