• I had very high expectations for this show given that it comes from the creators of Archer (which I love) and Eastbound & Down. Unfortunately the flow of the show is very uneven. The production value of the songs is actually very good (Method Man is quite talented), but the storyline presentation and characters fall flat and becomes somewhat boring in places. But what turns me off most of all is the voice work. ChoZen's voice literally began to give me a headache to the point where I almost flipped channels. And someone please explain to me why a great actor like Michael Pena has such an excessive "accent" to his voice. It also becomes very annoying. I realize his character is Hispanic, but he should use his normal speaking voice. It has enough of the Latino accent to make the character work well. They should have ChoZen speak normally in general and play up the rapper voice only when talking to fans, or something along that line. In an animated series the voice work is EVERYTHING. That is one of the reasons Archer works so well because Jon Benjamin is a genius with excellent comedic inflection and timing. I gave it a 5 because of the songs quality (particularly the one at the Student center) and for the shining star that is Danny McBride. His character has the potential to become a Principal Lewis or Krieger. Much potential here to be sure; this could become a hip-hop version of Metalocalypse, but quite a few things need to change.