
  • Movies have no boundaries or languages. If the movie is gripping and will keep you engaged till the end, I put the movie into the bucket list of good movies. Pizza 2: Villa was just right dose of medicine I needed to get away from the fever of stressful life.

    After his father's demise, a writer moves into the Villa which is the only property left for him in Vizag. However, strange things began to take place which reveals his past as well as future.

    First time director Deepan Chakravarthy does a fabulous work in holding the attention of audience right from the beginning. Once you are into the movie, the chilling and haunting background score along with to-the- details-captured camera work gels well with the mood of the film. The movie does take some time to ponder on you but once it does , tension creates more hysteria. Cinematography is outstanding. Art direction is nice. Kudos for visually appealing CGI. On the flip side, the performance by lead stars Ashok Selvan was not upto the mark. He emoted wooden expression throughout the film. Sanchita Shetty was mediocre.

    Overall, a definite watch if you are looking for some tension-gripping fantasy thriller. Good 3 /5