• Warning: Spoilers
    The movie had some good ideas and the two lead actors were very good especially mum.

    I thought the book idea was really good but the director never used it to ratchet up the suspense and it ended up going up in flames.

    I liked Mum's novel way of gaining access to her sons locked bedroom. And there were several other good ideas that sadly were never explored.

    The young man was a bit over the top but did a good job. As mum went bonkers his reactions to that were believable so well played the little one.

    The story could have done with being fleshed out a bit more. OK it looked like the Babadook preyed on people who were depressed due to a misfortune and eventually destroyed them. But this was never done that well really and there was little or no real suspense considering they lived in a creepy house.

    The ending made no real sense. You'll never get rid of the Babadook unless you scream really loud at it. The final basement scene was never explained and seemed trite.

    Overall a neat little movie worth a watch but the high ratings here and the hype surrounding the film are undeserved.