• This film started out interestingly enough, with a family in a cabin in an isolated area beset by a winter storm. In the beginning, there is a couple and a bright little girl. The girl's mother comes to pick her up, leaving the couple on their own. They seem like a very loving couple. Shortly after the girl leaves, the couple come across a woman outside their home, half- frozen in the snow. They bring her in and revive her, but with their car on the blink and also their phone. they cannot summon medical aid for her. With no means of transportation, they must keep her as their guest, until better weather arrives. The interloper, begins displaying unusual behaviour, which over time becomes more and more concerning. The movie is well-acted, and shot, slow ,but with enough tension to hold one's attention. The music is very well done. In the end, it turns into a depressing nightmare, which I found difficult to bear.